Title: Seven's Our Lucky Number (Thou Shalt Not Laugh)
janeausten4everCharacters, Pairings: Eleven, Amy, Eleven/Amy, implied Rory
Warnings: Adultery.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "You're quiet today," Amy whispers into his neck. Her voice is low and her breath is warm and a shudder rolls down his spine--almost ticklish. He shivers boyishly, and Amy chuckles.
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Comments 6
This is great drabble and the Doctor's reactions is spot on. I can so see him saying these exact words.
I am glad you like the icon, but I can't take credit for it. It was created by yellow_crayon and I love it so much.
Sheer perfection, lovie!! Just...perfect *Happy!Twirls*
Ahhh, Doctor...how I love you more with every breath!
Thank you for this, sweetness!
I'm so glad you liked it! And I've come to the conclusion my love for the Doctor is on a steep, never-ending upward rocket. It really will not stop.
I love the set up. The dialogue. The HNG. God,I swear your writing gets better which each new fic.
And my writing has never made anyone HNNG before! *FIST PUMP*
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