With 12 days later I could do it!

Aug 12, 2012 21:32

Finally, I could make the new layout. Yes, the layout for august. Yes, I am very ashamed and I'm sorry, but I couldn't do it for a while. I was in a big... trouble. You know, I wanted to make it, but every try made a horrible result. But tonight it succeeded! I'm a superhero ( Read more... )

my otp: destiel, myself: design

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Comments 8

hanmichi August 12 2012, 19:41:56 UTC
Volt egyszer Shige is~~ :D
Szépek a színek, nekem egy nyári naplemente jutott először eszembe. :) És tetszenek ezek az egyenes csíkok, amik elválasztják a színeket. :)


jarithka August 12 2012, 20:16:24 UTC
Ó, valóban, szegény Shige ;___; Mindjárt kiegészítem a postot :D Köszönöm.
KÖSZÖNÖM. Ezzel is kiegészítem XD Ahh, áldás vagy, hogy mindig kommentelsz ezekre a postokra ♥
Valami kellett, hogy a kép ne nézzen ki olyan hülyén, ezért a csíkok, de ez most nekem is tetszik :) Nem lett túl bonyolult, de mégis. ♥


bunny_alice August 12 2012, 20:25:48 UTC
you can make really good layouts viki!! ♥
loved the colours, the caption and the pic!! i love "brownish" pics!! very cool!! ;D


jarithka August 12 2012, 21:09:16 UTC
Thank you so much, Bunny ♥♥♥ /hugs you/
I'm so happy you love it and you don't mind the colours and anything at all about it *____* ♥


bunny_alice August 13 2012, 01:38:18 UTC
on the contrary! i love everything about it! ♥


jarithka August 13 2012, 09:22:59 UTC
Thank you so much ♥
Ahh, your icon has similar colours to my layout *____*


csaca August 13 2012, 05:42:57 UTC
"Hope nobody minds it." Seriously, is it your blog or everyone else's? :P Like the colours a lot~ Late august feelings.


jarithka August 13 2012, 09:25:54 UTC
It is mine :'D But I love knowing what people think about it XD I mean, once, when I had that pink-blue coloured Ryo layout, Eszti told me she couldn't read my posts when I made a cut, because she had to open my lj and she couldn't stand it XDDDD It'd be a little... suck, if everybody didn't read my posts because of my layout XD;;
Yeah~ It's like a farewell. It's possible I'll keep this layout in September, too, if I'm not getting fed up with it.


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