A Wand Opportunity (1/1)

Aug 03, 2009 23:41

Title: A Wand Opportunity
Pairing: Nine/Rose
Rating: G
Spoilers (if applicable to Series 4): None
Beta: danaems 
Author Notes: Written for the hearts_in_time Summer Adventure Ficathon. Written on Prompt 33 - Nine/Rose in Hogwarts, either Marauder's time or early in the books (1-4). I chose Chamber of Secrets because it's one of my favorite books in the entire series. Big thanks again to my beta!!!


"And so, Harry Potter, you are finished. Prepare to die the same as your parents!"   Tom Riddle said softly as he raised Harry's wand to point it at the boy's face. "Any final words?"

"What is that?!"

Riddle frowned. "Odd choice. Very well..."

"N-no I mean it! What is that thing?"

"Oh, very amusing, Harry. I..." the young man spun around as a loud whooshing filled the room.

In a corner, behind the huge hulk of the dead basilisk, a strange shape was slowly appearing. As the two occupants of the room watched in shock, a small blue box appeared.

One of the doors opened and a tall man in a leather coat stepped out, followed by a young blonde woman in a grey hoodie. The pair stopped dead as they caught sight of Riddle standing over Harry.

"Ah. So, not London."

"Doctor, is that..."

"Yes, Rose."

"And is that the..."

"Yes, Rose."

"B-but it's just a story...isn't it?"

"All stories have a basis in fact, Rose. This is no exception."

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Riddle snapped impatiently.

"Oh, sorry. I'm the Doctor and this is Rose. You must be Voldy."

"Excuse me?!

"Um, Doctor, you might not want to upset him. He has a wand."

"Oh, that doesn't matter. I can handle a wand any day with my sonic screwdriver. Now, Voldy-"

"Don't call me that! How did you get here?!"

"Well it's a funny story really. We were on our way to visit Rose's mother, regular harridan that she is, and for some reason we ended up here. You must have been manipulating the timeline to suit yourself. Not a good plan, that. Brings down all sorts of time police and things."

"Would you please stop babbling!"

"Oi! I don't babble. Now listen, Voldy, I-"

"Stop calling me that!"

The Doctor grinned. "But that's your name. Shame about that too. Anyway as I was saying, you really can't change things in order to make yourself come out on top. Doesn't work."

"Why you-"

"Oh and another thing. Harry Potter?"

The boy glanced up. "Yeah?"

"You see that basilisk fang next to your leg? Take it and stab that journal."

"What?! No!" Riddle tried to grab at the journal but Harry had snatched both it and the fang before Riddle had finished moving.

The boy plunged the point of the fang into the center of the small book and Riddle screamed.

"Nooo! They promised me I would be victorious! I am not supposed to die yet. Lord Voldemort will rise agaiiin..." he wailed as he slowly faded away.

"Oh bugger off, Voldy," the Doctor said with a grin as the last shimmer disappeared.

He climbed over the basilisk to help Harry to his feet. "Good lad. You defeated him once again. Now I think Rose and I'll be off. Still have tea with Jackie Tyler at five," he said with a slight shudder.

"B-but how am I going to explain this? You have to help!"

"Nope, sorry. You have to do this yourself. Rose and I can't be seen here. Hope you understand"


"Good! Now you'd better see to Ginny," he said, motioning to the slightly stirring girl.

Harry hurried to her side and carefully helped her to sit up.

"Harry? What happened?"


"What's that noise?"

Harry glanced around and saw the blue box fading away. "Um, I don't know. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I-wait. Where's Riddle?!"

"Gone. I, uh, destroyed him!"


"How? Well you see there was a...oh never mind."


"I stabbed the journal with one of the basilisk's fangs and he sort of...vanished."


"I can't believe you just did that!" Rose giggled as she leaned against the TARDIS' door.

"What? He was trying to destroy the timeline! Couldn't let it happen!"

"But still, Doctor. You just told one of the most evil villains in literary history to bugger off! I can't believe he didn't just 'avada kedavra' us!"

The Doctor grinned. "Told ya. Brilliant, me. I neutralised his wand with the sonic screwdriver. He never had a chance!"

"Oh come on. How can you 'neutralise' a magic wand?"

"Easily! Setting three seven two nine. Blocks mental thought processes that are being communicated to inanimate objects.

That's all magic wand waving is really. A simple thought sent to the wand and poof: it does what you want."


"Yep. Extremely easy."

"If you say so. Now, can we head back to London for tea? Mum is still expecting us."

"Oh, Rose, can't we go do one other thing first? Like go dinosaur spotting on Bexetleyus? They have every kind that used to live on your planet!"


He sighed. "Fine. But if she even tries to come near me with that hand, I'm leaving."

She grinned. "Don't worry, I'll protect you, Mister Oncoming Fraidy Cat."


tv: doctor who, tv: doctor who: rose tyler, tv: doctor who: tardis, tv: doctor who: ninth doctor, book/film: harry potter, fanfiction: crossover: wand opportinuty, fanfiction

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