Another letter to Neiran

May 30, 2007 09:47

Jarvais receives Neiran's reply (here) first, and writes back:

Jarvais idled a moment on the landing, his shoulders tucked against the corner so that anyone ascending or descending the stairwell would have no trouble moving past him. He unfolded the hide, tucking the fine threads with which it had been closed - thinking as little as possible about what they would have been used for otherwise - into his vest pocket.

That Neiran's letter would arrive first shouldn't have surprised him, but Jarvais couldn't help but feel a bemused fascination at the healer's swiftness of reply. That feeling was written plainly enough in a slack-jawed smile, a smile into which he tucked the back of his left thumb's knuckle while reading.

He scanned the letter quickly, then read through it at a somewhat slower pace, still hurrying. By the time he'd come to the closing again he was ready to get moving, and while folding the letter into his vest he started anew climbing the stairs.

Only moments later he was seated in his apartments, quill in hand. Neiran's letter was already filed among the rest of the heir's sorted correspondence; he probably wouldn't need to refer to it in order to compose his reply.


Thank you so much for your letter. It's a pleasure to have word from you.

I have written the Headmaster regarding my intention to attend Caucus again, and I will make an especial point to seek him out at the decennial in order to speak with him on the subject. I wish that I had such a favorable memory of my 'interpersonal skills' as you seem to!

He had been remiss, of course, in not informing Neiran that a letter to Sefton was already underway. Jarvais brushed his chin idly with the feather of the quill, considering whether he should explain this, then dipped the nib and went on.

I have indeed heard of the ethics instructor's passing, and convey my regrets at the loss High Reaches as well as Caucus has suffered. His absence will affect us all.

'Some of us less than others,' thought Jarvais, head shaking. Would there even be someone teaching ethics when he returned to Caucus? It was well-known among the students when he'd been there last turn's end that the old weyrleader had held the first posting of such a title.

Maybe he'd ask Sefton at some point, if he didn't hear from one of the other members first.

On a lighter note, I have to confess that I have no idea what you mean by 'unappealing behaviour at Turn's End'! I look forward to visiting with you and, should we for any reason lack the opportunity to visit at the celebration, we'll just have to do so somewhere else very soon.

Jarvais read over what he'd written, tipping his head so he could scratch his temple with the feather of the quill, then set down the pen and got to his feet. He'd let this one wait a while, just in case it occurred to him to add anything.

He had a bit of a wild hair to dare a letter to the healer's brother. For a time he paced before the fire, composing words in his mind. If he could make it brief, maybe M'eri wouldn't think to harrass the healer about it. He really only needed to know one thing, anyway.

For now, he needed to find his gray coat and finish dressing. Lord Bardo expected him to attend him during today's reconciliation meeting with the steward and headwoman, then - and for this the coat was required - out to the trade hall. There were still occasional shipments going missing on the westward road.

letter, neiran

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