CONTEST: False Start

Apr 23, 2012 10:17

In anticipation of the release of False Start on Wednesday, I thought it might be fun to run a little contest for a couple free copies of the book!

So between now and Wednesday morning, leave a comment here or at my Facebook page with the name of one of your favorite songs from the first time you were ever just flat-out stupid in love with somebody, along with a line or two of lyrics if you're so inclined. Maybe you were in college; maybe you'd just started working; maybe you were precocious and had it all figured out in junior high. Whatever the age, what music provided the soundtrack to your life?

Okay, the connection to the novella is a bit of a reach, but the strain of nostalgia that weaves through the story reminds me of Phil Collins's "Against All Odds", which I listened to ad nauseum my sophomore year in college while I crushed hard on a senior heartthrob.

Phil plaintively asked, "How can you just walk away from me, when all I can do is watch you leave"

*grabs own heart*

I'll choose two winners at random first thing Wednesday morning and post their names. At that point, I'll request e-mail addresses from the winners so I can send the book in the ebook format of their choice.

(P.S. That heartthrob finally noticed me, and we spent a glorious spring hanging out, staying up till all hours talking, and fooling around. Even after he graduated we stayed good friends -- he came to my wedding and a couple years later I went to his -- and we still stay in touch.)

dreamspinner press, contest, oh how i love my southern boys, false start

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