the vampire pornography 1x07 Haunted / SPN 5x07 'The Curious Case Of Dean Winchester'

Oct 30, 2009 16:24


Was it me or this episode the vampire porn kicked ass?


supernatural season 5 review, vampire pornography s1 review

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Comments 10

bold_seer October 30 2009, 17:34:24 UTC

The guest stars were amazing; the Irish he-witch was HOT AS FUCK, yes, and old!Dean was just perfect. So cool!

The plot was good, too, and there were lots of good lines; I laughed so much at the Shut up, Sam thing and Dean's dorky dance.

All in all, I rather liked the ep, but I miss Castiel. Too many weeks...


janie_tangerine October 31 2009, 11:47:00 UTC
BOBBBYYYYY. ;__________;

Yeah they had such great guest stars in this! Irish he-witch? Do me. Anyday. Thank youuu. Old!Dean was totally HIM. That actor is good.

The shut up, Sam like had me in tears. Oh, the comic relief.

I miss Cas too, but he's back next week! I hope for a good lot of time.


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janie_tangerine October 31 2009, 11:43:06 UTC

My thoughts exactly too.


dreamgazed October 30 2009, 20:17:46 UTC
Man, every VD episode Ian gets more and more sexy... GUH. I don't know where it all comes from but I love it <3

I was really hoping Damon would kill Tyler but derp derp (only cause Stefan told him not to lol)

Vicki/Jeremy was getting irritating (mostly Jer tho) so I'm glad she got staked.

As for Elena...... :///// She's getting more and more annoying in each episode. I need a straight answer of why Damon hasn't killed her yet. (it was hot when he got slapped and got angry tho soooo she can stick around more i guess)

I totally agree that Bonnie is the best girl; I'm waiting to see the full extent of her witchly powers.

looool Irish he-witch but yes. He was hot and that accent :Q____ Hopefully he'll come back

The only thing this episode needed was more Cas (which the show's been lacking for a few episodes now D:)


janie_tangerine October 31 2009, 11:45:48 UTC
I don't know how he does it. He's just so... *fans herself like woah* I LOVE THAT MAN DAMMIT. <3

And yeah. I was hoping he'd die too. But the dude reaction? PRICELESS.

V/J was indeed irritating. I don't know who was irritating me the most of those two but yeah, what you said. At least annoying!storyline is over.

Elena was okay in the beginning but yeah, the last two eps I've been wtf at her. Though yeah, totally agreeing on it being hot when she slapped him, lol. Bonnie is so nice!

The Irish he-witch? I'd TOTALLY take him home. I so would. The ACCENT, gah. XQ____

And yeah, that about Cas. But he's back next week!!! :D


alovelyfix November 1 2009, 00:28:28 UTC
I agree with everything you said - I'm suddenly liking Steffan more, too. It's weird. And I disliked Elena quite a bit; I'm hoping that changes, because originally I thought she was okay. I feel like she has the potential to become really annoying now. But, Damon just keeps getting better, and really Ian owns this show. That's all. (:

I kinda half-watched SPN, but I haven't seen much of this season because I DVR other stuff at the same time, so I need to download and have a proper marathon soooon.


janie_tangerine November 2 2009, 17:32:28 UTC
Yeah it's weird about the Stefan thing because sincerely he's not even one per cent of the reason I tuned in, but I guess it's a good thing overall. Elena is becoming annoying, geez. Which is a pity because as you said she totally was okay in the beginning and now... errr. No. Stay okay, please. AND I HAVE NO WORDS CONVEYING EXACTLY HOW GOOD IAN IS. <3333

Have a marathon! This season is totally being awesome, imo.


alovelyfix November 4 2009, 17:22:23 UTC
Absolutely. I think Damon somehow makes Stefan a bit more interesting in some way. In the beginning I was totally okay with Elena! I thought she was kind of stable and not really cliche, but they kind of ruined that, haha. YES, WHAT YOU SAID. Hee. Ian is fab. He's so comfortable and having fun. Love. It.

Haha, I definitely will. ♥


ladymacbeth77 November 6 2009, 22:48:04 UTC
Madooo, in alcuni punti sono letteralmente MORTA! Il vecchio Dean è fantastico e Sam e le sue espressioni... ♥
Però Bobby mi ha straziato il cuore. Io lo amo ç___ç


janie_tangerine November 10 2009, 09:43:16 UTC
Anche a me ;__________; BOBBYYYY ;________________;

Mi ha ucciso davvero in certe parti. E il tizio che faceva Dean da vecchio è BRAVO, poco da farci <333


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