Fri, 18:21: There's a first time for everything. Today, it was my first time repairing a bathroom sink. Black gunk build-up is…
Wed, 13:51: Gonna try and make an effort to use Twitter more often, now that I'm starting to move away from Facebook slowly.
Wed, 13:54: Today's training session is being conducted by man who's English is horrible, and he's presenting MSSQL and Email s…
Sun, 01:09: RT @ DannyCaliShep: When you're STILL talking about furry conventions in the group chat... (Yes! This is a sequel after numerous request.) h…
Thu, 16:38: The internet as we know it may soon be a thing of the past unless we demand that Congress act to save net neutralit…
Sun, 10:58: RT @ ClydeHyena: Clyde predicts the future: Elon Musk gains weight and buys a husky fursuit and never washes it. He becomes a husky Musky m…