
Jun 27, 2013 21:01

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glee, fanfiction

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Comments 1

jazzy_pizzaz June 28 2013, 13:05:15 UTC
Thanks for posting this! It's dark enough, I'm not sure I'd want to read about Karofsky learning he's going to attempt suicide... (that's a lie, I'd read it, but I totes understand why you're done w/ the fic.)

"Which, for all Kurt cares, might as well be God. The sandwich certainly took more care of Finn than any other deity has ever cared for Kurt." Huh, great insight tying the plot lines and perspectives together.

I'm so glad Kurt's first kiss was with Blaine... and it's interesting to what changes and what stays the same.

Damn I"m not sure which is worse: canon Glee in which Karofsky does that to Kurt and can't come out for fear of others... or this universe in which a television company would out Karofsky on television even though they know how terrified he is.


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