Of Coffee Mugs and Petty Worries

Mar 12, 2011 14:55

Title: Of Coffee Mugs and Petty Worries
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin
Genre: Fluff, schmoop
Rating: G
Word count: 873
Summary: Sungmin ponders the use of an overly large coffee mug.
A/N: So it's official: I cannot, for the life of me, write anything shorter than 100 words. This was supposed to be a drabble (again), a short, cute, squishy drabble dealing with KyuMin and coffee, but no. My incessant need to fill space with words is annoying and I apologize in advance for this fail fluffly fic because I honestly think it makes no sense. This was written while I was traveling around the Philippines (I was in Baguio, actually) and the people we were staying with had these huuuuuuuge mugs... I'll just shut up now :3
Unbeta'd but... Enjoy, regardless <3

Sungmin always drank coffee from an overly large mug. He would wake up every morning and make enough to fill the entire mug up completely. He never finished though, and left it for Kyuhyun to deal with as he went about with his morning chores. This morning was no different.

As Sungmin finished his portion of the coffee, Kyuhyun came out of their shared room. He watched as the latter sat himself down at the small kitchen table, stared into space, and blinked stupidly.

Sungmin smiled and pushed the coffee toward Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stared down at it for a minute or two, and Sungmin let out a small laugh and ruffled Kyuhyun’s hair before getting up and starting to clean.

A comfortable silence fell between the two, with Sungmin focusing on cleaning and Kyuhyun trying not to fall asleep at the table.

As Sungmin wiped down the furniture, he began thinking about that overly large mug that Kyuhyun was now working on finishing. He’d been using it for as long as he could remember and Kyuhyun’s been finished the remaining coffee in the cup ever since he crashed (because there’s no other way to explain the way they met, but that’s another story) into Sungmin’s life. Sure they had smaller, more fitting mugs, but they were mainly used with guests came over or for display.

His thoughts carried him all the way to the sink where he began washing the dishes they used for dinner the night before.

Suddenly, the now-empty mug appeared on the counter next to him and he felt long arms wrap themselves around his waist. He smiled when he felt Kyuhyun nuzzle his neck.

“You’re finally awake,” he said. His smile widened when Kyuhyun grunted in response.

They stayed that way for a while, Sungmin washing and setting aside the dishes and Kyuhyun nuzzling him from behind.

“What are you thinking about, Min?”

“Do you think we should stop using the ginormous mug?”

Kyuhyun’s arms tightened around Sungmin. “No, I like the ‘ginormous’ mug.” He chuckled a little at Sungmin’s choice of words.

“You don’t mind sharing a huge mug with me when you can have your own personal mug to yourself?”

“Min, what is this about?” Kyuhyun pulled Sungmin away from the sink slightly, forcing Sungmin to look up at him.

Sungmin flushed when he looked up and saw Kyuhyun’s scrutinizing eyes. He tried to wiggle out of Kyuhyun’s hold, but to no avail.

Finally he slumped back against Kyuhyun. “It’s nothing really. We’ve just been sharing that mug for as long as I can remember, and I can’t help but wonder if you really like sharing the mug or if you’re just doing it to humor me or something…”

Kyuhyun blinked slowly as what Sungmin said processed. Then he sighed and led Sungmin by the hand to the living room. He sat the smaller boy down on the big couch before disappearing back into the kitchen.

Sungmin heard the sink turn on and off, followed by a lot of clanking. Just as he was about to get up to see what in the world Kyuhyun was up to, the said boy appeared with the mug in discussion. The mug was steaming, and as Kyuhyun drew closer, Sungmin saw that it was because it was filled with freshly made coffee.

“Here,” said Kyuhyun. “Drink.”

And Sungmin did.

“How does it taste?”

“Just like mine…” Sungmin murmured.

“Exactly. Sungmin do you realize that since we’ve met, you have never once asked me how I take my coffee?”

Sungmin said with question marks in his eyes. “For your information,” Kyuhyun poked Sungmin nose and smiled. “We make our coffee the same way. I was surprised at first. I couldn’t remember telling you that I like coffee with a lot of sugar. But then I remembered that you always drink first, so one day I watched you making the coffee and saw that we made coffee the same way: less coffee, more sugar. So tell me, what’s the use of using two separate cups when we can just share this one?”

“None, I suppose…”

“Exactly,” Kyuhyun smiled again. “Now come here.” He patted his lap.

And Sungmin climbed onto his lap with the mug securely held in both hands.

Kyuhyun wrapped his arms around Sungmin. “Now would this be even remotely comfortable if we each had a cup to hold?”

“No, I suppose not…”

“And if you were ever cold or wanted to talk,” Kyuhyun angled Sungmin so that they could talk freely and so that Sungmin could lie back against Kyuhyun. He cupped Sungmin’s hands in his. “Would I be able to keep you warm like this with a cup in my hands?”

Sungmin smiled, seeing many loopholes in this, but he bit them down. “No…Not really.”

“I love sharing the mug with you, Min. I don’t mind at all. Remember when I told you what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine?”

Sungmin smiled and nodded.

“Well then, there you go,” Kyuhyun said simply.

Sungmin’s smile grew bigger. He set the mug down before he threw his arms around Kyuhyun’s neck. The arms around his waist tightened in response.

“I love you, Kyunnie.”

“I love you, too, Ming.”


As an amateur author, there is nothing that makes me happier than comments from my readers <3

to my lovely wife, static_abyss  and the rest of our family, who I think I still have yet to meet. I think I promised to be back ASAP, but I wasn't and I sincerely apologize for my absence, which may only get worse over the coming weeks because I just got back (I just landed back on Guam at like 5 this morning) from a two week trip and I haven't touched any of my make up work... /sobs

and I think I'm still dead, seriously ;-; I shall try to upload any pictures/videos I may have managed to take during the concert, even if they're half spazzy. Oh and, Ana, love, I have some really ugly and not good enough (IMO) gifts to send to you <3

g: fluff, fandom: super junior, r: g, p: kyuhyun/sungmin

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