the raichu clause ; sechen ; [pikachu sequel]

Apr 12, 2015 17:32

Title: The Raichu Clause
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sehun/Jongdae, mentionned!Kyungsoo/Jongin, trying-to-get-in-junmyeon's-pants!Baekhyun
Wordcount: 4,381
Warning: first of all, trying-to-get-in-junmyeon's-pants!Baekhyun (i think it needs to be emphasized), then, unbetaed, smut, language, dumb and more dumb
Disclaimer: NO POKEMONS WERE HARMED DURING THE PROCESS. EXO belongs to themselves and SME
Notes: Sequel to The Pikachu theorem, because Poh likes Pikachu and Sechen, and she wanted more. This is my humble gift to Oh Sehun for his birthday. Sehunnie, you got to do adult things with Chenie Chenie Chen Jongdae Hyung, don't thank me, it was my pleasure.
Summary: Leveled up!

When Sehun opens the door, feeling like he's carrying around a time bomb in his paper bag, he's met with the sight of Jongdae spread out on his bed, thick specs on the bridge of his nose as he squints his eyes at the heavy book he's reading. He wears one of Sehun's hoodie, and the sleeves are so long that only the tip of his fingers are visible, but Sehun still can make out the curves and the lines of Jongdae's silhouette under the layers. His hipbones are jutting sharply, and the creases of the hoodie following his torso make his waist look even slimer than it really is. Sehun can't do nothing about the faint smile he feels pulling up at the corner of his lips, and even if he could, he wouldn't anyway. He can already feel some of the tension in his shoulders fading away, just at the sight of Jongdae.

“Where's Baekhyun?” he cautiously asks as he walks to the bed.

Sehun always asks, because Baekhyun happens to be a sneaky bastard, and one of his favorite pranks might be spying on them, and embarrassing Sehun in front of their friends afterwards. He was there, snickering in the closet, when Sehun said I love you for the first time, and he made it sound so funny when he told everyone that even Kyungsoo ended up crying from all the laughing. Sehun is still plotting his revenge.

“That ass,” Jongdae smiles, eyes still glued to the book, “is probably trying to woo Junmyeon again because, and I'm quoting him there, 'it was the best sex ever and it needs to happen again.'”

Jongdae puts the book down against his chest as he looks up to Sehun, still grinning. He smiles with his whole face, with so many tiny details that still rain hard on Sehun and make his heart falters, even though it's been months. It's hard to pay attention to Jongdae's words when his own brain is going crazy over pointy teeth, sharp cheekbones and eyebrows disappearing behind too-long bangs, but at least he's finally learned to hide the lovestruck face.

“Let's be real though, how can that be true?” Jongdae continues, unaware of Sehun's internal struggles. “I'm pretty sure wearing that much tweed makes you lame in bed. Baekhyun was probably drunker than he thinks.”

Sehun lets out a small chuckle as he sits down next to the bed. The paper bag he's still holding feels heavier than it really is, and also so much bigger. He spends the next two minutes groaning as he tries and tries to push it under the bed, to hide the evidence, and since all of his brain isn't taken over by the nervous breakdown he can already taste on the tip of his tongue yet, he also blushes, aware of Jongdae's gaze on him. Jongdae doesn't question him. He sits up, crossing his legs on the bed, and chooses to silently run his fingers through Sehun's hair instead, lightly scrapping behind his ear when Sehun lets out a noise somewhere between a yelping and a low grumble. He finally gives up, hits the bag for dramatic effects and lets his forehead fall against the bed. Jongdae's fingers are soothing against his neck, delicate and warm.

“So, how was lunch with Kyungsoo and Jongin?” Jongdae asks, in that … weird bubbling voice of his. He never comes to Sehun with strong questions and inquiries, even that time, when Sehun barged in his room a couple of weeks ago, flushed from all the running and looking scared for life. No, Jongdae acts if nothing happened, but his voice gets lighter, warmer. It reminds Sehun of birds' chirping. When Jongdae starts talking like that, Sehun knows he's doomed and he'll end up confessing another stupid embarrassing moment, hence the second groan he's now muffling against the mattress.

“Terrible,” he mumbles, and Jongdae's fingers start moving again, leaving Sehun's nape to slide down his jawline. Sehun looks up when Jongdae presses his hand under his chin.

“Terrible because...?”

Sehun sighs and grabs Jongdae's hand. Jongdae's face is distracting, with his oh-so-dark eyes, the eternal curl of his lips, and the galaxy of little moles under his eyesbrow, so Sehun always talks to his boyfriend's hands. They're nice, warm and as attractive as Jongdae's face, but they're also what Jongdae uses the most with him. They press comforting explosions of feelings against Sehun's waist when Jongdae hugs him from the side, they slide up his body in the tenderest way, always looking for Sehun's hands or thighs under the table during lunch, and they always find the best spots to nest on Sehun's body, making his blood boil and burn. They come with a strong feeling of reassurance, and Sehun has found out that they were also the best at easing the creases in his mind.

“They're so in love,” he finally blurts out. Jongdae doesn't say anything. He lets Sehun play with his fingers, but Sehun has learned that it came with a price. And the price is to keep talking. “Like, Kyungsoo let Jongin feed him. Do Kyungsoo let. Someone. Feed him.”

“Yeah,” Jongdae chuckles. “That must have been scary.”

Sehun keeps silent for a while, index finger following Jongdae's palm lines. He can't help but think about Junmyeon, and the hundreds of questions he would have thrown at him already, worry looking so ugly on his face. He thinks about Jongin who gives the best teddy bear hugs, so overwhelming they tend to burry his words, and about Kyungsoo, with the hard eye rolls, but the understanding glances. It's funny, kind of ironical, that Jongdae's reactions are always so on point, because they're the scariest to Sehun. Jondgae just waits, and Sehun can't run. Sometimes it takes hours, but the words always go past his lips eventually.

“It's just...,” Sehun finally whispers. He sighs and closes his eyes, fingers stopping on Jongdae's knuckles. “I've never let you feed me.”

“That's because you're too tall, I can't reach your mouth,” Jongdae jokes.

Sehun snorts, in a poor attempt to look unimpressed, but there's already a tiny smile creeping on his face. Jongdae beams at him, satisfied, and leans down to press a quick kiss on Sehun's forehead.

“No but seriously,” Sehun says, eyes back on Jongdae's hand. “You should have seen them. It's been two months already, but they still act so lovesick. I've known Jongin forever and I never thought he'd be so... boyfriend material.”

Jongdae's second hand softly cards through Sehun's hair, and Sehun presses his cheek on Jongdae's other hand with a deep sigh.

“I'm a terrible boyfriend, aren't I?”

Jongdae's grip turns pressing and almost too strong on his neck, so Sehun looks up, still using Jongdae's hand as a pillow.

“Not liking PDA doesn't make you a terrible boyfriend,” Jongdae scowls him. He pauses and keeps going with a pleased smile. “It just means I can keep you all for myself. People look at you too much already.”

Sehun straigthens to grab the paper bag, still between his crossed legs. He spills its contents onto the bed, wincing at the literal rain of yellow between him and Jongdae. He wanted to prove his point, but now that he's staring at all the Pikachu stuff he bought, the only thing he feels is the burn of the heavy blush blooming on his cheeks. Jongdae rummages through the keychains, couple phone cases and stickers with wide eyes.

“Okay,” he says, taking a yellow pencil with a Pikachu shapped eraser to take a closer look at it. “You freaked out, didn't you?”

“A wee bit?” Sehun tries to fake nonchalance, but with the blush, and the Pikachu goods on the bed, it turns out harder than expected. He deflates. “They had Pikachu keychains on their phones. Pikachu is our thing. They can't be a better couple than we are and have Pikachu.”

“A better couple?” Jongdae laughs. “Please. We're amazing.” He raises his index finger. “Nay, we're fabulous.”

“Yeah, because that's so obvious,” Sehun deadpans, eyes running over the Pikachu things he got. God, he even bought some Pikachu briefs. Jongdae follows his gaze and chuckles when his eyes fall on the briefs.

“Look Sehunnie, if it wasn't for us Jongin and Kyungsoo wouldn't even be together. Jongin wouldn't have had the guts to finally ask Kyungsoo out, and they'd both be miserable.” He tests the resilience of the briefs and hands them to Sehun. “They would look really good on you.”

“Hyung please,” Sehun whines, hiding behind his hands and Jongdae cackles. He puts the briefs down, and gently strokes Sehun's hands.

“Baekhyun would still be sleeping around instead of chasing Junmyeon, and Junmyeon...” Jongdae pauses. “Okay, Junmyeon would probably be happier without Baekhyun constantly trying to get in his pants, but Baekhyun is definitely having a lot of fun thanks to us, so... Forget about Pikachu, baby. We're like... the upgraded version of Pikachu.”

Sehun looks up from behind his hands. “Raichu? We're Raichu?”

Jongdae beams at him. “You know Pikachu's evolved form,” he coos. “How can you say you're the worst boyfriend ever.”

Sehun sighs, but Jongdae's loud voice and million-watt smiles already got to him. He shakes his head when Jongdae pokes his nose with the Pikachu eraser, lips curled up in a pout that looks both cute and terribly hot. It's the Jongdae curse, as Sehun likes to call it, crashing Sehun under too many feelings no one can feel at the same time without exploding. Jongdae is almost disappearing in Sehun's large hoodie which makes him look even smaller than he is, but at the same time, Sehun gets flashes of Jongdae's body at every movement of his torso, the hoodie sticking to his skin. He reaches out while Jongdae is busy making the eraser hops all over his face with high-pitched Pikachu noises, and slides his fingers under the hem of the hoodie. Jongdae doesn't wear any shirt under, and his skin immediately reacts to Sehun's light touches, retracting under his fingers at first and then pressing against his palm as Jongdae leans in with a smile.

“You know,” Jongdae says with a fond smile that doesn't match his burning eyes. “You got me all those Pikachu things, and, well, you know the rules.”

Sehun smiles when Jongdae brushes a strand of hair away from his face, and leans down to press a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Actually,” he retorts against Jongdae's lips, skin already set alight by the mere idea of kissing Jongdae's smile, “I kinda want to change the rule today. Just a bit.”

Jongdae raises his eyebrows at him, but Sehun doesn't bother answering. He grabs Jongdae's thighs and shifts him slightly on the bed so that Jongdae is facing him, with his legs on either side of Sehun. When Sehun looks up, Jongdae is looking at him with expectation, the black in his eyes already two shades darker and hypnotizing. He bites his lower lip and puts the Pikachu pencil away.

“I don't think Pikachu should see what's about to happen,” he smirks. “I'm not sure how age works for pokemons, but Pikachu is probably too young.”

Sehun smiles as he gets on his knees. He keeps one of his hand firmly pressed against Jongdae's thigh while the other one slightly tugs on one of Jongdae's sleeves. Sehun is much broader than Jongdae, so the hoodie falls over Jongdae's shoulder, hanging loosely on his arm as a white collarbone reveals itself to Sehun. He smiles and wets his lips, knowing that Jongdae's heavy eyes are following the tip of his tongue, and Jongdae inhales loudly when their eyes finally meet.

“Definitely PG-P. Pikachu rated.”

Sehun presses a light kiss on the galaxy of moles under Jongdae's brow and moves down to talk directly into his ear. “Stop talking, Jongdae.”

Jongdae turns his head, and captures the last intonations of his name with a heated kiss. He wraps one of his legs around Sehun's waist, cupping the latter's face as he leans down to deepen the kiss, and Sehun gladly lets him take the lead until Jongdae's hands get a little too overwhelming under the collar of his shirt. He breaks the kiss and drags his lips down Jongdae's throat until he reaches his collarbone while he curls his hand against Jongdae's nape. They've been together for eight month already, and even though Sehun still feels like he has a lot to learn about Jongdae, because Jongdae has so much to offer, there are some things he figured out quickly about his boyfriend. Jongdae never stops moving, whether he's sleeping or not. His shoulders vibrate when he's happy, he stomps his feet, he bends over when he laughs and his hands draw invisible lines when he talks. When Sehun kisses him and Jongdae kisses back, his body reacts to the kiss as well. It presses against Sehun's, seizes the space between them, and his hands take over every little curve, grasp everything they can grasp. It used to be intimidating for Sehun, because he felt like he couldn't possibly please Jongdae the way the older male needed him to, but he's learned eventually how to take care of Jongdae's eagerness for attention. Now, the thing he likes the most is tearing Jongdae apart, piece by piece, touch after touch, and witnessing him losing it instead of begging for more.

Jongdae mouthes his name while Sehun sucks on his collarbone, his hand still scraping lightly the back of Jongdae's head. He slides his other hand up Jongdae's thigh but doesn't stop there despite the impatient buck of Jongdae's hips, burying it under the hoodie instead. He feels Jongdae's fast breathing on the warm skin of his abdomen, and provokes the first moan when his fingers graze Jongdae's nipple. It sets his own guts on fire, turns his blood into liquid lava, and the burn of arousal, biting and thumping through his whole body, has him closing his teeth on Jongdae's collarbone. Jongdae moans for the second time, and Sehun knows he'll be lost before he'll make it to five.

Sehun slowly unzips the hoodie, kissing every bit of white skin flashing at him as he does, Jongdae's eyes heavy on him. It's another Jongdae thing that used to make Sehun so nervous at first, how Jongdae would follow each of one his movement with dark hooded eyes, his round irises eagerly taking in every little details, leaving Sehun no room for mistakes. Now, it makes everything hot, burning hot, from the air Sehun tries to breathe in between kisses to his own skin that feels heavier on his bones. When he reaches Jongdae's pants, the latter is clenching his fingers on one of Sehun's hands, securely keeping it stuck against his thigh. Sehun is lost, even before Jongdae's third moan.

Jongdae cups his face and pulls him up for a passionate kiss that burns the frontiers and what was left of their shared desire to take it slow, to make it last. Sehun grabs Jongdae by the waist and slides him up the bed, Jongdae's leg around his waist forcing him to follow. Their bodies crash together, and Jongdae pulls him down for another kiss. Sehun lets him take the lead, welcoming Jongdae's tongue in his mouth as he runs his palms down Jongdae's sides, spreading the hoodie further apart. When his fingers reach Jongdae's pants again, Jondgae curls his fingers in Sehun's hair, breaking the kiss to look at him. Their eyes meet, and it's laced with lust, but Sehun still takes the time to leave tiny kisses all over Jongdae's face, his own lips curling up in a little smile when Jongdae chuckles. He unbuttons Jongdae's pants kissing his eyelid, slides his hand in his boyfriend's boxers nuzzling his cheekbone, and drags his fingers along Jongdae's cock Eskimo kissing him. Jongdae's fingers tighten on his nape and he parts his lips with a hoarse moan.

“Sehun,” he breathes out, and the throb Sehun can feel against his palm has him licking the corner of Jongdae's lips.

He slides down Jongdae's body, leaving a trail of kisses behind, and the lower Sehun gets, the more urging Jongdae's hand feels on him, to the point that when Sehun finally reaches Jongdae's lower abdomen with the tip of his tongue, Jongdae is spreading his pants further apart, strained moans raining from his mouth. When Sehun looks up, Jongdae is already looking down at him, blown-out pupils eagerly staring at Sehun's lips while he pulls his dick out of his underwear. He's so dominant, almost predatory with the way he's now licking his lips, but it goes so well with his pointy teeth and the feline curl of his lips that Sehun can't stop staring even when Jongdae presses his hand harder on his neck. There's a flash of raw frustration lighting up Jongdae's pupils, and he whines, back at being pliant, eager, and at Sehun's mercy.

“Sehun, please,” Jongdae begs in a drawn-out whimper, and Sehun gladly obliges.

He takes Jongdae's hand away from his cock and keeps it in his, even when Jongdae tries to pull away, moaning at the loss. He curls his hand so tightly in Sehun's hair that the latter winces slightly at the pain, but it mingles in the most pleasant way with the ache in his pants and the loud thumping of his heart, so Sehun doesn't pull away. He intertwines he and Jongdae's fingers, and presses the back of Jongdae's hand on his boyfriend's chest so he can tease his nipple without letting go of Jongdae's hand.

Jongdae lets out a drawn-out moan that dies somewhere in the back of his throat when Sehun finally runs his tongue along the length of his cock. He's already lightly thrusting up, silently begging for more, but Sehun wants to make it good for him, so he takes his time. He's so hard that it's painful, even when he rubs his clothed crotch against the mattress, desperate for some friction; but Jongdae's voice dropping a few octaves as Sehun licks a thick vein up his length makes it all worth it. His boyfriend is starting to writhe, twisting his torso ever so slightly and arching his back as Sehun takes the head of his cock between his lips, and he knows it means that Jongdae is falling apart under his ministrations. It gives him a strong sense of pride, knowing that he's good to Jongdae, and he moans around Jongdae's cock, wanting to show him that he's enjoying it too. Blunt nails press hard against his neck when he finally bobs down, and he looks up, enjoying the way Jongdae's head tilts back under the wave of pleasure Sehun can actually feel throbbing on his tongue. From this angle, Jongdae is all chiseled lines and sharp angles. His hipbones are jutting out of flushed skin, and Sehun can make out his ribs pressing against the smooth skin of his chest, going up and down with Jongdae's fast breathing. When he hollows his cheeks and sucks harder, Jongdae disentangles their fingers and presses Sehun's hand against his nipple, eyes shut and lips parted on noises that don't go past his throat anymore, stuck because of the lack of oxygen.

Sehun's fingers linger on the base of Jongdae's cock, where his mouth doesn't always reach, and he draws hollow whimpers from his boyfriend with every squeeze. His fingers are as eager as his tongue is, and they wander on Jongdae's balls, on the inside of his thighs and the curve of Jongdae's ass while his tongue teases the slit of Jongdae's dick, or curls around its head. Jongdae is undulating now, thrusting up and making sure Sehun doesn't move with his hand still curled in his hair, and Sehun lets him run after his complexion, his own body responding to Jongdae's every movement with desperate bucks of his hips. He knows Jongdae is close when he feels his lower abdomen tighten under his palm so he grabs Jongdae's hip, thumb following the lines of Jongdae's muscles, and he pinches Jongdae's nipple, provoking a never ending shudder that digs holes between Jongdae's ribs. The latter suddenly stops moving, body tense with what's about to him, and Sehun moans when he feels Jongdae's toes curling against his sides. Jongdae comes in his mouth with the longest and most obscene moan Sehun has ever heard, and he nearly passes out from the feeling of having Jongdae's body tightening all around him, legs locking him between his thighs and fingers scrapping his head. He swallows, lightheaded, and feeling like his skin is on fire. His body hurts, his bones are melting with the lava running through his veins, and he's only half aware of what he's doing when he presses a desperate open-mouthed kiss on Jongdae's hipbone, moaning with the friction of his hips rutting against the matress.

There's a littany of Sehun, Sehun, Sehun, Sehun leaving Jongdae's mouth that barely gets to Sehun's ears as he nips Jongdae's lower abdomen, the tip of his tongue teasing Jongdae's belly button. He's being burned alive, he's losing it, and it hurts, or it's terribly good, Sehun isn't actually sure, but the only thing he knows, is that he needs to slide his hand down his pants. Quickly. So when Jongdae suddenly grabs his wrist and topples him over, Sehun feels like crying. He manages to make out blown-out irises and carnivorous smiles before Jongdae presses his face in Sehun's neck.

“You're so hard, Sehunnie,” Jongdae marvels, with a hint of something else in his voice, something heavy and dark.

Sehun lets out a noise half between a sob and a moan when Jongdae licks his lips, the tip of his tongue grazing Sehun's neck.

“You like it when I moan? Is that why you're so hard, Hunnie?” Jongdae enquires, his breath on Sehun's skin so hot that Sehun can picture blisters following Jongdae's light -too light- lickings.

He can't answer, because Jongdae's hand is already in his pants, stroking him hard and fast, and oxygen is rushing out of his lungs in weak whimpers. Jongdae brings his devilish lips closer to his ear, and moans in his ear, hoarse and low moans that throw Sehun off the edge. He grips Jongdae's biceps, white filling his vision, and blacks out with the the sudden pull of Jongdae's fingers curling in his hair. The only thing he registers while he's coming hard in Jongdae's hand, is the heavy litany of Sehun, Sehun, Sehun, Sehun in his ear, immediately followed by butterfly kisses along his jawline.

It feels like hours later when he's finally able to breathe again and take in his surroundings. His body is so heavy, still shivering from time to time with the aftermath of his orgasm, but he's warm and comfortable. There's a faint scent of vanilla shampoo and another heart beating loudly against his chest, warm skin under his fingertips and long lashes fluttering against his neck. Jongdae is straddling him, curled up against his chest and his knees on either side of Sehun's hips, buried under the hoodie he finally took off and used as a blanket on them. He's so small, a tiny bump on Sehun's chest, but the way he's wrapped all over him, both of his hands pressed between his cheek and Sehun's collarbone drowns Sehun with love and affection. Jongdae is cuddling him, protective and loving, and Sehun is so in love that it hurts. He hugs his boyfriend closer, heart swelling, and for once, words come on their own, without any barriers and heaviness attached to them.



Sehun opens his eyes wide, body tensing at Baekhyun's recognizable obnoxious voice.

“Please, tell me he hasn't been behind the door all this time?” he whispers to Jongdae, horrified.

Jongdae flashes him a mischievous smile and presses his finger on Sehun's lips, with a tilt of his head towards to door to silently ask him to listen.

“So, unless you want to walk on Jongdae and Sehun being naked and probably sticky too -which, and I can't emphasize this enough because someone's gonna say I'm obsessed with Jongdae's dick again, would be a bad idea- then I guess I can't show you my paper now, hyung. So, and I'm saying this totally out of the blue, we could, I don't know, go to your place?”

Sehun frowns but freezes when he hears Junmyeon's awkward chuckles on the other side of the door. Jongdae laughs against his neck, low and kind of strained, which reminds Sehun of the amazing sex they've just had, and it makes him blush as much as it makes him smile proudly.

“Rest assured baby, you can't be the worst boyfriend ever,” Jongdae chuckles. “Not as long as Byun Baekhyun lives.”

Sehun snorts, but doesn't answer, because it's funnier to listen to Junmyeon try to get himself out of the dangerous Baekhyun situation he's facing with badly phrased sentences and too much stuttering for his excuses to sound remotely true. Sehun sighs, and tightens his hold around Jongdae's waist, the warmth all around them heavy and hypnotizing, bordering on sleepiness.

“Man, they all suck,” Jongdae whispers. He muffles a yawn against Sehun, and nuzzles his neck with a pleased smile afterwards. “We're definitely the best couple.”

Sehun chuckles, eyes already closed. He puts his palm on the back of Jongdae's head, stroking lightly his hair, just enough to have another wave of vanilla shampoo scent hitting him, and he falls asleep before he can agree.

(“No, really, I can't let you come, I-- My, uh... my room is super messy.”

“Do you really think mentioning your bedroom to me will make me go away, hyung?”

“I... have lice?”

“Oh yeah, you dirty boy.”

“Baekhyun, I'm your teacher.”

“Are you trying to tell me you have a sonsengnim kink?”


“I hate you.”)

(now watch me plotting the subaek side story for Cla)
once again happy birthday maknae, i love you take care of you, be happy and smiling *kisses*

rating: nc-17, length: oneshot, pairing: chen/sehun, fic: exo

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