My Porn Battle fics

Feb 14, 2014 07:56

 I haven't been posting my fics for Porn Battle as I go along because of the time constraints at the moment, so here's the official guide:

Veronica Mars: Veronica/Weevil, Snake in the Grass. Rating: E. "Sex lies coiled between them like a serpent." 1087w.

The Avengers: Natasha/Clint, Natasha/Thor, Steve/Clint.  Things sweeter than syrup. Rating: E. " ( Read more... )

veronica mars, miles matheson, porn battle, fandom: x-men, fandom: the avengers, fandom: veronica mars, fandom: revolution, charlie matheson, natasha romanov, eli navarro

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Comments 3

vikingprincess February 14 2014, 01:35:58 UTC
Hey! Long time no see - I don't think I've seen a post from you since before Xmas, and I know you were away from the net for quite a while there. I'll get to these stories eventually, but in the meantime:

I hope you had excellent holidays, and I've missed you, and yay for you for creating so much for Porn Battle! *hugs*


jaq_of_spades February 15 2014, 07:13:14 UTC
*hugs you back* I often go quiet in the school holidays because GIRLS and it's been pretty full on ever since they went back - both trying to write and also a MOOC I'm doing, John Hawks' Human Evolution course. The brain is creaking a bit in my old age ;)

How's work treating you? And your life on the farm? Watched any more VM? (Now's the time with the movie now ONE MONTH away!!!!)

Enjoy the fics!


vikingprincess February 16 2014, 21:58:12 UTC
Work is meh (they keep changing their stories on future pay/incentives in my district, and working hard to take away teacher rights across the nation). Land: We're gearing up to clear some land and build the barn this spring/summer. No more VM of late, but I know you're thrilled for the movie!

I will. Just, probably not today. *sighs*

EDIT: I lied. I went ahead and read all three (your link to the Avengers one doesn't work, by the way). I really can't decide which one is hottest, because they're all amazing in their own ways, and have some fan-fucking-tastic (pun intended) character work going on, too. Go you!


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