Lost 4x08 - Meet Kevin Johnson

Mar 21, 2008 09:59

No speculation because I'm leaving in half an hour or so, but I had to get this out. I'll answer to eventual comments on Monday ;)

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review, omg, lost season 4, wtf

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Comments 20

alemyrddin March 21 2008, 10:51:34 UTC
That ending was SO uncalled for! I'm in denial right now, at least about Danielle.
We'll see.

Also, I agree completely on points 1 and 2. lol.

points 4 &8: I felt we've learned more about Jack's FF too, and I thought the same thing about Desmond not being really ready, as Sayid instead was, because he was sleeping barefoot. He really wasn't cut for the army!


janie_tangerine March 24 2008, 18:35:25 UTC
I guess I'll have to give up on Karl (hey, I actually cared about Karl!!), but on Danielle, until I see her DEAD, I'm in denial. Way to kill off my favorite female, Darlton. *is pissed off*

My poor Des wasn't cut for that, indeed!


falafel_fiction March 21 2008, 12:01:48 UTC
Good thing Lost has 5 more episodes because THAT would have been a rubbish note to end on. I don't think Danielle is dead but I think the fake out is rather pathetic. It's like the tagged on the Danielle shooting for shock value because they knew just killing Karl (after all the death hype) was lame. Anyway it seems that Darlton are still gunning for their usual death targets - women and young non-alpha males.

I'm actually happy Lost is going away for a while. Now I can enjoy my fanfic in peace. I'm not looking forward to "the war". Like, great, Charlie sacrificed himself so all his friends could all be slaughtered. I'm so glad it was all worth it for the greater good.


elliotsmelliot March 21 2008, 12:46:04 UTC
Anyway it seems that Darlton are still gunning for their usual death targets - women and young non-alpha males.

This was exactly my last thought before I went to bed. At least Danielle did not get shot in the stomach.


falafel_fiction March 21 2008, 13:50:41 UTC
I'm not even gonna credit Eko as a tough alpha male they chose to kill off, because Darlton have said they wanted to keep Eko but AAA asked to be writing out. The males they choose to kill - Boone, Charlie, Paulo, Karl - are uniformly the non-alpha underdog guys. Watch out Faraday.

I'm also getting sick of the writers killing every couple not in a triangle/quadrangle formation.


janie_tangerine March 24 2008, 18:40:13 UTC
It's like the tagged on the Danielle shooting for shock value because they knew just killing Karl (after all the death hype) was lame. Anyway it seems that Darlton are still gunning for their usual death targets - women and young non-alpha males.

Exactly my thoughts, no more, no less. I mean, I had a half idea that if someone had to bite it at that point, it was going to be Karl because no way they'd kill another lead after the Jin thing and well, there really weren't any other options, but the Danielle part? I'm so pissed off about that. I guess that after Boone I just lost hope with their death policy but since I'm pretty sure she even isn't dead (she had to have a flashback and on some spoiler site I read that one was dead and two were shot) this really was ridiculous.


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine March 24 2008, 18:43:01 UTC
Ewwww, right. Poor girl indeed! At least the rest has fun ;)


elliotsmelliot March 21 2008, 12:47:57 UTC

The best part was barefoot Desmond. Maybe Sayid was tickling his feet and then they had to stop and pretend to be asleep. Best image of the night.

I love that icon. Is it one of yours?

Have a great time!


janie_tangerine March 24 2008, 18:45:21 UTC
The best part was barefoot Desmond. Maybe Sayid was tickling his feet and then they had to stop and pretend to be asleep. Best image of the night.

Now that's an amusing image. Right now I think I should do some fic where poor Karl gets to Craphole Heaven and gets treated better than he was on show (Danielle is alive until I actually see her DEAD and not shot) but it's surely going to entertain my thoughts for a while ;)

No, pilot101 made it ;) I shall work on mine after I'm caught up.


aussiephil March 21 2008, 13:24:54 UTC
We may not have much WAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLT to worry about for the time being, considering he's back in Manhattan and considering Malcolm David Kelley looks about 10 years older than his character now :D

I'm still predicting that Coffin!Man is somebody that Sayid killed for being on Ben's list. Jack quite possibly knew about it when he went to see the coffin.

The timeline does baffle, but the Lostpedia timeline seems to make it easier to understand. It does also fit with Tom not being around for a few episodes during S3.


janie_tangerine March 24 2008, 18:47:08 UTC
Well, the less WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT the better, I like Micheal when Walt isn't around ;)

Yeah, that's a good point. Especially since Jack and coffin man weren't friends or relatives.

Uhm it's just that Micheal recovers from that accident a bit too quickly and it seemed rushed but it surely fit with the Tom bit.


aussiephil March 25 2008, 01:08:36 UTC
True, it might have looked more realistic if Michael was still a bit injured after leaving the hospital. HOWEVER, it could be the island healing him quickly similar to the way it did Locke and Rose. The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that's the case.


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