Title: How Castiel Got Lost In LOST (or, how an angel of the Lord faced the Smoke Monster, among the rest)
Rating: PG13
Characters: Castiel, Dean and Sam for SPN; Sayid, Sawyer, Smokey, Jacob and a few guest stars for Lost
Words: 3333 (really.)
Summary: the Trickster sends Castiel on the island. Chaos ensues.
Spoilers: heavy for 5x08 for SPN; set
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Comments 50
It cannot be worse than that strange spaceship where a guy with a gun he called Vera threatened to shoot him, or that weird but cozy nice bakery where they had pies that Dean would have loved, or the hospital with the strange doctor with the cane; he had passed through all of those and more before reaching the Winchesters.
Yes, I'd love to see these too :)
And thank you, glad you liked it!
And man, Cas' other TV trials would be awesome to "see" too!
And I'd much like to write them but I'm already behind with a shitload of stuff I'm supposed to have already finished so I don't know about that. But if I have some time I might give it a try. ;) Thank you so much, glad you liked this!
I totally didn't expect the coda where he tells the boys about being there and they're jealous! LOVED IT! I'm with Dean. I'm kind of obsessed with the button. This is my new favorite story!! I'm so glad you wrote it. :)
Ha, I think they would be jealous... until they ended in there XDD I loved the button too. It's me, you and Dean I guess. ;) Thanks so much!!! :DDDD
You’ve been nominated at Words On The Wind!
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We have five ways to do this;
- you can accept this specific nomination (and you’ll be nominated for every other one as well)
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Just let me know, thanks!
Words On The Wind
- Jasmine
I'll edit the post with the link asap then, thanks again!
this one resembles Dean way too much for his liking
That is so true!
And Sawyer is totally the Lost Dean. ;)
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