Title: Back Roads Never Carry You Where You Want Them To (or how Chuck Shirley taught an angel how to drive)
Rating: PG
Characters: Chuck, future!Castiel; future!Dean mentioned
Words: 4100
Summary: Then again, Chuck remembers that Dean not using safety belts was never his idea and that Cas here really needs to learn how to drive, Dean won’t be up
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Comments 15
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(and I want to see that thing when I wake up tomorrow morning, lol. ;) No, seriously, no pressure. But yay!!! XD)
I probably feel sorry for poor Cas more because if it was for Chuck only this would have been the crack I had in plan but then f!Cas makes me cry and it ended up not crack, but yeah. That. Thank you!!
(Also, Barbra Streisand was totally a DT reference. *cough* But it worked so well. *cough*) ;) <3333
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That. I mean, I was like 'it'd be fun!' and then I was like 'no, f!Cas is depressing'. :((
LOL YEAH IT WAS. Also because if it wasn't for that I doubt I'd know any Barbra Streisand lyrics, lol. ;) If it's me and there's the chance it probably is a DT reference. *cough* <3333
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