Title: Starcrossers
Characters, Pairings: Donna, Ten, Ten/Donna friendship, Wilf, Sylvia
Summary: "The first pie was rubbish. The second was better. And the third-ah, the third..."
Warnings: Other than the fact that Donna's fate at the end of "Journey's End" was wail-inducing, none.
Rating: G/PG
Notes: Written for the Drabble Challenge #7, "baking,"
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Comments 11
Pumpkin is actually my most hated food, but it works well for the purposes of your story.
The word "whining" came across as very American English to me; "whinging" or "griping" sounds more British English to my ears.
Otherwise, very nice, well written.
I also have a strong dislike for pumpkin pie, but it is Christmas season, after all. I hope I don't have to eat any this year, gah!
Thanks for reading, I'm glad you thought it was well-written.
Lovely fic, love. :D
Thanks for commenting, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
I love the thought of the Doctor and Donna baking together (and him being rubbish at it), and him telling her tales of Gallifrey. Terribly bittersweet ending, especially since the Doctor was trying to do something nice. I like the thought of him thinking about her during the holidays!
Thanks for reading!
It means a lot that you said they were in character--I do try! It's sometimes hard to capture that Doctor-Donna banter, but it's a joy to attempt it!
Thanks for reading.
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