Kanjani8: "Promises" (Ryo/Uchi)

Feb 14, 2008 22:55

Title: Promises
Author: Jain
Pairing: Ryo/Uchi
Rating: G
Word count: 1583
Summary: It's been years since Uchi's gotten homemade chocolates.
Author's notes: Written for the 24 Hour Valentine's Day Challenge.

Other participants: acchikocchi | agirlcalledkil | anamuan | devetir | honooko | imwahyou | iverin | jackoweskla | jadedfrenzy | jnessap | Read more... )

fic: j-pop, fic

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Comments 45

pashoshi February 15 2008, 07:16:55 UTC
This is so adorable. The beginning with Uchi and his mother complex was really sweet, and the flailing over getting a confession from Yasu and not from Ryo was well done, and then the end just made me smile a lot. It makes me so happy to read good Ryo/Uchi.


jain February 16 2008, 08:39:28 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm especially glad that you liked the bit with Uchi and his mother; I didn't want to ignore the fact that they're unusually close, but I didn't want to turn it into a joke the way most stories do. It's really great to hear that it worked for you.


samenashi February 15 2008, 07:28:04 UTC
this made me so insanely happy.
... )


jain February 16 2008, 07:07:19 UTC
I'm glad you enjoyed! Thanks for commenting.


katherinekate February 15 2008, 09:38:53 UTC
That was just the sweetest best thing a girl can read first thing in the morning. It was amazing. Not overwritten just beautiful. Thank you, you are fantastic, that was fantastic, RyoUchi deserves lots of fantastics, thank you!!


jain February 16 2008, 08:40:35 UTC
Thank you for the lovely comment! I'm really glad you enjoyed the story.


impynymph February 15 2008, 18:04:42 UTC
This is so adorable!

It is really great to read good Ryo/Uchi you'll write more sometime, right?? please?!

"What I put you through?" Uchi said, as indignantly as he could while he was still laughing. "You made me think that I was going to have to turn down Yasu! You had it easy in comparison."

SDFKJLSADA AHAHahahahaa so great XD


jain February 16 2008, 08:42:07 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked that paragraph in particular; I really enjoyed writing that bit. And I hope to write more Ryo/Uchi at some point, though I have a few stories for other pairings that I'm trying to finish first.


jecca_o9 February 15 2008, 18:10:54 UTC
hi, i'm speechles. have hearts instead, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

the background for the chocolates was wonderful and oh so possible, and then Uchi's thoughts on having to reject Yassu, and then the phone call, and alk;dfkalsdf;aklsdfal;k. (there goes my attempts to be coherent, i'll stick with the hearts next time XDDDD)


jain February 16 2008, 09:46:04 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you found the premise plausible. The part where Uchi was worrying about how to turn down Yasu was actually really hard to write, since I love the idea of the two of them together, so it's great to hear that it worked for you.


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