Status, plus rec.

Jul 24, 2009 21:05

Teeth: Not one tooth but two freaking out. My mouth is falling apart. I sense a number of root canals in my near future. Also Valium, and possibly conscious sedation, because I just. Can't. Do it without. Please, dear Jesus, let me make it to Wednesday ( Read more... )

recs, em's csi renaissance, csi

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Comments 6

embroiderama July 25 2009, 02:11:37 UTC
OW! Have you tried peppermint oil? Years ago when I had a couple of teeth needing root canals I kept them not too hurty for a while with peppermint essential oil--like from the natural food store or whatever. I would put some of the oil on a q-tip and then apply it to the tooth. Try to get as little as possible on the soft tissues of your mouth--it'll burn for a moment, but it really helps numb out the tooth.


saberivojo July 25 2009, 03:29:36 UTC
I feel your pain. Really. My dental phobia is so mad crazy that I take valium before I go no matter what I am going for.

It makes me feel like I am a wuss. I have delivered babies without drugs and I can tell you I would rather have a baby then go for a cleaning.

That being said, when I go it is never as bad as I think it will be. Don't get me wrong, I am still terrified but my dentist is great and gentle and sweet. I is not so much the pain of the dentist, it is the unreasonable TERROR I feel about going.

Breathe deep and medicate. That is all I have to say. I when it is done you will feel better. Really.


zillahseye July 25 2009, 03:36:41 UTC
Ugh, teeth. Hate 'em. *snugs you*


lilacsigil July 25 2009, 04:40:41 UTC
*hugs* I've just had a very awkward root canal, but it was totally painless and my mouth feels great now. Then again, I don't have dental-phobia to compound the whole thing. I had to wait six weeks to get it done (yay rural living!) so I'll be thinking of you as you wait.


foofasaurus July 25 2009, 07:32:43 UTC
Oh, goddamn, I feel for you. Dental work is no joke.

Amusing to me at least, I initially read the second paragraph as a request for a fic of that type, and immediately thought to rec Trece to you, until I got to the last sentence and realized that's what you were doing. CSI mindmeld for the win.


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