DWP FanFic - Queen's Witch - Chapter 12

Sep 08, 2013 19:29

For notes and disclaimers, see Chapter 1

Chapter 12 - Storms of Change

The next morning as Miranda slowly drifted awake she could smell breakfast close by. She opened her eyes and smiled at her lover wearing a sleep shift sitting cross-legged on the other side of the bed. “Good morning, darling,” she burred before going into a full body stretch.

“Morning,” Andy leaned in for a quick kiss. “I brought breakfast in. Would you like to eat in bed?” At Miranda’s nod, Andy hopped up and retrieved the tray from a small table.

Andy and Miranda shared tea, eggs, toast, and fruit. When they were done, Andy took the tray out to the sitting room and refreshed their mugs of tea. Once they were comfortably seated against the headboard Andy cleared her throat. “Miranda, I need to tell you something.”

Concerned by Andrea’s serious tone, Miranda set her mug down on the nightstand and turned to her lover. “Is something wrong?”

“No, on the contrary, everything is perfect. These last four years have been the happiest of my life.”

“I’m glad, but you seem so serious.”

Setting her mug aside, Andy looped her arm around Miranda’s shoulders and pulled her close. “Let me finish.” Feeling Miranda’s nod, she continued. “Because of what I am, I haven’t truly loved many. I have cared deeply for many, but love has been rare. I loved Amelia with almost all of my heart. I didn’t hold back much but I did hold back.” Andy hugged Miranda a little tighter. “Miranda, I’m not holding back with you. I love you with my whole heart. You told me once all you wanted was to love me for the rest of your life. I want the same. I want to love you for the rest of my life.”

“Darling, no, you’ll have so many years after I’m gone.” Miranda reached up and stroked Andy’s cheek. “You’ll find someone else and love again.”

“No, there won’t be anyone else.” Andy nuzzled Miranda’s neck.

“I don’t understand. What are you saying?” There was something underlying Andrea’s words. Miranda could feel it but could not put a name to it.

“My love, when the time comes, I will follow you,” Andy whispered into Miranda’s ear.

Aghast, Miranda pulled back to look her lover in the eye. “You can’t!”

“Yes, I can. I wanted you to know. I plan on telling Lily when I see her.” Andy returned her attentions to Miranda’s neck.

“Andrea!” Miranda tried to pull back. “We need to discuss this.”

“No we don’t. In fact, I can think of a lot of things we can do that don’t involve much discussion,” Andy leered at Miranda.

“Andrea, really. We, oh, you are not playing fair.” Miranda felt herself being pulled down into the bed.

“Never said I played fair. Come here beautiful.”


Four days later, Queen Miranda and her court welcomed Queen Lillian and her entourage. Andy stood off to the side of the throne room and listened to the formal speeches of greeting and continued friendship. She grinned when she caught Pickwick’s attention as he stood impassively behind Lily. Andy rolled her eyes at one of Lily’s ornate expressions of appreciation. Pickwick stifled a smile and nodded to Andy. Andy then turned her attention to the dais where Miranda was regal as always with the twins standing proudly next to her.

After the speeches, Andy escorted Queen Lily and Pickwick to their rooms. “Here you are,” she said while opening the door. Lily swept in followed by Pickwick and Andy. “You can rest for a couple of hours before dinner. If you would like a bath, just ring.”

“Thank you, Andy. I don’t want a full bath yet, I’ll just wash up. Pickwick?” Lily glanced at her lover as she folded her wings and sat on the couch.

Pickwick paused in his circuit of the room, “I’m fine, Witch.”

When Andy nodded and wandered over to the window, Lily directed a pointed look at Pickwick and waved towards the door.

“I’m going to check on the guards and take a turn around the castle. I’ll be back in a while.” Pickwick hurried out the door.

Without turning, Andy chuckled dryly. “That was subtle. You didn’t need to run him off, Lily.”

“A little exercise will be good for him. Now, what’s up?” Lily knew the signs. Andy had something she wanted to discuss but was afraid to bring it up.

“Why does anything have to be up?”

“Because you’ve been as jumpy as a cat since we got here. Now, come over here and sit down.” Lily watched as Andy turned and stared at the floor before moving again. “Come on, Andy. What’s the problem?”

Andy sighed as she moved to the couch and plopped down next to Lily. Lily put an arm around Andy and tugged her close. Andy snuggled into Lily’s shoulder. “I fell in love with Miranda.”

“Did you now?” Lily hugged her friend.

“Yeah. It’s not like the last time though,” Andy whispered.

“Really?” Lily smiled to herself.

“Yeah, it’s different.” Andy wasn’t sure how to describe her feelings.

“Different how?”

“I don’t know.” Andy struggled to find the words. “More intense? Deeper? I know I don’t want to live without her.”

“Hmm, that does sound serious. What are you going to do?” Lily smiled softly, happy for her friend.

“I told Miranda that when she passes, I’m going to follow.” Andy held her breath waiting for Lily’s reaction.

“I bet that went over well,” Lily snorted.

“You have no idea.” Andy relaxed. At least Lily wasn’t going to jump up and down and scream and holler.

“You realize there is another option.”

Andy sighed. “Yeah, but I didn’t bring it up.”

“Why not?” Lily was surprised that Andy hadn’t approached Miranda with the obvious solution.

“It would mean she would outlive her children.” Andy pulled back to wipe away tears. “I know what it’s like to watch the people you love die. I don’t want to do that to her.”

Lily pulled Andy’s head back down to her shoulder. “Don’t you think you should let Miranda decide that?”

“Maybe,” Andy said softly.

“You think about it. But whatever you decide, I will support you.” Lily kissed the top of Andy’s head.

“Thanks, Lily. You’re the best.”

“Of course I am baby, I’m the Queen,” Lily laughed.

Andy just smiled.


Dinner was informal with Queen Lily and Pickwick joining the royal family and Andy. Miranda was gracious if somewhat distant with her guests. She knew that Andrea had talked to Queen Lillian but she was unsure of the Fairy Queen’s reaction. There were no outward signs of animosity so far.

After dinner Miranda led the group to the music room where Caroline and Cassidy took turns playing the piano. Pickwick sang an old fairy love song that made Lily blush and Andy laugh. Before retiring for the evening Andy, Pickwick, and the twins made plans to go riding the next day. Miranda and Lily would be left alone to discuss trade agreements and other affairs of state.


The next morning after breakfast, Andy, Pickwick, the girls, and an assortment of human and fairy guards rode out of the south gate and headed east. They followed an old cart path along the edge of the woods and enjoyed the warm sunshine and cool breezes. Most of the leaves were off the trees, but those that still held on were quite colorful. At mid-day the party stopped at the edge of a small stream to water the horses and eat the lunches they carried in their saddlebags. Just as they were finishing the wind gusted. One of the guards called out pointing to the sky. Andy looked back to the southwest and saw a line of black clouds rolling over the Dolce Mountains. “Crap, that doesn’t look good.”

“Andy,” Caroline pointed to the clouds and yelled over the increasing wind, “lightening.”

“I see kiddo.” Andy looked around desperate for some cover. “Is there anywhere we can hole up until this blows over? If we turn back for the castle we’ll run right into it.”

Cassidy mounted her horse and waved towards a group of hills. “Yeah, there’s an old barn not too far from here. Follow me.”

Everyone hurried to gather their horses and follow the young princesses. They rode hard for about half an hour before cresting a hill. An old abandoned homestead was nestled in a little valley. The barn was the only building still standing. What used to be a house was a burned out shell overgrown with weeds and small trees. The group had out raced the rain and as soon as they started down the hillside they were protected from the buffeting wind.

Andy swung down off her horse and tossed the reins to one of the guards. “You guys stay here, I’ll check out the barn.”

“Andy, we’ve been here before,” complained Cassidy.

“Hey, if I let a barn fall on your head your mom would kill me. Give me a couple of minutes okay?” Not waiting for a response, Andy opened one of the doors and slipped inside. Andy grimaced at the dark, musty interior. She conjured a light and walked further into the barn looking for any signs of trouble. The wind caught up to the group and was whistling through holes in the siding and roof. Andy jumped when she heard a couple of creaks turn into cracks. Just as she decided to get out, the barn door banged open.

“Andy, the rain is here.” Caroline continued on towards Andy at the rear of the barn. “Can we come in?”

Before Andy could admonish the impatient girl, there was a rumble over her head. “Go!” Andy shoved a wall of power at Caroline throwing the girl out of the barn as huge beams broke and collapsed to the floor. Andy felt something hit her shoulder and drive her to the ground. Then it was black.


Miranda stood up and walked over to the window watching the ominous weather roll in. “I hope Andy and the girls have enough sense to take cover.” Her discussions with Queen Lillian had gone well that morning and many trade issues had been finalized. After a light lunch, Miranda and Lily were relaxing in the Queen’s sitting room with the infamous portrait.

“I’m sure they’ll be okay. Andy won’t take any chances with your girls.” Lily stood and opened her wings, allowing them to stretch and flutter.

After gazing at the gardens below for a few minutes, Miranda looked back at Lily. “Do you have any children?”

Lily nodded as she joined Miranda and watched the clouds roil. “I have a son.” Lily swallowed before continuing, “And I had a daughter.”

In those last few words, Miranda heard unhealed pain. “I’m sorry for your loss.”

Lily sighed. “It was a very, very long time ago.”

“Still,” Miranda shrugged.

“Yes.” Lily glanced at Miranda. “She fell in love with a man.”


“Yes,” Lily nodded. “She loved him very much. So much so, she became mortal for him.”

Miranda was intrigued because she didn’t know such a transformation was possible. “You disapproved?”

“Of course, but she loved him and wanted to have children with him.” Lily stared out the window and wiped a stray tear from her cheek.

“What did you do?”

“I loved her and reluctantly supported her decision,” Lily explained. “I doted on my grandchildren and watched them grow up. I was there when Bella passed away. She lived a very long and full life as a human.”

“I’m sorry. I cannot imagine what that must have been like.” Miranda shivered at the thought of going through the same experience with her girls. It was her greatest fear.

“It was the hardest thing I have ever lived through.” Lily’s expression sobered as she remembered. “Death does not come for us very often. We don’t age and die like your people.”

“You said you have a son?”

Lily’s wings fluttered, she was so proud. “Yes, he recently became a member of my personal guard. He’s a great deal like his father.”

“Pickwick?” Miranda didn’t remember seeing a member of the Queen’s guard that resembled the consort.

“No, his father was Barlos, Captain of the royal guard. He was killed in battle defending our people. Ambrose favors him: tall, handsome, and so gallant. Pickwick was Barlos’ best friend and a comfort to me after Barlos was gone.”

“I love my girls. I don’t want to think of out-living them.” Miranda shuddered at the dark thought.

“I can appreciate that. I know Andy understands.”

“Can you talk to her? Make her see reason. Change her mind.” Lily was Miranda’ last hope.

“Are we talking about the same person? Pretty girl, about so tall?” Lily held her hand an inch or so above Miranda’s head. “Has long brown hair and dark brown eyes. Goes by Andy?”

“Yes, I see sarcasm is not limited to the human species,” Miranda huffed.

Lily laughed for several minutes. Wiping her eyes, she made her way back to her seat. Folding her wings she sat down. “Thank you. I needed that.”

“From your display I take it that once Andrea makes up her mind there is no going back.” Miranda left the window and moved towards her chair.

“Usually. I have seen her change direction if she had a good reason. In this case, I don’t see that happening. She loves you and that is not going to change,” Lily smiled up at Miranda.”

“So you will accept her decision to die once I pass on.” Miranda pursed her lips. The conversation didn’t go the way she hoped.

Resigned, Lily shrugged. “It’s Andy’s life. I love her like a daughter but I can’t force her to do anything.”

“So what should I do? Just accept her decision? Accept the fact that I will be responsible for the loss of the greatest witch to ever live in this land?” Miranda’s frustration was obvious.

“Miranda, it is her decision,” Lily said softly.

Miranda settled into her chair and frowned. Before she could continue the argument a ball a pain slammed into her chest. “Caroline,” she screamed as she slid to her knees.

Lily doubled over in her chair and cried out, “Andy!”


“Andy!” Caroline picked herself up and stumbled towards the collapsed building. Cassidy caught and held her, keeping her from running into the wreak that used to be a barn.

“Let me go. Andy’s in there.” Caroline struggled but her sister held firm.

“Wait. We’ll get her out. We’ll get her out.” Caroline cried but continued holding her sister back. She watched as dust rising from the broken wood and rafters was knocked down by the steadily increasing rain.

Pickwick was yelling orders to the guards, organizing a rescue in the worsening weather. He soon realized they did not have the manpower to move the heavy timbers. “We need more help lads.” He gestured for Ambrose to join him. “I’m going to open a portal to the castle. I need you to help stabilize it on that end. Take a couple of guards to get help. We need men, ropes, and tools. Let the Queens know what happened. Send everyone back through but you stay and hold that end open.” Ambrose was still nodding his understanding as Pickwick started the incantation. As soon as the portal popped open, Ambrose and two guards ran through. Pickwick stood in the rain with his arms outstretched feeding enough power into the doorway to keep it open.


Pickwick was soaked through from the cold rain and could feel his strength lag. He felt the disturbance in the portal seconds before a double line of guards rushed past him towards the collapsed barn. After a score of men surged pass, two cloaked Queens followed.

Lily went to Pickwick and wrapped a cloak around his shivering body before fiercely hugging him. Stepping back she took stock of his condition. Turning towards the work crews clearing the debris she called for one of her guards. Quillan immediately ran to his Queen and at her command stepped behind Pickwick and placed his hands on the consort’s shoulders. Pickwick’s relief and the feeling of renewed strength were immediate.

As soon as Miranda cleared the portal she anxiously sought her daughters. She saw Caroline and Cassidy being gently moved out of the way by the guards as they took her daughters’ place pitching broken pieces of lumber clear of the wreaked building. “Girls!” Miranda ran and gathered her girls in a relieved and desperate hug.

“Mom, it’s my fault,” Caroline cried and buried her face in her mothers’ neck. “Andy’s hurt because of me.”

“It will be okay, darling. We’ll get her out.” Miranda pulled back and quickly ran her eyes over both of her daughters making sure there were no injuries. “Both of you go home, get out of those wet clothes, and wait for us.”

“But we can help.” Cassidy looked back at the line of men moving timbers and boards from the center of the collapse.

“No, the guards have it handled. I’m afraid you would just be in the way. Go on now, no arguments.” Miranda kissed each of their foreheads and pushed them towards the portal. Once she saw them through, she tugged her hood up and pulled her cloak tighter around her. She moved towards Captain Roy where she was joined by Queen Lillian.

“Status, Captain.” Miranda glanced at the man but turned to watch the effort at the barn. She could barely contain her feelings of frustration and dread. Somewhere under that pile of debris was her Andrea. Miranda felt her heart skip when she thought of her lover’s condition.

“The men have moved most of the small stuff. I sent someone back to the castle to get more rope and poles we can use to lever the larger beams up and away from the center.” Roy kept his eyes on the men even as he gave the Queen his report.

Desperate to hurry the rescue effort’s progress Miranda turned to Queen Lillian. “Isn’t there some kind of magic your people could use?”

Lily frowned and shook her head, not taking her eyes off the collapsed barn. “The only one capable of that kind of brute force is lying unconscious under that wood.”

“How do you know she’s unconscious?” Miranda felt a spark of hope.

“Because if she was awake, she’d be out by now,” Lily commented wryly. Lily reached over and gripped Miranda’s hand. “She’s alive. I can feel her.”

“Thank you.” Miranda briefly closed her eyes and sent a quick prayer of thanks to the Goddess.

Miranda and Lily paced back and forth watching the men’s slow progress. They were grateful when the rain gradually tapered off and the constant wind finally died down. Miranda jumped when one of the men yelled that he found a hand. Guards swarmed to the area to move the debris from Andy’s body.

“Nellis, see to her!” Lily shouted to her man. “He’s training to be a healer,” she explained to Miranda. “He’ll be able to determine how best to move her.”

Miranda just nodded and gripped the edges of her cloak forcing herself to wait for her Andrea. She wanted to rush to her side, but knew she would only be in the rescuers’ way. Finally, the witch was carefully placed on a stretcher and carried towards the portal. Miranda and Lily were waiting. On either side, they each took one of Andy’s hands and hurried along with the litter bearers.

Chapter 13 - Possibilities

miranda/andy, dwp

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