year end wrap-up: vids

Dec 18, 2008 11:27

Wow, what a year. 2007 was my first year as a vidder, and though I came into my own I still felt like a newbie at the end of it. I think it's fair to say that I am no longer a newbie, though as always there is still so far to go. But I feel more confident now than I did twelve months ago. Confident in myself, in my abilities, in my community and my place within it. Last year I was seeking to find my voice and establish myself. I do think I built on that this year and allowed myself to try new things. I learned Premiere. I vidded an instrumental. I collaborated. I remained outside my BSG comfort zone. I expanded my horizons and portfolio a bit, and I feel I'm better for it.

My 2008 vids (in order completed)

1) Good
2) Love Turns 40
3) (Out of) Classical Gas
4) Paul McCartney (remaster)
5) Half Acre (with laurashapiro)

What's funny about this list is it's practically identical to my format from last year: Club Vivid, Premieres, a fun vid, a remaster, and a slow song. Those VVC deadlines sure shape so much our of schedule, don't they? Heh. It's important to me that I can look back on my work and be proud of it. I like to think I'm still in my learning curve, but even if/when I plateau, I want to still enjoy my vids for what they are. I love my 2007 vids, but I do think 2008 was a step forward for me, and I am proud of what I accomplished. I set out to make 5 vids at the start, 3 of which actually transpired (the first three listed) and 2 that are pushed to 2009. I also have semi-abandoned vids-in-progress this year for the first time. I will probably pick them back up, but I may not. I realized it's more important to me to get the vids right than to get the vids done. I would rather release fewer vids that I feel strongly about than half-ass anything. My vids are my babies and I just want what's best for them!

Much as favoritism is in my blood, I can't pick a favorite this year. I love Good for how fun it is, how easily it fell into place, and for its musicality, which I feel is one of my strengths as a vidder. I cherish Love Turns 40 for the very fact that I finally got it right, and its reception at VVC made the year of stress and starting over all worth it. I love how it felt to watch Paul McCartney for the first time all over again and the joy of making a good thing even better. I love the simplicity of Half Acre and how Laura and I found a way to say exactly what we wanted. The one vid I have some regrets about is OoCG, I suppose. I wish I'd had more time to sit on it before VVC. I can't pinpoint specific things I would change, but I can't shake the feeling that there was one more draft in there somewhere, that it could be better. Ironically, due to the fact it's a Firefly vid, it's gotten the widest reception and most comments of any of my vids to date. Ah well. What's done is done.

Looking back over my 2007 post, I think I met most or all of my goals for 2008. (If only I could be so productive in my real life.) I stepped up to a non-linear editor and won't go back for anything. I started to break out of my strict metronomic cutting style, particularly in LT40, while still maintaining the musical feel. I expanded my portfolio. I learned to trust myself this year and go with my gut. I backed off on the 4-frame crossfades! Hee. I made myself cut faster, particularly in Good, and I don't look back on any of this year's vids with that familiar "man, I could've done more there" feeling. I'd say my feel for motion strengthened somewhat, though there is always room for improvement. And I think I pushed myself, which was my biggest goal.

My process has become quite different over the last year. Now that I'm using Avisynth within Premiere, I'm no longer making my massive spreadsheets of clip databases. I have a much better eye for what clips look like that I would actually use, so my ratio of unused:used ripped clips has decreased dramatically. I think I'm vidding faster in terms of laying clips down and producing drafts, but I'm vidding less frequently from month to month. I spent far less time in Premiere this year than in Ulead last year. Part of that is due to the ease of the programs and my improvement as a vidder, but my energy flow really played a big part this year as well. I went through steeper peaks and valleys, not wanting to even think about vidding for months at a time and then cranking out a full draft a day. I find I also have far less patience for what feel like overwhelmingly large projects in my mind. I think back to how much work went into outlining Falling From the Sky (as painstakingly detailed in that ridiculous commentary, my apologies), and my brain cries at the thought of taking on something like that again. I want to watch those vids, I just don't want to make them, hee. I'm hopeful that I just need time to come back around, and I trust that I will take on big projects like that again when the time is right.

Like many artists in their sophomore year, my ongoing struggle was to believe in my unique voice and style (even just trusting that I have one in the first place). I'm an interesting mix of confidence and insecurity just in life in general, and as far as vidding is concerned, this year was a big confidence boost. Being featured in the MIT documentary was a tremendous experience and helped me believe that what I have to contribute to the community is valid and valuable. I wasn't scared to show my vids at VVC this year. One of them finally surpassed the elusive 100-comment mark. Falling From the Sky won two awards at The Fourth Wall. I'm getting requests to put out a dvd soon (and I'm planning on it). And certainly the most exciting thing, people were willing to collaborate with me! Good people! People way better than me! And they seem to think I don't entirely suck! Woohoo! I have gone from someone too scared to even talk to people at VVC to someone who can at least say "hi" now. That is progress.

My goals for 2009 are mostly around the idea of maintenance. I seem to be on a pretty steady track so far, and I want to keep moving forward doing what I'm doing. I want to keep expanding my scope and trying new things. I want to keep following my energy flow and not get down on myself if I go months at a time without feeling like vidding, especially since I will soon be busy with school. I want to keep trusting myself and gain steadier footing in my decisions. I want to keep growing and learning.

One specific goal I have is to collaborate more. Not just because it's a hell of a lot of fun, which it is, but because it was a damn good educational experience. I know a lot of people start in collaborations and then branch out to solo work, but I'm glad I went the opposite route. I needed to develop a sense of what I could bring to the table before entering a partnership with someone. Now I have a good feel for who I want to collaborate with on particular projects and how we can complement each other. In the past I didn't want to collaborate because I am selfish and assumed I would end up compromising too much in order to please the other person. The end vid wouldn't be as good as whatever I could make on my own. I am so, so glad that laurashapiro stepped in to show me how wrong I was. I see now that the end result is directly reflected in who you partner with and how you work together and communicate. When she sent me long lists of notes for changes to a draft, I would feel my guard come up and my stubborn pride kick in. At times I had to make a conscious effort to see her notes for what they were - not criticism, but opportunities for improvement - and by god, the vid ended up being so much better for it. Checking myself from time to time was very healthy and needed, and I want to keep myself open to that challenge again moving forward. I also want to provide the people I collaborate with the same honesty and constructive attitude Laura gave me. I have collabs with bananainpyjamas and sweetestdrain already in the works, and I am so excited to see those vids.

Another goal is to judge each vid on its own merits, not against the vid that came before it. I want to grow as a vidder, yes, but I don't want to fall into the trap of always thinking my next vid has to be "better." I don't want to set the bar higher than I can reach. I want to make each vid be the best that it can be and do as much as I can with it regardless of where it may fall in my path. As I said before, my retrospective view isn't primarily "have I improved?" it's "do I like what I've done?"

I'm hesitant to set a goal to specifically learn more effects or techniques in Premiere (or to learn After Effects). Those seem to come on their own accord. I suppose my goal will be to not back down from learning something new if it's what the vid needs.

I am also looking to release my first dvd for VVC 09. My goal is to have 15 vids on it. (I have 12 at the moment.) Possible/upcoming projects for next year so far: Jimmy Eat World Club Vivid vid, BSG collab with DC, Farscape collab with Morgan, Landry/Tyra vid, Spike LKBV, Sorkin meta vid. I'm curious to see which of those actually transpire and whatever else I may pick up along the way, especially since I still have no idea what to do for Premieres.

So, yes. 2007 = good, 2008 = somehow even better, and who knows what 2009 will bring. I am optimistic.

vidding wip, year end

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