Title: Better Part of Valour
Continuity: G1 - VolatilityAU
Rating: G
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Megatron, Soundwave, implied Red Alert/Wheeljack
Word Count: 198
Warnings: None
Summary: Even Megatron is finally seeing the wisdom of leaving the insane engineer alone
Notes: Part of the Volatility Au - wherein Wheeljack and
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Comments 5
Jack: You know, that's not very nice.
Cons look up in various states of distress, Red stops struggling and just grins.
Jack: So, are you going to play nice? (reaches into his subspace)
Starscream: Yes, here (shoves Red towards Jack) he's all yours.
Red: Yes, I am (snuggles up against Jack)
Jack smiles pleasantly and turns to leave.
Soundwave: Quarry: How did Wheeljack know?
Jack grinned over his shoulder, Red snuggled against his side: Bonds are good like that.
thinking back to Defensor, Bruticus and the sparking box
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