Good-bye Guiding Light

Sep 18, 2009 09:00

Today is the last episode of the once great show. How sad. I can't say they are going out in style, but it's still upsetting to see them go. Ashlee Wolfe, I'll miss you, but your world will always be alive in my fanfiction. Caitlin I hope you find a better job soon. *sigh*

Here is a mini (very small) picspam of Caitlin's last couple of days on GL as Ashlee. I'll be doing another picspam of all my favorite Cooplee/Ashlee/GL memories tomorrow...

Once again...Good-bye old friend. It was a long and bumpy ride...


At least she looks beautiful on her final days...Doris looks amazing too. *sad sigh*

pictures, doris, ashlee, guiding light

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