random bunch of things + tv, tv, tv

Feb 07, 2012 00:07

1. Exam two on five is done! Now if I can just keep up the average that I managed to get this round I'll be a happy person. Other than that, it has snowed for the first time in years! Like, seriously snowed with the snow lasting for three days. And obviously since our mayor is an idiot, the city is half-paralyzed and today they closed everything ( Read more... )

music recs, fic, tv shows, book recs, writing, supernatural season 7 review, movie recs, vampire pornography s3 review, my country is hopeless

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Comments 25

penguinfaery February 6 2012, 23:21:13 UTC
I think Sam would have been justified in being upset HAD Dean gotten mad at him. But Dean was just like "Dudue, you're right."

But I also think Sam was freaking out more because he was upset, and was sorta just...letting his upset flow over than actually upset about THAT.


janie_tangerine February 6 2012, 23:26:37 UTC
Well, Dean still had killed his friend and it was kind of the same situation.. also Sam kinda let that particular one go fairly soon I think, I mean after that he seemed more pissed about Dean's self-destructive tendencies... which I can't really blame him, I'd have freaked out too. :/

But yeah that too. I mean he was generally upset I think. Still, if he was still pissed about Amy he kind of had all the rights, but then again I still think that the Amy thing was handled like crap. ;)


penguinfaery February 7 2012, 01:15:31 UTC
Oh, I think Sam has every right to be upset about Amy. I just mean Sam started...defending himself against shooting Emma, even though Dean wasn't angry at him. Like if Dean had been angry at him it would have made sense, but Dean was very like "You're right."

But yeah, that whole thing was very...wut.


elliotsmelliot February 6 2012, 23:28:17 UTC
Flogging Molly doing The Times, They're a Changin'

This is a must get for me! Thanks for letting me know about this album. I'm not a fan of the Shelter from the Storm cover by Ed Roland.

The subject of Luck does not interest me, even though the pedigree is so good. I'll keep my eye of reactions for now, and possibly check it out when I am out of shows.

Sigh. the only good thing about this still remain Nestor Carbonell's eyelashes.

Heh. They need their own show!


janie_tangerine February 6 2012, 23:44:07 UTC
That cover is excellent! :D The Shelter one is average I guess, which is why I didn't list it, but there's really some good stuff in there. And no problem! :D I wouldn't have heard of it if I didn't get e-mails from Amnesty so I figured I could share it around.

I don't really care for horse races at all either, but considering that since Boardwalk is gone and Game of Thrones is months away and I need my quality HBO time I'll stick with it a bit and see if it draws me in. I mean, after honestly trying Ringer for a month (and then I stuck just for the eyelashes) it can't be wasted time. ;)

They need their own show!

I swear, forty minutes of Nestor looking at himself in a mirror would make a much more compelling show.. ;)


abbylover23 February 6 2012, 23:41:52 UTC
Elijah returning brought me so much joy. he remains the most flawless being on the planet.


janie_tangerine February 6 2012, 23:44:58 UTC
I KNOW? OH MY :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD now he can go wreak havoc again, and if he gets rid of his brother and sticks him in a coffin I'll be very, very happy ;)


tellshannon815 February 6 2012, 23:50:59 UTC
Definitely loving having Elijah back. And I'm curious about those other brothers. Finn's gonna have an interesting time adjusting to the modern world, if he's really been daggered for 900 years (a crossover with Richard Alpert and any Original re: the modern world is waiting to be written!)


janie_tangerine February 6 2012, 23:53:37 UTC
Oh dear I had forgotten the one daggered for 900 years! Poor guy... but yeah, I'm all for originals wreaking havoc and possibly keeping Klaus in check. And Elijah! :DDDD I know? I'm so glad that he's back! :D (and oh god that crossover has to happen. As soon as we have more information...)


twisting_vine_x February 7 2012, 01:59:43 UTC
Also I can't possibly be the only one who's totally squicked out by the fact that Bridget is SLEEPING with her sister's husband WHEN HE THINKS SHE'S ANOTHER PERSON, right? Idk the few reactions I read don't mention it at all and I guess I'm supposed to root for them, but what the - seriously?Don't worry. You're not the only one. Consent issues much? :S ( ... )


janie_tangerine February 7 2012, 10:28:54 UTC
*high five* AT LEAST I'M NOIT THE ONLY ONE. Idk on all the SPN comms where I read comments re Misha being on there everyone is like 'omg that show is so awesome' and I'm like '... I'm not sure we're watching the same thing'. Bridget & Andrew is just the feast of the squick - I'm not even sure that whoever writes this realizes that it's not a love story, it's... well, not the epitome of non-consensual, but WELL. Close to it. And I've been squicked re the consent issues for a while - tbh the only reason I didn't quit it at episode seven was that I heard about Misha being on it so I figured I could just do it until his episode.

I wish the writers had just never gone there. This show is not adequately prepared to give that kind of trauma the attention it deservesTHIS. There's no way this is going to turn out good any way it goes. I don't think that she's lying either, mostly because if she was lying to get back at him why would have she kept it secret? I mean she'd have spilled a lot sooner if it was the case (or at least that seems ( ... )


twisting_vine_x February 8 2012, 00:38:02 UTC
No, you're definitely not the only one. I feel bad for Bridget, and I get why she started impersonating her sister, but holy fucking shit, girl, you should have gotten out of there as soon as you could. As far as she knows, she is screwing the husband of her dead sister while said husband thinks that she is said dead sister. THERE IS JUST NOTHING OKAY ABOUT THIS.

tbh the only reason I didn't quit it at episode seven was that I heard about Misha being on it so I figured I could just do it until his episode.

Yeah. See, I actually found myself starting to enjoy aspects of the show - at least more than I did at the beginning, when it was just goddamn ridiculous - but I think that's more cause I'm holding out for Bridget to get caught. Because the life she's living now is absolutely so many shades of not okay, and I feel bad for her, what with crazy killer guy on her tail - but what she's doing is so far from okay, and I'm still holding out for the episode when everything's revealed and shit goes crazy.

There's no way this is going to ( ... )


twisting_vine_x February 8 2012, 00:41:40 UTC
And I think they were right to make her reluctant to say anything to begin with - because, unfortunately, that's what happens in so many rape cases - but if that had kept going, and she had ended up legit not saying anything by the end of the last episode, I would have had an absolute shit fit. And at least her friend was there being the voice of reason at the beginning, i.e. OH MY GOD TELL SOMEONE. And yeah - good on Bridget for punching the guy.

To clarify: the fact that Juliet still wishes nobody knew - and that she blames herself, and wishes that Bridget hadn't punched the guy - really, really, reeeeally needs to be addressed. And needs to be addressed in a way that does justice to what she's been through. Because her being ashamed of what happened is exactly the wrong message to send, and if that doesn't change, then I'm soon going to find myself clawing at the computer screen.

However, that being said, this show probably won't deal with this decently, at all. -_-


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