Aw man, now I'm remembering.

Jul 25, 2009 18:51

It really, REALLY bothered me back in the day that Grissom seemed so untouched by Nick's predicament in "Boom." Just workin' on the bomb. Wow. I'd totally forgotten a bunch of that. It was Cath who saved Nick's bacon.

Whew. And I remember how I hated Ecklie. Heeee!

Aw, Nicky.

em's csi renaissance, csi

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Comments 4

foofasaurus July 26 2009, 07:07:55 UTC
To this day that bothers me, and is the chief reason why I can't write them together during that time without a lot of fanwanking to explain Grissom's attitude. I never had a problem with Catherine taking over, given Grissom vs. Ecklie being bad news and having the potential to get in the way of clearing Nick, but you're right: he seemed so untouched, overall.


janissa11 July 26 2009, 13:37:35 UTC
I remember now, talking about it back in the day, yes. *nod* (Well, not here, I didn't have a journal then, but online and thinking it to myself.) One theory I remember is that Grissom legitimately wasn't worried -- he knew Nick wouldn't be guilty ( ... )


candymike July 26 2009, 15:02:32 UTC
Have to go did out my DVDs and watch again, but IIRC, Anthro-Chick's name was Terri.


janissa11 July 26 2009, 15:05:46 UTC
YES. Ugh, how could I FORGET that? Mind like a sieve.


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