I can believe it ♥ I mean, I haven't heard every song of the album yet, but this one is damn good *_________*
It is ROCKISH! I almost fell off the chair when I heard this first time. Shit, Yamapi always can grab me tightly time to time X'D This is a very good song, and sure, he's still not the best singer I've ever heard, but there is something in his voice... oh, god. I'm sorry, I can talk about Yamapi for days, when I have this fever XD
Do you have this song? I mean, may I ask you to send it to me in mail? :'D I'm not sure I need the whole album, most of my friends say that the album is not the best.
You may, but rather DOWNLOAD THE ALBUM! It's so damn good, I had a Yamapi fever, too, during the summer thanks to it. xD There're only two two songs I don't really like, but I LOVE all the others! Superbad might be still a little better, but for me Ero was one of the best albums from 2012. It has a lot of different genre on it, maybe that's why your friends had problems with it, but I find it awesome. VERY awesome. <333
Then... give me a link to the album? X'D I'm sorry, I'm not in the wide fandom anymore, and I don't know where I could download it. I'll give a chance to this album, then. It's possible I'd like most of the songs, too :D
Ez meg még ezen kívül 2-3 nagyon tetszik az albumról. A többi, well. Nem nekem való. De ez meg a Hit the wall, ahogy egymás után jönnek <3 Két különböző stílus, de nagyon és mégis... kurvajók~~~ Ez meg főleg, mert szokatlan tőle az ilyen, és remekül illik a hangjához.
Amint sikerül azt is meghallgatnom, majd mondom a véleményem :D Egyelőre csak ezt a számot ismerem az albumról, de ezt most nagyon XD Ó, illetve egy balladát is, de nagyon hosszú a neve, meg nem mondanám most neked. A szokatlan nem kifejezés *____* Viszont el tudnám viselni, ha kicsit erre felé mozdulna a stílusa. Jót tenne neki is szerintem.
Comments 19
When I heard it for the first time, I needed to check if a random American alternative rock song surely didn't get mixed in the player by accident. :D
It is ROCKISH! I almost fell off the chair when I heard this first time. Shit, Yamapi always can grab me tightly time to time X'D
This is a very good song, and sure, he's still not the best singer I've ever heard, but there is something in his voice... oh, god.
I'm sorry, I can talk about Yamapi for days, when I have this fever XD
Do you have this song? I mean, may I ask you to send it to me in mail? :'D I'm not sure I need the whole album, most of my friends say that the album is not the best.
Ez a szám nagyon ♥
A szokatlan nem kifejezés *____* Viszont el tudnám viselni, ha kicsit erre felé mozdulna a stílusa. Jót tenne neki is szerintem.
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