Here is my Club Vivid premiere for this year. It also had the pleasure of being discussed in In-Depth Vid Review at VividCon, yay! The fact that it's mostly a John Hughes tribute is completely accidentally timed.
"Give it Up"
Music: Jimmy Eat World
Source: 80s Movies
Summary: I act as one, but I'm not alone
[here] (51MB, xvid)
password: 80s
I came up like everyone, they taught us all the same
I said what they told me to say, and then from that they grade.
Give up repeating the facts, fact can be arranged
Here I am, I'll take my chance
Now play the record straight.
Give it up!
Oh oh oh...
Give it up!
Oh oh oh...
Talking points from talking heads with automated smiles
There's no higher ground to stand than bottom of the pile.
Give up acting unaware, you can't ignore the crime
The enemy is you as well, the enemy is I
Give it up!
Oh oh oh...
Not in my name, you don't speak for me
I am my voice, and I want to scream
You want my air, you want my life
I act as one, but I'm not alone.
Oh oh oh...
Give it up!
This is the third installment of my happy-go-lucky Club Vivid trifecta (with "Paul McCartney" and "Good"). I like how the tempos have increased down the line, and I hope the quality of my vidding has as well.
This vid, much like "Good," uses source that I have very little emotional connection to. This song moves me very, very deeply in that "tearing up at the bus stop" kind of way. I'd chosen it to vid shortly after I became obsessed with the album, I just had to figure out what source would go best with it. I'm a bit of a cheater when it comes to Club Vivid vids in that I always use source that actually has people dancing in it, so it didn't take me long to get to Footloose and The Breakfast Club. The problem was, I knew they weren't the only films I'd be using, so I had some research to do.
This began as an 80s multi vid with a very, very wide net. I spent about a month rewatching every single 80s high school movie I could get my hands on. (It was good times.) Only, I wasn't finding what I needed. It was the kind of thing where I didn't quite know what I was looking for, but I knew I'd know it when I saw it. In the end, there were only 4 films that really gave me much of anything helpful: the two aforementioned, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and Fast Times at Ridgemont High. (I hadn't seen FTRH before, actually.) It was at that moment that I realized my theme had worked itself out for me: boys rebelling against high school through dance. Beautiful.
The wide net vid scared me shitless, but the 4-movie vid was quite manageable and fell together quite easily. When I'd heard the song before I had a vision in my head of what the vid would look like, I'd always imagined a huge flood of water crashing into the camera lens leading into the bridge, so picture how stoked I was to discover that surfing clip in FTRH. And the feet stomping into the last chorus, which was also exactly what I would have wanted in that spot. Things like that. Most of this vid made itself. The narrative of it was simple, but balancing the 4 films evenly was not. (Lots of Breakfast Club! Not much usable FTRH.) I stuck to my comfortable match-on-action motif and the incline trajectory of my narrative, and the balance seemed to work itself out.
And I want to always remember how my friends circled around me and screamed the lyrics as we danced our hearts out. It was a dream come true. I act as one, but I'm not alone.
Comments are always appreciated, thank you! Enjoy.