fic, Good Omens/Supernatural: Misery Likes Company (Dean/Crowley; one sided D/C and C/A), R

Jun 23, 2009 00:31

Okay, so, this was for the Dean/Cas kink meme but it seriously got too long and splitting it in comments was hell. And as soon as I read the prompt my head went that way and uh, hi, never written Crowley in anything I posted before (why, I'm crossovering them now but with the right pairings), so just go easy on poor me.

Title: Misery Likes Company ( Read more... )

pairing: dean/crowley, fanfiction:supernatural, character: crowley, character: dean winchester, fanfiction:good omens

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Comments 22

lucife June 22 2009, 23:05:54 UTC
It's bloody glorious!

(I'm the promter by the way)

really, I could read about them forever, so 4000 words? You made my week!
And don't worry, your Crowley is awesome!
Dean/Crowley strangely makes perfect sense all of a sudden :)
Huge thanks for that!


janie_tangerine June 23 2009, 08:17:23 UTC
Oh, DEFINITELY glad it pleased you!!

And ha, well, yay for making your week! It just happened, I couldn't stop myself. ;) And aw, thank you so much! ♥ And isn't that pairing just too good for its own good? I mean. They do make sense. A lot. Thanks again!


lucife June 25 2009, 07:24:08 UTC
Now that you wrote it? Absolutely! I was a bit too Dean/Cas and Aziraphale/Crowley as OTP's to notice it before, but hell, Dean/Crowley rocks!
I'm also convinced "Alistair" was GO reference.

And I love this icon so much! Never did get around to get myself Good Omens icon (


janie_tangerine June 26 2009, 20:29:19 UTC
Yeah, same for me. Actually I started to notice the potential while writing a crossover I'm still working on which is actually Dean/Cas and Aziraphale/Crowley so I couldn't exactly stray too much, then I re-read that prompt and it just hit. They do make quite a pair!

I'm also convinced "Alistair" was GO reference.

Totally. ;) And that icon... I have the name of the maker on my userinfo I think, but I can't put a link right now because LJ is acting wonky. :/ But I'll try tomorrow.


catoasapun June 23 2009, 00:45:16 UTC

Oh, this is glorious.

I always thought Dean and Crowley should sit and have a conversation about their respective infuriatingly adorable angels, they do have a bit in common. They've both experienced Hell, neither is the biggest fan of Heaven, both are totes in love with angels, and, oh yeah, both regularly have cargasms.

I really loved the conversation here, how easily it came to them. Like, "Thank fucking God! Someone who GETS it."

And, yes, your Crowley is fantastic!

Also: Dean/Crowley? *drooool* I must go cool down now. Very hot, m'dear.


janie_tangerine June 23 2009, 07:55:10 UTC
Thaaaank you so much!

Wouldn't they just? I mean, if Cas and Aziraphale are BFFs and get depressed over their boyfriends' obsession for their respective cars it has to be the same thing the other way around, right? They so should sit and have that conversation, which is why I couldn't resist this *cough*.

both regularly have cargasms.

This word needs to be an icon. -nod-

And thank you so much! ♥ It's awesome to hear that I do Crowley fine also because it means I'm not butchering the poor guy in that other fic since I'm writing him more or less the same way.

And yeah. They're hot together. They so are. *cough* ♥


ibroketuesday June 23 2009, 03:54:53 UTC


janie_tangerine June 23 2009, 07:31:18 UTC
YOU KNOW THEY'D SO GET EACH OTHER. It just ate my head, I needed to write it. ;) ;) Thank you!!

(also, HI ADAM. I miss you.)


the_summoning_d June 23 2009, 14:13:35 UTC
Best fic EVER


janie_tangerine June 23 2009, 17:01:30 UTC
You're too good to me really. Thank you so much!! ♥


the_summoning_d July 4 2010, 15:49:37 UTC
Was just rereading for the billionth time, and felt the need to reiterate how hard both you and this fic fucking ROCK. There is not enough Dean/Crowley in the world, and even less that's as well-written and IC as this <3


rayhne July 5 2010, 15:30:06 UTC
Check here for more Crowley/Dean: Fan Material based on Mark Sheppard's Characters.


theatervine June 23 2009, 16:35:21 UTC
This was made of awesome and now I want to see more in this universe. So fantastic, voices are spot on.


janie_tangerine June 23 2009, 17:02:46 UTC
Aw, thank you so much!! I'm really happy to hear it, especially about the voices. Crowley was worrisome. ;) And well, I don't know about this verse because I'm writing another GO/SPN crossover of kind of epic proportions atm, but if I get some idea I'll definitely give it a go. ;) Thanks again!


theatervine June 23 2009, 19:34:07 UTC
You're welcome and I'll gladly read any GO/SPN stuff you have! Where can that be found?


janie_tangerine June 23 2009, 19:38:08 UTC
Thanks again! And well, currently I don't have anything else posted but I'm working on this other fic right now and it's some 14000 words at this point and it'll probably reach 20000 *cough* but I'm going pretty much steady with it so I think I'll start posting it soon. ;)


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