Hooo Boy

Oct 07, 2009 18:22

Hi, bb! (By whom I mean starstray) Happy birthday!!! Hahaha man, I have to say I really love reading your journals, the way you put your diction on your journals are making me feel like reading classic English novel somehow, such a joy. And your art with your beautiful sketching and coloring is really a treat for my eyes, I like it so bad I always make my ( Read more... )

life could be sucks, art, meme, birthday

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Comments 10

eyelushtraitor October 8 2009, 05:29:22 UTC
bruneinya imut sekali....!


jali_jali October 8 2009, 08:59:26 UTC
Wuhu! Thanks bb ^ ^

Oh, btw gw dah baca fic-mu yg tentang Ned/Ind itu. Hahaha bole juga tu bb! Gw seneng bacanya ;D tapi sedikit kritik aja si, Indonesia-nya kok perasaan karakternya jadi terlalu 'getir' gitu ya, kesannya kayak jadi objek penderita banget gt, coba dikasi vibe2 yang rada positif mungkin next time? Sama sedikit ralat aja si, Filipina ngga termasuk ke G20, setau gw yg di Asia Tenggara cuma Indonesia aja yg masuk situ.
And last but not least, grammarnya perlu diperbaiki ya ^ ^; sayang tu jadi rada pusing pas bacanya. Kalo butuh proof reader gw mau kok jadi sukarelawan, hehe. Demi bisa baca lebih banyak fanfic tentang Ned/Ind hohohohoho. Tapi grammar gw juga ngga perfek2 amat si sebetulnya, jadi ya terserah dikau aja. ^ ^

Bikin lagi ya fic2 berikutnya!


eyelushtraitor October 10 2009, 05:43:52 UTC
hohoho sedikit terpengaruh fanfic yang gua baca XP LOL!! iya, iya, memang agak gimana... gitu ya... kebanyakan baca us uk nih... :P

i will!

eh??? wah kagak teu, gue dapat dari wiki, maka salahkanlah si mas wiki XD *dihujani pisau* perlu eferensi lagi nich

thanks! memang gua lagi butuh baget constructive criticism!
hurhurhur... yeah still learning english basic... haha...ha...


eyelushtraitor October 10 2009, 06:12:04 UTC
etto... one more thing...
biarpun misalnya himaruya sensei dah buat ASEAN-tan, tetep lanjutun ya...???
already in love with your id-tan and others XDD


starstray October 10 2009, 01:08:56 UTC
Thanks for the birthday wishes bb! :DD it was really very embarrassing... please don't say such things, I'm not worthy of such praise =3=

btw, I also had to draw the mountain and paddy fields landscape in grade school... lagi ada rumah kampung rofl

btwbtw, I also hate G-pens


jali_jali October 11 2009, 14:30:13 UTC
Mission accomplished!
Btw it's true I like your English though, because it's so British! XD

Hmm I didn't know that drawing mountain and paddy fields is also a standard curriculum for Malaysian grade school's art class @_@ it's a new discovery!

True, bb. I wonder how could those Japanese manga-ka could draw such nice lines with this thing, it won't stop leaking in inappropriate places! D8
Btw out of curiosity, what tools do you use to ink your sketch manually?


starstray October 13 2009, 01:50:36 UTC
Ahahahaha I read too many books >3<;;

Not only do we have the padi field thing, we also do the stereotypical sunset-on-beach landscape... here they tell us it's the so-beautiful landscape of Port Dickson... I wonder if they tell you guys it's Bali??

To be honest I FAIL at using a G-pen (lines go funny), even when I tried Rotring technical pens I didn't like them at all, because the line was too flat. The dip pens I use now are actually a cheap set I got in London and a turkey quill but not for smooth, manga lines ;3; for the manga-style lines it's Sakura micron or Uni pin or Artline felt-tip (Artline gives a more organic feel but it's not waterproof) do you use those as well as G-pens?


jali_jali October 13 2009, 16:09:04 UTC
Books are good for your health ;D

Hmm drawing sunset is not as popular as padi field in my school though, but I recall my friends' grade schools did have this material for art class.

FAIL G-PEN HIGH FIVE!! Wow, you use wide varieties of tools @_@ I never draw with a turkey quill before, but I'm very intrigued to try it one day. Curiouser and curiouser.... Once I tried using china ink and brush to make artworks, but not a big fan for that ^ ^; usually for manga lines purpose I'm using either sakura drawing pen, or the rotring one. For some reason I could use technical tools better than art tools *sob* T^T how sad. Artline is okay imo, but apparently the one I have is for calligraphic purpose so I don't use it much.

Really now, I'm even considering to sell this G-Pen I have since it gives minimum contribution only in my comic progress. -_-;


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