memes + stuff

Apr 09, 2009 22:51

1. Holycrap one hour ago there was another earthquake peripheral shake. Fuuuck. Over there it mustn't have been pretty. Not-at-all. *sigh ( Read more... )

meme, six feet under, icons, leaving, wtf

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Comments 29

lasamy April 9 2009, 20:57:01 UTC
devo dire che mi manca.... 0.o

adoro come scrive, ma già lo sa, socia.

Madò mi mancheraiiiii.


janie_tangerine April 9 2009, 21:07:54 UTC
Ma sai che manca pure a me O__O

THEY TOOK MY.. WAAAAAAALT!!! ma davvero, aridatece Michael e prendetevi Ben o chi per lui...

;___; anche a meeee ;___; spero di riuscire a mettere Skype lì sopra...


inluv4evr April 9 2009, 21:03:08 UTC
I love your handwriting!


janie_tangerine April 9 2009, 21:06:45 UTC
Thank you so much! ;)


(The comment has been removed)

janie_tangerine April 9 2009, 21:25:25 UTC
Thanks! Well, considering how my dad's family is the holiday will probably be made of me procrastinating all day but I'll try. ;)

Yep, and if we get the shakes here I don't even want to think about how bad it's there. It's a disaster. *sigh* I can't really get over it either. And with the fact that my father actually works in l'Aquila I probably won't anytime soon.

And ha, that icon is PERFECT, isn't it? I'm madly in love with it. And yay bondage! ♥

The meme, sure!

... )


one_winged_hao April 9 2009, 21:17:50 UTC
ugh, i hate how everyone has nicer handwriting than me. Mine is just a massive squiggle.

Also, I love your Gran Torino icon almost as much as I love the film.


janie_tangerine April 9 2009, 21:28:01 UTC
I'm sure it isn't. ;) but thanks! ♥

Ha, thanks so much! That movie is so made of win, the fact that the icons are good it's just because the source material = awesome.


elliotsmelliot April 9 2009, 21:59:57 UTC
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the aftershocks or more earthquakes. I hope you are going further away from the site for your holidays, of course as your recently said, Sicily is on fault lines too. Be careful! Duck and cover! Follow Locke's 11 Steps to Survival.

You have cool handwriting. It looks very good natured, just like you.

I love those Lost icons, especially My Boy! the Kant one is amazing. Poor Kant bewildered by Twilight. Me too! Have you made any more Lost S5 icons? No pressure, I just didn't know if I missed any since Jughead.

I skipped over the SFU stuff because I haven't started yet, but I also love Hall on Dexter, so I think I will like him on this too.

In case we don’t chat before you get back, have a great weekend!


janie_tangerine April 9 2009, 22:44:51 UTC
I'm going south so as long as the Vesuvius doesn't erupt it should be good. ;) And I'll definitely follow the 11 steps!!

And aw, thanks. ♥

Ha, I have some but I never managed to post them because I have Photoshop behaving badly (mainly because this computer is sort of dying) and I can never finish an episode but I'm posting a bunch as soon as I'm back. I have two months' worth of icons to post actually.

And ha, yeah, poor Kant! The best of that bunch is Jesus saying the choice was either Twilight or crucifixion, or feminism being taken 100 years back with Twilight and Sarah Palin, but that one was just too perfect not to take it.

Hall is awesomeness. In the beginning of SFU for me he was a pretty bipolar character because I loved him one second and wanted to slap him the other but in the last half of S1 he completely won me over and in S2 I was all heart-shaped eyes. But he's just so good, I think he's my favorite.

In case have a great one, too! ♥


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