He Never Tricks

Sep 21, 2014 15:15

Title: He Never Tricks
Author: Jamie jamieall_over
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: "I wanna lick your lollipop."
A/N: alex isn't as slutty in this as i imagined him being but oh well

“Alex, seriously, slow down!” Jack whined as he hobbled after his boyfriend down the darkened street.

The older teen sighed but did as directed, putting the toes of his shoes to the ground to stop him from moving any further away. He didn’t know why he did it, really, seeing as how it was Jack’s own fault that he decided to go trick-or-treating as Dr. Frank-N-Furter, clunky heels and all. Alex, on the other hand, had chosen a much more efficient costume-a full-body, hooded Grim Reaper cloak with his old Heely’s to make it seem like he was floating over the pavement, a faux (yet oh-so realistic) scythe hanging from a strap and resting across his back.

“I can’t chase after kids and scare them if you keep holding me back,” the Briton muttered, holding his right hand out as Jack finally reached him and linking their hands together tightly, a bit of the silky cloth of his sleeve getting caught between their palms. “Then again,” he continued, glancing around at the people walking past them, “that might actually be all of your doing.”

Jack’s grip tightened significantly as he halted mid-step. He found Alex’s need to make comments like that really unnecessary, what with the fact that they both knew young Tim Curry in drag had ended up in at least one of their wet dreams at some point. Adding in the factor that it was Jack instead of young Tim Curry just made the whole thing that much hotter-they both knew that just as well also.

Alex sighed and took a step back, squeezing at Jack’s hand and then leaning down to kiss his partner’s shoulder (since every inch of his face was covered in make-up that Alex didn’t want to ruin or get on his own face). “Don’t be like that, you know I think you look sexy,” he mumbled as he stood back up, immediately turning to stare down a few kids that moved by.

The children all appeared fairly gleeful in their own costumes, smiling up at Alex even though they couldn’t see his face due to the shadow his hood caused, but that all changed as he took one quick step towards them. Three shrieks echoed down the street, causing a few other jumpy tots to make a somewhat similar noise in their own fear, and then Alex was doubling over to grasp at his sides, his chuckles getting stuck in his throat as he desperately tried to choke down lungfuls of the dry, fall air.

God, he loved Halloween.

“I think that next year we should do a couples’ thing,” he said as they eventually resumed their walking. “Like, zombies or something. Then we could be scary together and stuff. We could probably scare adults that way, too. Fuck, we could walk around downtown by the bars and wait for people to walk out. How fucking great would that be?”

Jack wasn’t replying, but Alex wasn’t letting him. Not really, at least. That was okay, though. Alex was happy when he was talking about Halloween (even happier when he was talking about how he wanted to spend future Halloweens with Jack), and Jack was happy when Alex was happy. He didn’t mind the few times the elder would break off contact to run across the street to wait at the end of someone’s driveway, jumping out in front of innocent kids and causing them to scream, and he didn’t mind the fact that he wasn’t getting as much candy as he’d originally hoped to.

That didn’t stop Alex from feeling somewhat bad about it all. Not the scaring people part, but how he was kind of ignoring his boyfriend and holding him back from free candy. The thing that didn’t stop him from putting most of his focus into his mild streak of terror was the knowledge that he could only do it once a year, whereas he could buy Jack as much candy as he wanted whenever he wanted.

Thus, the horror continued.

One hour soon morphed into three, and before either boy even knew it, lights were starting to be turned off. There were still kids flooding the streets in hopes of finding more treats, their bags already overflowing, but the two older teens barely had half a bag each, and Alex could tell that Jack was a little disheartened by it.

By the time the last house on the street had been reached, he had an idea on how to make it up to his lover.

“It’s not fair,” Alex sighed, holding his right hand out for Jack to take, “you got the lollipop I wanted.”

Jack did his best to peer into his bag as he could with it dangling from his right hand, but he couldn’t see very much. He was fairly certain he hadn’t gotten a lollipop at the last house, but he’d been wrong about things before.

Nevertheless, he humored the older boy, asking, “Which one? You can have it.”

Alex simpered under his hood, stopping at the end of the driveway to send a quick glance around and then turning so that he and Jack were face-to-face. The younger couldn’t see the look he was being given in the darkness, but he could feel Alex’s hand leave his own before it was groping at his crotch, a voice huskier than usual breathing heavily into his ear, “This one.”

“Alex,” he hissed, stepping back and pushing at the touchy-feely digits. He could practically feel his eyes popping from his skull as they darted around to make sure that no one had seen. His attire was too skimpy, too little, wouldn’t cover much if anything at all if he got a boner, and he didn’t need to be out in public when it happened.

The elder merely stepped forward again, hand returning to its previous position as he leaned forward again. “Come on, Jack, please?” he tried, twisting his wrist just so. There was a slight twitch against his palm, and that’s when the younger’s teenage hormones kicked into high gear. Five little words had him fighting to hold in a groan: “I wanna lick your lollipop.”

“Stop,” he tried, but it came out as nothing but a whimper. He knew that it was only a matter of time before someone realized what was happening. If they got caught, someone would call the police, and the police would take them to the station, and then there’d be questions and the calling of parents and-

“I bet it tastes so good,” Alex was saying, a hot tongue made of silk creeping from plump lips to flick teasingly at an earlobe. “Won’t you share with me? I need it, doctor.”

Jack could barely come to his senses. All he could feel was Alex’s tongue; breath; hand. He was stepping forward then, but it wasn’t to get more of what his boyfriend was giving. Instead, he was pushing past and doing his best to hurry down the street in the shadows outside of the streetlamps and away from as many people as possible.

He didn’t get very far before Alex was there again, hand clamping on a wrist and pulling him to a sharp halt. Jack could tell that people were starting to stare and he could only hope that it was dark enough that no one would notice the problem that most of them were probably eye-level with.

Then Alex was tugging him back the way they'd come. It was all Jack could do to oblige quietly in hopes of not making any more of a scene than he probably already had.

Just past where the whole ordeal had begun, Alex took a slight right, heading towards what looked like the outskirts of a small park. There were trees and bushes galore, providing coverage from the rest of the world. When they were safely behind the wall of flora, Alex finally stopped.

“What are you doing?” Jack was quick to demand, and he could see Alex’s hood being pulled from off of the top of his head.

“Killing two birds with one stone,” the older boy dismissed, grinning widely and then dropping his things to stalk forward.

Jack’s back collided with a large tree before he could even fully comprehend what was happening, and a gasp tugs its way from his throat as he loses his own grip on his bag. “How’re you doing that?” he questioned as Alex sank to his knees in front of him. The taller boy’s heart was beating faster in his chest, his breathing ragged and deep. He was getting lightheaded, and he wasn't entirely sure why anymore.

“Well,” Alex started, hands reaching up to shimmy down Jack’s black underwear just enough so that his dick popped out fully, the head already tinted just the slightest bit of red… not that it was too visible, anyway. “I know that you think this Halloween was kinda shitty-and that’s my fault, and I’m sorry. I wanna make it up to you.”

A warm hand was wrapped around his cock then, the palm barely covered in a layer of spit, and it was good. It was so good, but it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough because he was still coherent enough to ask, “What about the second bird?”

“Ah,” Alex said, “the second bird.” He didn’t continue after that, though, and instead busied himself with tonguing at his boyfriend’s slit, drawing a shaky breath and moan. The noise, to his distaste, was cut short, and he could tell, just knew, that Jack was biting at his lip in order to be quiet.

He pulled back with a sigh at that, licking over his own bottom lip before finally answering, “You’re gonna let those pretty moans of yours out. All good ghosts moan, don’t they? It’ll feel good, won’t it? Get your dick sucked and make some kids think that this park is haunted. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

And while Jack has never been much the type to care about scaring other people (kids, to be more specific), getting his dick sucked did sound pretty great.

“What if someone sees us?” he found himself asking, and Alex shrugs.

“That’s just part of the fun,” the elder dismissed easily. “I know you want someone to see us anyway. Want someone to see me with your cock down my throat. Does that turn you on?”

Jack didn’t have the time to respond before those lips were finally wrapping tightly around him. They were warm and wet and even though he couldn’t see him that well through the darkness, the taller could just imagine how perfect he looked with his cheeks hollowed and his hair ruffled.

Growls, moans, and groans all do their best to fight their way to the surface, all so desperate to break free, but Jack was just barely able to hold strong as Alex bobbed his head and sucked just a little harder, tongue lapping in all the right places at just the right times and fuck he could hear people walking down the road no more than twenty feet behind him.

Alex could hear them, too. Oh, how he can hear them. He shouldn’t have been able to, and the fact that he could made him think that maybe he wasn't putting enough effort into it as he could have been. With a heavy inhale through his nose, Alex was squeezing his eyes shut and pressing forward as much as he could.

A near scream had his lids snapping open once more, the unexpected (yet hoped for) noise causing him to jump to the point where he momentarily choked, and then it was as though the sounds just couldn't stop.

Jack wanted them to. He wanted them to disappear, wanted to come so that he and Alex could leave and go home and cuddle and eat candy and be cute, but he couldn’t focus on quieting himself when Alex’s mouth was so hot and slick and clenching and there.

The footsteps grew louder, and Alex moved quicker, pulling off almost halfway before taking Jack whole again, and constant back-forth-back-forth that was so good that it was too much. Neither could breathe, too consumed in everything the other was doing, too turned on about the fact that they could be caught in a matter of seconds.

Then he heard it. It was hard to catch, but it was there nonetheless: “Dude, that has to be a ghost,” one little boy said, tone shaky, which is soon followed by a very unconvincing “No, it’s not; ghost’s don’t exist.”

Alex sent out a silent prayer to whoever may have been listening (because who wouldn’t want to hear to his boyfriend’s moans?) that Jack could get louder. He pulled out every trick in the book in anticipation of what he’d be able to pull from the depths of the younger’s heaving chest. Teeth pressed gently into pulsing flesh, nimble fingers squeezed at tightening balls, and in what felt like virtually no time at all, Jack was coming down his partner’s throat with a groan so long, deep, and low that Alex could’ve sworn on his very life that it echoed in the trees around them.

The two little voices from before returned in screams that fought against Jack’s noises, the sound of leaves crunching and twigs snapping as they ran as far from the haunted park as fast as they possibly could. Words were intermingled in their cries, warning others of the ghosts and ghouls that disturbed the grounds.

Alex could only pull off and burst into a cackling fit, falling back onto the ground as he tried to stop his hysterics and catch his breath before he even considered standing up. Jack was slumped against the tree, head leaned back and breathing more out of control than it’d been since… ever. His make-up was probably as wrecked as Alex’s voice was going to be, and he still didn’t get any more candy like he’d hoped he would, but he couldn’t honestly think of a better Halloween.

It was only minutes later that the pair were stumbling their way back to Jack’s house down the darkened backstreets that Alex spoke up, his voice scratchy, and said, “So I think I’ve changed my mind.”

“About what?” Jack inquired, leaning further into his partner’s side and doing his best to just keep moving forward.

“About next year,” the elder explained. “I think that, instead of zombies, we should be ghosts.”

And Jack couldn’t even bring himself to roll his eyes.

all time low, jack barakat, barakarth, alex gaskarth, nc-17, jalex, one-shot, atl

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