[icons] Arashi, Kanjani8, NEWS

Jun 15, 2011 17:52

Megint nagyon régen nem volt iconos postom - viszont vigasztaljon mindenki a tudat (többek közt engem is), hogy most bőven kitettem magamért. Készen van 300 darab icon, ebből ti most 208 darabot fogtok látni :D A másik adag is jön nemsokára, aggodalomra semmi ok.

Hi, everybody ♥
I'm so crazy, really x'D I decided I'll make icons because of summertime. And I wanted to make it special. Well, I brought almost 210 icons to you XDDDD
I made Arashi, Kanjani8 and News icons <3 I've never made Arashi & Kanjani before but I love both of them so much, so... I think they deserve it :)
The rules didn't change. Please, a little respect, okay?

- Please, if you're taking from them, drop me here a comment!
- All icons are mine. Don't steal them!
- Credit me ♥

Arashi {56}
Kanjani8 {58}
News {99}
Summary: 213



[Aiba Masaki x 13]

[Matsumoto Jun x 7]

[Ninomiya Kazunari x 9]

[Ohno Satoshi x 6]

[Sakurai Sho x 10]

[Pairings x 11]


[Ohkura Tadayoshi x 22]

[Others x 11]

[Group & Pairings x 25]


[Kato Shigeaki x 20]

[Masuda Takahisa x 6]

[Nishikido Ryo x 33]

[Tegoshi Yuya x 10]

[Yamashita Tomohisa x 14]

[Pairings x 10]

I love comments. Really.

group: kanjani, group: news, group: arashi, graphics: icons

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