Flour Power

Jul 17, 2010 01:25

Title: Flour Power
Author: janna_hawkins 
Summary: "Now who's hair looks like a flour sack exploded in it?"
Characters: Astrid, Ruffnut
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to HTTYD except the first five books, and Hiccup, Night Fury and Terrible Terror figures
Author Notes: I give full credit to putri_nih for the prompt this fic came from. I had fun imagining these two trying(and failing)to do some of the more "ladylike" chores on Berk. They're just not the...homemaker types. I may expand this into a full fic someday...depends on the plot bunnies :D


"So what goes in it next?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"This was your idea!"

"No, if you remember it was my mom's idea."

"Well then your mom had a bad idea."

"What did you say?!"

"You heard me, blondie."

"Blondie?! Excuse me, but have you looked at your hair lately?!"

"Well, at least mine is nice and neat! Yours looks like a flour sack exploded in it."

"Now who's hair looks like a flour sack exploded in it?"

"Oh, nice work. Now how are we supposed to make this thing?"

"Let's ask Hiccup. Your boyfriend probably knows."

"Good idea."

fanfiction: drabble, fanfiction: httyd, book/film: httyd: ruffnut thorston, book/film: httyd: astrid hofferson

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