How to Train Your Fangirl

Jun 02, 2010 16:58

Title: How to Train Your Fangirl
Author: janna_hawkins 
Beta: danaems 
Summary: Berk gets an incredibly strange late night visit...
Characters: Hiccup, Toothless, Astrid, Sky, Star, Willow, Cloud
Disclaimer: I own nothing related to HTTYD except the first four books, a Hiccup action figure and a Night Fury figure
Author Notes: You all knew this was coming. Especially you in the NFA. Well, here it is...our visit to Berk finally uploaded. Thank you Cloud for betaing. Star and Willow? Enjoy! Hope you like your dragons :D


It was Toothless' growling that woke Hiccup from possibly the best dream ever involving both he and Astrid in a rowboat. He rolled over and opened his eyes to see the dragon staring at the door. Hiccup glanced over at his father in a nearby chair who apparently wasn't at all bothered by the Night Fury, judging by his snores.

"Toothless, shush!" he called quietly.

The dragon looked back at him briefly before continuing his loud snarling.

Hiccup rolled his eyes and shoved his covers back before swinging his legs over the side of his father's bed. Settling his prosthetic foot carefully on the floor, he hobbled over to his dragon.

Even after nearly two weeks, he still wasn't used to his new appendage. This of course was the reason that he was sleeping in his father’s bed instead of his own. He had a hard enough time just walking around on his own. Climbing the stairs to his room was completely out of the question. Therefore, Stoick had cheerfully given up his own bed to his new hero son.

Once he reached Toothless, the dragon's growls lessened somewhat, but he still kept his green eyes fixed solidly on the door.

"What's the matter, Bud? Is there something out there?"

The dragon gave him a look that clearly said "well, duh, you stupid human!"

Hiccup moved to the door and pressed his ear to the wood. He could hear movement on the other side as well as...was that a giggle? He exchanged a glance with Toothless and carefully opened the door. Once it was fully open, the Night Fury leaped through the opening and snarled at the figures outside.

"Oi, watch where you point those teeth!"

Hiccup frowned. That really didn't sound like anyone from Berk. He reached for a lantern and walked slowly outside to find Toothless stalking back and forth between him and a small group of teenage girls. "Uh, hello?"

One of them stepped forward and smiled. "Hi! Would you mind asking him to back off a bit? He's just a little intimidating."

"Uh...sure. Toothless, come here!"

The Night Fury shot him a glare and continued his prowling.

Hiccup looked at the girl and shrugged. "Sorry. Maybe if he gets to know you. Got any fish?"

"Not on me, no. Probably should have prepared better, huh?" she replied sheepishly.

He nodded slowly, beginning to get confused.

"Well, anyway, I'm Sky, this is Willow, Star, and Cloud," she said, motioning to the other three girls.

"Hi," they chorused.

Hiccup smiled weakly. "Hello."

A purple Monstrous Nightmare suddenly lumbered into view and Star gasped. "Oh, it's so pretty!" She took a few steps toward it and held out a hand.

"Uh..." Hiccup began, starting forward in case the Nightmare was one of the temperamental ones.

"Oh, don't worry, I learned from the best!" the girl replied and advanced on the Nightmare. "It's okay, it’s okay...who's a good pretty dragon? You are that's who!"

Hiccup watched in amazement as she started scratching the dragon's chin and it began to purr. "Whoa..."

Sky grinned widely as she watched her friend tickling the dragon. "I guess those techniques really work!"

"Of course! Who's a good boy, huh? You're the prettiest dragon ever, you know that?"

Hiccup was speechless. Not only had no one ever dared to call a Monstrous Nightmare 'good boy' before, but also this girl seemed to have calmed it in less than a minute. Not even he had managed to tame...well…maybe that wasn't the correct word. Gotten Toothless used to him? Yeah, that sounded better.

Toothless seemed to have been equally as surprised. The dragon was standing stock still in mid step, staring at Star and the Monstrous Nightmare, his mouth hanging slightly open.

Sky took this opportunity to sneak around the surprised dragon and grab a fish from a nearby basket. Moving back to her original place, she held the fish out to the Night Fury. "Psst! Toothless! Want a fish?"

Hiccup watched nervously as his dragon turned to regard the young woman. He wasn't sure he would be able to move quickly enough on his new leg to keep the girl from being bitten or worse, roasted by an angry never-missing dragon.

Toothless stalked closer to Sky, who smiled and gently shook the fish toward him. "C'mon, Toothless, you know you want the fish! It's a good fish!"

"Uh...I wouldn't try and sweet talk him. He doesn't..." he stopped as Toothless reached out and snatched the fish from Sky's hands. "...React well."

The girl giggled as the Night Fury gulped down the fish and returned to his position between Hiccup and the three girls.  "That's a good boy. You're the best Night Fury ever!"

Hiccup watched in shock as Toothless purred and shot him a look that seemed to ask, "why do you never flatter me?"

"So, Hiccup, making new friends?"

He turned to see his girlfriend, Astrid, leaning against the wall of his house. "Oh! Astrid! Hi, Astrid! Um...yeah I was just...we were..."

The Viking girl walked over and lightly punched him on the shoulder. "Oh, don't worry, I already met them. They're amazing, aren't they? I mean, Cloud here walked right up to my Nadder and had her purring like a cat in a minute."

"Uh-huh," Hiccup managed.

Astrid smiled at him and walked over to the girls. "So, I see you managed to keep Toothless from eating you. That's impressive."

"All it took was a fish and some sweet talking," Sky replied with a grin. "He's just the sweetest Night Fury there ever was."

Toothless gave a contented growl at this before walking over and rubbing his head against Sky's leg...and depositing half of his fish onto her shoes.

"Oh...thank you, Toothless. But, I want you to have the whole fish. You're a hero, you beautiful dark dragon."

The Night Fury purred loudly and wolfed down the leftover fish.

"I was a hero too," Hiccup muttered, feeling strangely jealous of his dragon.

Toothless looked back at him and made the sound Hiccup had decided was the dragon's way of laughing.

Willow smiled sympathetically at Hiccup. "Don't get too upset. All dragons can be incredibly good at stealing your spotlight. My Purple Death does the same thing! Of course, she's about a hundred times bigger than Toothless so..."

"You have a...Purple Death?" Hiccup asked his eyes wide.

"Of course! It's a brilliant species...I mean, sure she can be temperamental at times but not as much as say...a Green Death," the girl replied with a knowing look.

Hiccup nodded, remembering the monster on the dragons' island. " did you manage to keep it-her from eating you?"

"By giving her lots and lots of fish...and love. We stunk for weeks afterwards. Of the fish I mean."

"Don't remind me," Sky muttered. "My favorite jeans still smell like cod."

Cloud grinned. "At least you don't have to worry about those huge rips in the knees and tripping over the bottoms anymore!"

"Hey, I happen to like my clothes like jeans anyway."

Hiccup looked over at Astrid, feeling more confused by the second. The Viking girl noticed his distress and walked over to sling an arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry...I don't get it either. But you have to admit, they have accomplished some incredible stuff!"

"Uh-huh," Hiccup repeated with a scowl, beginning to dislike these strange girls who had completely enthralled both his dragon and his girlfriend.

"Oh, come on, Hiccup, don't be like that," Sky said, stopping her apparent fight with Cloud. "We'll be leaving pretty soon and then you can get back to your normal life."

"You promise?"

"Cross my heart. Just one thing..."


"Can I ride Toothless? Just one little spin?"

"I..." Hiccup hesitated, and then got an incredibly evil idea for someone like himself. "Sure! I'll take you up as soon as I get his harness."

"Ooh, thank you," Sky replied, crouching down and scratching Toothless on the top of his head.

Hiccup motioned to Astrid and between the two of them they managed to carry the somewhat heavy saddle and harness out of the house without waking a still snoring Stoick. Getting it into place on Toothless proved to be a sight more difficult. The dragon insisted on bouncing in place, jostling the tack off as soon as they had gotten it into place. Finally, with coaxing by Sky who had grabbed another large fish, the dragon was ready to fly.

Hiccup clambered into place and offered Sky his hand. She completely ignored it and leaped up behind him, wrapping her arms around his middle, ignoring Astrid's annoyed huff.

Leaning forward, Hiccup whispered into Toothless' ear and the dragon took off straight into the starry sky. He grinned at the screams behind him...until he realized that they weren't screams of fear.

"Higher! Higher! Whee!"

Hiccup scowled and adjusted the rudder to send the three of them into a spin. Sadly, for the now slightly evil young Viking, this only caused the girl behind him to cheer louder.

"Oh yeah! This is so much better than the Wild Thing!"

Straightening them out, Hiccup half-turned to glare at his passenger. "What is with you? Most people would be screaming at the top of their lungs for Odin."

"I'm not most people," the girl replied with a knowing grin. "And what's with the trying to scare me? Are you...jealous?"

In reply, Hiccup sent them into another spin. Once they had straightened out again, he shot the girl yet another glare. "Of course I am. You come swanning in and pretty much have both my girlfriend and dragon following you around like puppies. You're trying to steal the most important things in my life. Why in the name of Thor's hammer would I be jealous?"

"Hey, I don't think you get it...I'm from the future. I'm not trying to steal anything. I just wanted to come here and see you and Toothless. You two are my favorites."

Hiccup hesitated for a moment, his anger disappearing. "Favorites?"

"Yeah. The way you two took out the Green Death...the way you managed to help Toothless fly again...the way your hair blows in the win-" The girl broke off suddenly and Hiccup could see her face turning red.

" my hair?"

"Um...yes? But, don't think that I'm going to try to get between you and Astrid. I do think you're kind of cute, but I already have a boyfriend."

The boy smiled. "I'm sorry for snapping and trying to scare you."

"Completely understandable. Now, how about we head back. You'd probably like to get some sleep sometime tonight, huh? Also, the others and I have to be somewhere."

"Yeah alright," he replied, guiding Toothless back to the ground.

Once they were on the ground again, Sky hurried over to the other girls who were standing around the Monstrous Nightmare looking rather impatient. "Sorry, guys, we can go now."

"Good," Willow replied, "I need to see Arthur soon."

"Is that your dragon's name?" Hiccup asked, climbing down from Toothless.

"Of course not! Arthur is my husband to be."

"And Merlin is mine," Star giggled.

Sky punched the taller girl on the shoulder. "You know he likes me best."

"Oh, shush, you have Jim already," Cloud interjected with a grin.

"True. Oh well. Anyway, thanks, Hiccup, Astrid." The girl crouched down and motioned to Toothless. The dragon walked over and purred as Sky scratched his chin. "Bye, you lovely great dragon. Now get back over there where you belong."

The dragon reluctantly wandered back to Hiccup and Astrid and plopped down on his hindquarters.

The girls waved before Sky pressed a button on what had looked to be a large bracelet on her arm and all of them vanished in a bright light, taking the purple Monstrous Nightmare with them.

Hiccup looked at Astrid and Toothless and sighed. "Well, that was fun, wasn't it?"

The girl rolled her eyes and kissed him on the forehead. "That's for not freaking out too much."

The teenager grinned, anticipating another kiss. Instead, he received a rather painful punch to the arm. "Ow! Astrid!"

"And that's for letting her hug you," the girl replied with a glare before stalking off toward her own house.

Hiccup glared at Toothless who was smiling widely. Rubbing his arm, he turned to head inside. "At least everything is back to normal now."

fanfiction: nfa: train fangirl, book/film: httyd: hiccup haddock iii, book/film: httyd: toothless, book/film: httyd: astrid hofferson

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