I hate Tuesdays with a vengeance.

Apr 21, 2009 21:30

I am completely burned out. I can't wait for March May 13th to arrive (see, I said I was burned out) for one of those courses to end already and have actually two hours off class in the morning. *sigh* Aanyway, just two things for now.

1. Happy birthday astra2104! Unfortunately the fact that I spent this whole day in class implies that I didn't have time to make you a banner but I'd love to write you something if you'd like, with the premise that lately my writing mojo is hit and miss and it'd probably take ages. Meanwhile I hope you had a great day with lots of sunbathing and reading and no essays to correct! And have a great year. ♥

2. Stolen from emiliglia and isis2015. I'll have a bath after dinner and then I'll need to take my head off Kant and stuff. Also, my muse needs a kick.

For those unfamiliar, first you pick a letter. Then you pick a fandom (or a crossover) and a character or pairing. For example, H is for Hug, Michael/Pam (The Office). In turn you'll receive a drabble/ficlet of some kind.


Sure thing: Lost (no Ben, please), Supernatural, any Stephen King you know I like, Pushing Daisies if in crossover (standalone would be trickier).

I could try but I can't guarantee: FNL (please S1 only and better if it includes Mr. Street), Heroes (no Sylar and no past half-S3, I need to catch up) Maurice, any of my obscure movies/books you know of, RPS with people you know I know.

Letters claimed: 26/26
Done: 21/26

A is for: atonement, Dean/Castiel (Supernatural), for wandersfound
B is for: broken, Dean/Castiel (Supernatural), for invisiblelove
C is for: curiosity, Pushing Daisies/SPN crossover, for pnr
D is for: dare, Dean/Castiel (Supernatural), for lasamy
E is for: empty, Jack/Juliet (Lost), for coffeecrisp7
F is for: fool, Juliet (Lost), for missy_useless
G is for: ghost, Shannon/Juliet (Lost), for lenina20
H is for: healing, Jack/Boone (Lost), for polaroid_friend
I is for: innocence, Sayid (Lost), for zelda_zee
J is for: jealousy, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki (SPN RPS), for kros_21
K is for: kiss, Jack/Juliet (Lost), for prettybutt
L is for: letter, Chris/Gordie (The Body), for astra2104
M is for: male bonding, Daniel/Rorschach (Watchmen), for polaroid_friend
N is for: notice, Jack/Juliet (Lost) for jate92
O is for: Oxycontin, Jack (Lost), for emiliglia
P is for: Panthers, Tim and Jason (FNL), for hopelessfangirl
Q is for: quilt, Charlie/Desmond (Lost) for toestastegood
R is for: relief, Jack/Sayid (Lost), for jaydblu
S is for: spooning, Charlie/Desmond (Lost), for toestastegood
T is for: touch, Daniel and Desmond (Lost), for elliotsmelliot
U is for: unknown, Roland/Eddie (The Dark Tower), for reckess
V is for: vacant, Boone (Lost), for inthekeyofd
W is for: wish, Desmond/Sayid (Lost), for tellshannon815
X is for: x-ray, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles (SPN RPS), for invisiblelove
Y is for: yellow, Tim/Jason (FNL), for lasamy
Z is for: zipper, Jack/Sawyer (Lost), for invisiblelove

That'd be it.

stuff, meme, writing, birthday

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