Man. What an ep.

Apr 30, 2007 22:25

Watching "Grave Danger" tonight. Old times' sake, you know?

HOLY CRAP. What an excellent episode, and I'm only up to the dogs scenting Nicky's vest. That's like, 15 min in, max, and this is SO INTENSE.

I love me my Nicky-pie. And I think I'm gonna bawl when he starts to, you know. Scream.

::hands over face::

grave danger, csi

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Comments 14

foofasaurus May 1 2007, 03:38:24 UTC
Sometimes I think about how frustrated Archie must have been that there was no way to get sound from the feed, even with all his skills. And then Nick started screaming, and Archie suddenly didn't mind there not being sound at all.


janissa11 May 1 2007, 11:24:18 UTC
I ALWAYS wanted a story that used Archie's POV. *nodnod* Awesome.


kimonkey7 May 1 2007, 03:42:05 UTC
George Eads totally pwnd Grave Danger. From his (truly) unabashed committment to scream like he really was buried alive, to the touching break and scratch in his voice as he sings 'Christmas in Las Vegas' like he'll never see another one...

Good watchy choice. :)


janissa11 May 1 2007, 11:28:00 UTC
It was so cruel when he thought he was being dug up -- cruel for him and cruel for Warrick and Cath, too. ::sigh:: George rocked, from the "we better flip a coin, I'll hurt ya," to -- everything else. I CRIED last night when Griss and Warrick opened that coffin and the SOUNDS Nicky makes. GOD.


kalimyre May 1 2007, 03:46:28 UTC
I've only ever been able to watch that ep one time. One time when I had the house to myself and could freak out over it all I wanted. I don't think I could watch it again. There were parts where I literally covered my eyes; of course, coming in to it with an ant phobia didn't help.

I still wish they'd done more with the aftereffects of that, because nobody just comes back from something like that unchanged.


janissa11 May 1 2007, 11:29:31 UTC
I would have liked more followup, too, although I'm glad we at least got what we did. Sometimes CSI wasn't so great for that. :-/

Man, I didn't have an ant phobia before that ep, but I just might have acquired one. ::shudder::


elibad May 1 2007, 03:57:26 UTC
I think that 'Grave Danger' is one of the best episodes of television ever, it still freaks me out every time I see it. GE was a monster.

And it's been pretty much down hill for 'CSI' since.


janissa11 May 1 2007, 11:30:36 UTC
I'm still so damn PROUD of him for that. He pulled out ALL the stops, and just. Wow. That tape, and Grissom watching and reading his lips. ::ships like a FIEND::


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janissa11 May 1 2007, 11:31:20 UTC
I can understand that. It was just -- I dunno, that level of tension for TWO HOURS was just physical for us, watching. Ugh.


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