Baby's First D&D Adventure

Mar 08, 2013 18:08

A real land-mark day - prince_eldarion, aged seven-and-a-third, has just played his first D&D session :-)

Inspired by kargicq's starting his children off role-playing, skordh dug out our old D&D rulebook. El spotted it and was interested enough that he has been reading it for the past few nights for his bedtime reading! So after school today, Skordh helped him generate a ( Read more... )

frodo-lad, eldarion

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Comments 30

wellinghall March 8 2013, 18:11:47 UTC
Yay, yay, and yay again!



jane_somebody March 8 2013, 18:16:26 UTC
I thought you would approve :-)


wellinghall March 8 2013, 18:18:00 UTC
Do you realise that when I was El's age, D&D didn't even exist?



jane_somebody March 8 2013, 19:19:58 UTC
Yeah, me too (or at least, hadn't made it to this country, I'm not sure quite when it was invented.) I *think* I was 10 or 11 when I first encountered D&D; the older brother of a friend who lived up the road had a set and invited me and my brother over to DM an adventure for us and his younger brother (my friend.) It featured a gorgon as the main antagonist, and I was very pleased with myself that I had read sufficient Greek mythology to recognise her and know that we needed to use something as a mirror to defeat her :-) So I suppose I was a classicist-in-training even then!


skordh March 8 2013, 18:17:59 UTC
I was also somewhat amazed that, quite without prompting, he said he should talk rather than fight ("he's no jedi!") Basically he offered the trio of hobgoblins money to go away rather than try to ransack the village, and it turned out their price was very low. Quite what the full consequences of this "hob-geld" will be remain to be seen...


wellinghall March 8 2013, 18:19:09 UTC
And that is called paying the hob-geld;
But we've proved it again and again,
That if once you have paid him the hob-geld
You never get rid of the hob.

(with apologies to Rudyard Kipling)


parrot_knight March 8 2013, 19:20:13 UTC
Endorsement here for the teacher-bemusing. I only hope the boys are not let down or opposed by unimaginative teachers further on.


jane_somebody March 8 2013, 20:41:18 UTC
I hope so too!


sharona1x2 March 8 2013, 20:01:33 UTC
This situation calls for the quoting of a popular internet meme.

Parenting: You're doing it right. :-)


elenopa March 8 2013, 20:10:00 UTC
I second this.


jane_somebody March 8 2013, 20:46:06 UTC
I thought you might approve, after all I remember your attempts to get them to say "Doctor" when they were babies :-)


jane_somebody March 8 2013, 20:41:49 UTC
Aw, thanks :-)


adaese March 8 2013, 20:43:00 UTC
Woo-hoo! all round.


jane_somebody March 8 2013, 20:47:11 UTC


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