fic: Lost In Boston Chapter Two

Nov 08, 2011 19:27

Title: Lost In Boston
Fandoms: Law and Order: SVU, and Rizzoli & Isles
Pairings: EO, and Jane/Maura
Rating: M
Spoilers: Season 12 of SVU, and season 1 of Rizzles
Summary: Elliot and Olivia meet Rizzles, and Jane and Maura declare their feelings.

Chapter Two

Jane had just left the lab, to find out what Maura had been able to determine. She hadn't had anything yet. The most she could tell Jane was that Anne had been held on something that was possibly like concrete, because there wasn't anything left on her body that indicated anything else. Jane was a little frustrated. She figured she had to let Maura work, and headed back up to her desk. When she got there, a strange man and woman were standing there. She said, "Can I help you? I'm Dect. Jane Rizzoli."

The man held out his hand for Jane to shake. "I'm Dect. Elliot Stabler and this is my wife, Dect. Olivia Stabler. We're with the Manhattan Special Victims Unit. We came here because we heard that a former suspect of ours is here in Boston. We have reason to believe that he'll strike again while he's here in Boston." He had the bluest eyes Jane had ever seen.

Jane wondered how they'd heard. "OK. Why don't you tell me about it? I'll try to help out in any way I can." She pulled out a notebook and tossed it at Frost. That was his job.

Olivia and Elliot nodded. Then Olivia said, "El, isn't it remarkable how much Jane looks like Abby Carmichael?" Abby was an ADA with Homicide in New York. They'd known her for years.

Her husband looked at Jane again, and he had to admit, she really did. "Wow, Liv, you are totally right." He paused, and then said, "The man's name is Richard White." Elliot explained that Richard didn't like powerful women, and he liked to rape, torture, and stalk them. He wanted them to be as aware of Richard White as possible. Olivia handed Jane the file.

Jane took the file to look it over. She flipped through it, laying it on her desk. She then turned to Elliot and Olivia. "So you guys want to work with us on this?" She asked. Jane thought they seemed like nice people. And a very gorgeous couple. She hoped they'd still let her office have the collar. Although, she wasn't sure that she blamed them, she'd want to keep the collar too. They'd wanted to nab the guy 12 years ago. She would have been the same.

Olivia nodded. Her long shoulder length hair was hanging around her face in beautiful curly waves. She was a beautiful woman. Jane was pretty jealous, and she didn't usually get jealous. Olivia replied, "Yeah, if you guys don't mind. El and I have been waiting to catch this dude for a very long time. Do you have any murdered girls in the past few days? He might have been the cause of it. And if you don't act fast, he will kill more. Trust us when we tell you. He tried to get under my skin." She concluded.

Jane met Frost's eye and then turned back to Elliot and Olivia. "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt. We do actually have a murder case. She was just found yesterday." She showed them the board, where they had the particulars of what they knew. "We talked to her friends yesterday and checked out her apartment. There wasn't any struggle. He must have tried to pretend to be someone she knew, so that she'd let him in. All of her friends said that she didn't have any enemies or anything." Jane concluded. Elliot and Olivia studied the board as she watched them. They seemed very in tune with each other. It reminded her of the way she was with Maura.

They were joined by Maura, speaking of the devil. She had finished examining the body. She hadn't been able to find any fibers or anything on the body that would indicate where she was held. She was a little annoyed by this. She couldn't even fathom a guess as to where. She didn't like that. Muara wanted to know everything. She saw the strange couple talking to Jane. "Who are your friends, Jane?" She asked.

Jane couldn't keep the smile off her face at the sight of Maura. She lost herself in Maura's face for a second and then said, "Maura, this is Dect. Elliot Stabler and his wife Olivia. She's a dectective too. Guys, this is Dr. Maura Isles. She's the chief medical examiner. Do you have something for me, Maura?" Jane asked. She hoped El and Liv wouldn't be able to tell that she had feelings for Maura. She'd have to be more careful.

Maura shook Elliot and Olivia's hands and shook her head. She said, "No, Jane, I'm sorry. There was no fibers or anything whatsoever that was left on the body. I have no idea where she was, and you know I don't like to guess."

The curly haired dectective knew this. She glanced at her watch. "It's time to get some food. I am starved. Do you guys have plans for dinner? Do you want to get something with us?" She asked Elliot and Olivia.

Elliot and Olivia looked at each other. They didn't actually have any plans. Elliot said, "Yeah, we're free to go get something with you." They decided to go to an Unos that was a few blocks from the police station. Elliot was starting to really like Jane. She was very direct, and he thought that was a good quality to have. She seemed to really like her job, too. She also seemed to be good at it. Elliot also thought that there might be something going on with Jane and Maura.

They got to Unos. They were just trying to get to know each other now, not focusing on the case at all. Jane told them all about her family, and about Frankie being a cop, too. She also told them about her mother's failed birthday party. Elliot and Olivia told them about how they had gotten together after Elliot and Kathy had divorced. They had gone out to get a few drinks at a bar not far from Liv's apartment. They had gotten drunk, and ended up going to Olivia's to drink some more. In the course of that drinking, Elliot had kissed Olivia. That had led to having sex. Olivia blushed a little when they talked of that part.

After they had all eaten and divied up the bill, Elliot and Olivia went back to their hotel and Jane and Maura went to Jane's apartment. They began getting ready for bed. Jane got some wine. They didn't really need any but it was fun anyway. Maura took her glass when Jane handed it to her. "Aren't Elliot and Olivia a darling couple?" She asked.

Jane had to agree. They really were adorable. She said, "Yeah, they are. Do you think we'll ever be able to be that happy?" She wondered what Maura would say. She was thinking tonight was the night to tell her how she felt.

Her best friend looked at her. "Well, of course. We're just busy with our jobs right now. That doesn't mean that we'll end up alone. You and I will be fine." She wondered where Jane was going with this. They didn't usually talk about stuff like this.

Jane said, "You think so?" She got closer to Maura, and screwed up her nerve, and kissed her. She put her hands on the back of Maura's neck as the kiss deepened. She pulled Maura closer, hands sliding down to the other woman's shirt tails, and pulled her silk pajamma top over her head. She slipped her hand onto Maura's breast. It was soft and form at the same time and she loved it. She stopped kissing her long enough to ask Maura something. "If we do this, what does it mean to you?" She would hoped it would mean the same.

Maura looked at Jane, knowing there was really no turning back now. She said, "This means everything to me. I love you, Jane, and this is just the next logical step in our relationship." She smiled as Jane did, and took Jane's mouth with hers, and pulled Jane's tee shirt off her head. She pulled Jane to the bed with her. She was totally new at this, but she was looking at it like she knew what she liked. Jane might like some of the same things. She slowly took off Jane's pants and tossed them aside. She knew she wanted to take control. She just hoped Jane wouldn't mind.

She played with Jane's breasts as she kissed her, and then she slipped her fingers into Jane's sex, slowly moving them in and out. Jane was really wet, and she couldn't help but be happy about that. She brought Jane to the brink of explosion, and then she moved down with her face. She slipped her tongue into Jane, and went to town. She avoided the clit, she wanted Jane's orgasm to be huge.

Jane was thoroughly enjoying what Maura was doing. She arched her back as Maura slipped her tongue into her. She hoped she'd be able to show Maura all the pleasure she was getting. She finally got off as Maura's tongue flicked her clit. After she came all over Maura's face, they switched positions. Jane pulled Maura's pants and her panties off and then went up to kiss her. She then put her mouth around Maura's breast, sucking and licking Maura's nipple. She made Maura shiver. She smiled to herself and then moved down to Maura's sex. She slipped a couple of fingers in, and then her tongue, too. Maura arched her back so hard Jane thought she'd break the bed. It didn't take long for Maura to orgasm.

Afterwards, Jane went to lay up by Maura. They forgot about the wine as they drifted off to sleep, arms around each other.

The next morning, Elliot and Olivia were waking up after a very good night's sleep. Their trip to Boston seemed to be doing well for them. Elliot ordered breakfast for them as Olivia showered and got dressed. They were going to be going back to the police station after breakfast. Elliot had enjoyed dinner with Jane and Maura the night before. "Liv, I got breakfast." He called through the bathroom door. He had already gotten up and dressed. He opened up their police file on Richard White. He was trying to figure out if the man that they were dealing with was Richard White or a copycat.

He knew that Olivia had to be dealing with his hard. Not as hard as if this guy was Lowell Harris, but he had stalked her. Elliot wanted to catch this guy more than anything. He wanted to put this guy behind bars or the guy to be dead. He didn't feel bad about wanting that, because if this guy had the chance, he'd kill Olivia without a backwards glance. He would give his life to make sure that his wife was alive and well.

OIivia came out of the bathroom, showered and dressed. She smiled at Elliot as she came in. "Hi, babe, breakfast sounds great." She said, giving him a kiss. Then she noticed the file. "Babe, you're looking over the White file?" She asked.

Her husband, nodded, looking at her. "Yeah, just want to be ready to catch this guy, sweetie." He knew that Olivia didn't think that she needed to worry as much as he did, but he couldn't help it.

The look she gave him did not surprise him. She changed the subject, she didn't want to talk about Richard White anymore. She hadn't had to think about him in a long time, and she didn't like to. "What did you order for us to eat for breakfast, sweetheart?" She asked, going to the door to check for the morning paper.

Meanwhile, Jane and Maura were getting breakfast with Jane's mother. They had gone out to Jane's parents', to make up for having to miss the party the day before. Frankie was also joining them. Jane wasn't sure if they should tell her mother that they were together now. Maura had told her that they could do whatever Jane wanted to do. She was still deciding, but she was leaning towards yes, because her mother had asked her about Maura as it was.

Angela had made pancakes, eggs, bacon, and waffles for those who didn't like pancakes. And toast, of course. She was calling for Frankie as she was putting plates on the table. She was wearing the pearls Frankie Jr. had gotten her and if the dress Jane and Maura had picked out for her had been less fancy, she'd've worn it too. It was a very fancy black cocktail dress. They'd gone in together, and of course, Maura had paid more than Jane had. Angela told her daughter and Maura to fill their plates. She knew they were on a case and might not eat for awhile. Since she wasn't sure that she was going to get Jane to agree to take a lunch, this was a good way to ensure she ate. "How's my girls this morning?"

The "girls" in question looked at each other before turning back to Angela. Jane shrugged. "Fine, Ma. Actually Maura and I have something to tell you." She said, catching Maura's eye and taking her hand. "Ma, Maura and I are now together." She then started to fill her plate with food, she was actually very hungry.

Her mother shook her head, laughing. It was just like Jane to drop a bomb like that and then act as if it was no big deal. She said, "That's very good, Jane." She gave Maura a look. "You make sure that you take care of each other." She said.

Frankie came into the kitchen. "What are you doing, Ma?" He asked, as he gave her a kiss. "Trying to kill everyone with this breakfast?" He was teasing. He really didn't care about calories as much as he supposed he should.

His mother gave him a look as he sat down and filled his plate. "Jane, how's the case going?" She asked. "Or can you talk about it?"

A shrug, and Jane said, "Not so bad, there's a couple here from New York that works for SVU there and they're here to work with us. They are very nice." She said.

This was news to Frankie. He had not been there when Elliot and Olivia had arrived at the pd. "Really, Jane?" Frankie was a homicide junkie, and he wanted to make detective.

His sister nodded. "Yeah. They think they know the killer of the girl we found. They want to try and help us catch him." She didn't think it was her place to tell them about Elliot and Olivia's past with him. "They're nice, Frankie, I think you'll like them."

As she was tucking into her breakfast, her phone rang. She groaned. It was Frost. "I'm eating my breakfast, Frost, what is the deal?" She asked.

Her partner's voice was strained. "Jane, my wife just left me with no warning whatsoever." He said, and Jane could tell he'd been crying. "I'm sorry that I called you, but I didn't have anyone else to call."

Jane felt bad for him. "I'm sorry, Frost. Is there anything you need for me to do for you?" She held up a hand to Maura, who was giving her a look. "I totally will do whatever you need."

Frost told her he just wanted to talk, maybe get drunk as soon as the case was over. He didn't stay on very long with her, they hung up not long after.

Jane told them all what had happened. She missed the look on her brother's face, but her girlfriend didn't. The look of sorrow and then pure joy. It puzzled Maura until she deduced what it must be...


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