Fiction + dragonses

Jul 26, 2009 19:42

My current dragon bebehs:
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recs, dragons, em's csi renaissance, csi

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Comments 8

gretazreta July 27 2009, 01:08:10 UTC
I have Common Hours saved onto my computer for the event of the internet permanently dying :D. The result is it was one of my "my brain will explode if I don't read something now" things for when I was writing my thesis. I LOVE IT.

Here, it is Monday lunchtime. *sighs* oh well, the next weekend is advancing closer every minute!


janissa11 July 27 2009, 11:42:02 UTC
I think CH might be just about my favorite of my CSI stuff, although I admit rereading it was sort of a squirmy thing -- the style of it at times bothered me. But I like the frank romance of it. Both of them awkward and flailing a lot of the time, etc. Not a perfect story by any means, but sweet.

And, erm, complete, which ain't no small thing. *HUGS*


lovefromgirl July 27 2009, 03:52:55 UTC
*very happy sigh* I remember "Nicky" very, very well. I also remember wishing I knew whether the author had a Livejournal. Now I know. :-D


janissa11 July 27 2009, 11:42:57 UTC
Isn't it a spectacular story? It reads so very honestly, so visceral. Nicky broke my heart about 15x over.


evan_nicholas July 27 2009, 20:27:31 UTC
I do have an LJ account, I just don't use it very much... I will once I get posting N3. Hopefully soon.


starry_diadem July 27 2009, 05:18:53 UTC
I love Common Hours. And Hell. And Boxing the Compass. And Conference (still laugh, every time I read it). And... And.... You're the only CSI writer whose stuff I go back to. I'm glad you're getting fannish about it again.



janissa11 July 27 2009, 11:44:24 UTC
Thank you, honey. Hee, Conference -- that was a blast to do, I remember. I dunno, I need to reread some of this just to see if the mojo's still there. Watching the eps is definitely helping. ;)



linderhill July 28 2009, 01:14:49 UTC
Looking back at Common Hours (for the umteenth time, tho' its been a couple of years since the last), I didn't remember Nicky driving a a black, '60's Impala. hmmmmmmmm, is that Dean foreshadowing before any of us ever knew about the Winchester world?


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