The Hollister Legacy- Generation 3~Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Jul 17, 2010 19:45

This chapter is out much quicker than I thought! I forgot to arrange it properly, some of the pictures were meant to be in Part 2 but it dosen't matter :) It is a short update but I can say that there will be a birth following Dahlia's pregnancy last chapter and also a birthday, but who for? ;)
Last chapter the 3rd member of Generation 3 was born, we had a music geek out and Jerome tried to save Fern from the outdoors.


Fern: Dis is my new favourite toy! It's a wace car!

Not all this again... Jerome will be so jealous.

Dahlia: Oh dear, its the fat! It's mutating again!

Dahlia, your having a baby. Its called being in labour.

Dahlia: I'm not in Labour! I never liked Gordon Brown, the co-elition is the way to go!

Not the political labour Dahlia... oh I give up.

Get ready, its a....

GIRL! Another little baby girl, and I decided to call her Marley :) Marley had Hates the Outdoors (like father like daughter) and Grumpy locked in. Her favourites are Latin, Fish and Chips and Aqua.

Marley: ;)

Dahlia: Can we get chocolate cake next time?

That's one of the things I want on TS3 :)

Chris: Wooo! Another grandchild to teach =D

Jerome: How come a man cant go to work without his wife giving birth?

In case you were wondering, Jerome is in the Athletic career, Dahlia in Music, Esme in Ghost Hunting and Chris is a Firefighter :)

Shewwwww =D

Where did her hair come from? =S

I'm confused =/ If your wondering it isnt Chris's colour because his is the default brown and when I tried it on her it looked completley different. Strange. She looks less like her father than Fern, but she is still adorable :)

I'm sorry Pete lovers around the world. We're going to have to take him back to the kennels, he's too much work. But don't worry, he'll go to a loving home <3

I never did figure out how to get him to eat properly, and if anything happens to him I'll feel guilty :(

Esme took a picture to commemerate his leaving.

Esme and Chris's Grandchildren in Age Order

Apart from his nose, Peter is the spitting double of his mother Keri. If you've forgotten, Peter is the first born of Generation 3 and his parents are Mitchell and Keri.

What can I say? Harper and Drake's son Callum turned out to be adorable. I'd say he is mostly his mother and its hard to tell which are Drake's genes and which are Harper's.

Fern is the first child eligible to carry on the legacy into the 4th Generation. She looks a lot like her father Jerome but also has some of her mothers genes in, but its hard to tell at her young age.

Marley is the youngest of Generation 3 and where her hair came from is a mystery, and is the second child that could be heiress.

If you guessed that it was Esme's birthday, then you were right! Today is the day she gets old and wrinklier.

Esme: Are you trying to say I've got wrinkles? Did the botox count for nothing?

Dahlia: Now I will look even sexier now that Esme is old and wrinkly!

What a lovely thing to say at your mother in laws birthday :L

Esme: Hmmmm... What to wish for?

Esme: I wish to look good as a hip grandma!

Dahlia: Because thats really going to happen *sniggers*

Esme: Go away, your head isnt even in this picture!

EA, can you bring in Vuvuzela's for this?

Esme: Is there a rewind button I can press?

Esme: Uh-Oh...

Esme: Uhh... Don't even look at me.

Well, she didnt turn out bad at all. Quite a cute elder :)

I warned you that it would be a short chapter didnt I? It feels good to get a second chapter out in a day though,now I can start playing again ;'D Until next time,

~Keep Simming!

generation 3

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