Title: don't take my hope away from me
Pairing: Balthazar/Castiel/Dean
Word count: ∼4400
Rating: PG13
Spoilers: goes AU from 6x17.
Warnings: none that I can think of.
Disclaimer: they're not mine, won't ever be.
Summary: wherein Balthazar has a talk with Dean about Castiel's plans for saving the world (which no one likes).
A/N: err so months ago
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Comments 5
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Anyway yeah, one would hope that in the show they'd quit with the denial and talk like sane, normal people (or as sane as it goes) but I fear it's never going to happen. And if Dean just remembered things before it's too late... and haha WE SO TOTALLY SHARE A BRAIN. ;)
*hugs Cas after you're done*
Also heee, I love writing those three so I guess we're both happy? ;) you're welcome! ♥ I'm really so glad that you liked it this much. :D
And LOL at this: You’re asking me to have a three-way with two angels wearing two guys that would also be two thirds incestuous by my standards?
Oh, Dean! Everything else that's going on, and that's what you stick at?
And ha, see, Dean, when in denial just stick to arguments that won't hold, right? ;) thanks so much, I'm really glad you liked it! :)
Good fic. A poor baby-Cas all tired and sad, a caring-Balthy and a... Dean-Dean haha.
I like it. And you have quite a good style ^^.
Thank you for sharing your art.
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