Bang, Bang - Part 3

Jul 28, 2015 06:52

One year, seven months after the incident

Nigel paced along the curb in front of the courthouse while he waited for Miranda. Based on Roy’s earlier text, he expected her any minute now. He was nervous and apprehensive about the day to come. Today the judge would hand down his verdict on Andy’s guilt or innocence. As he ran his hand over his bald head he looked around. Emily and Serena were waiting over by the steps, holding hands and talking quietly. There was a crowd of Runway employees gathering to one side, their numbers slowly growing. No one was heading inside just yet. It appeared that everyone was waiting for Miranda to lead them in like she did unknowingly the first day of the trial. When employees came to him over a month ago asking to attend the proceedings, he had been touched by their concern. Each person promised that their work would get done and all deadlines would be met. He knew Miranda had been stunned by the gesture.

The silver Mercedes smoothly pulled up to the curb, and Nigel reached down to open the rear door. Miranda slipped on her sunglasses before taking his offered hand and stepping out of the car. Nigel closed the door and tapped the roof to let Roy know he was clear. He fell in step behind Miranda and admired her regal air as she strode across the sidewalk and up the steps. Emily and Serena flanked him as he followed Miranda into the building. A brief glance over his shoulder confirmed that the Runway troops followed in their wake.

Once in the courtroom, Nigel, Miranda, Emily, and Serena took the same seats they had occupied since the beginning of the trial. The Runway contingent filled in the rest. It wasn’t long before Andy was escorted in and led to the defense table. Nigel briefly admired the suit he dressed her in today. The dark suit and white blouse gave the young woman a serious, no-nonsense look. Soon everyone was standing as the judge entered the courtroom. After the formalities were observed, the judge called for Andy to stand.

As Andy stood to hear the verdict, Nigel slipped his arm around Miranda’s shoulder. He wasn’t as hopeful as Miranda and wanted to be prepared. The judge’s furrowed brow and serious expression led him to expect the worst.

The judge stared at Andy a moment before pronouncing sentence. “Based on the testimony and evidence provided, there is no question that Mr. Irving Ravitz was a bad man. However, that does not mean an individual may take the law into her own hands. Therefore, I find Andrea Sachs guilty of manslaughter in the second degree.”

Nigel felt Miranda shudder as he pulled her into his chest. The judge paused, waiting for the spectator’s muted gasps to quiet. “Sentencing will take place in one month. Court is adjourned.” The judge banged his gavel before rising and leaving the courtroom.

Nigel felt sick as he watched the bailiff cuff and shackle Andy. All he could do was gently pat Miranda’s back for comfort. Her face was buried in his chest; her shoulders’ silent shaking was evidence of her heartbreak. He looked over and saw Emily and Serena clinging to each other.

Before Andy was led away, he met her gaze. When she tilted her head slightly, he nodded. Without words he promised to look after Miranda.

Nigel felt Miranda raise her head and pull back. He watched her reach into her bag and retrieve her sunglasses. Once they were firmly in place she stood, and the Runway contingent followed suit. As Nigel escorted Miranda to the courtroom door, the couple was surrounded. It was as if he and Miranda were in a Runway bubble. The human mass moved through the hallways, down the steps, and outside the courthouse. The bubble made it impossible for the dozens of reporters to get close enough to ask questions. They continued to travel down the concrete steps toward the Mercedes where Roy stood at attention, holding the passenger door open. As the Runway bubble got closer, people split to one side or the other. A direct path was opened so that Miranda could enter the car unimpeded. Nigel handed her in and slipped around the car to enter on the other side. He hoped the pride he felt for his friends and colleagues was evident in the look he gave them over the roof of the car. With only a brief pause he joined Miranda in the back seat.

“I had hoped that the verdict would have gone the other way,” Miranda whispered as the car smoothly pulled into traffic.

“I know.” Nigel took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Andy knew. She told me what to expect when I saw her the other day.”

Nigel watched Miranda slip off her sunglasses. “I wish.” Miranda sighed.

He reached over and took her hand. “Andy will be fine. You and the girls are safe, and that has always been her only concern.”

Miranda nodded slowly and slipped on her sunglasses. Nigel could only offer silent comfort when she turned her face toward the window.

One year, eight months after the incident

Once again Andy was wearing another new suit courtesy of Nigel. This was Andy’s favorite so far. It was a dark charcoal gray and contained a subtle pink pinstripe. A fuchsia silk shirt and black Christian Louboutin two-inch heels completed the outfit. Andy sat at the defense table waiting for the judge to convene court. She didn’t dare look over her shoulder at the visitor gallery. The brief glimpse she allowed herself when she came in confirmed that her Runway friends filled the seats. She knew she would have a hard time keeping a lid on her emotions today. There was no way she could keep from breaking down if she saw sorrow or pity in any of their eyes.

When the judge entered, everyone stood, and Andy swallowed, hoping the nausea she felt wouldn’t cause her to embarrass herself. She gratefully sank into her chair once the judge told everyone to be seated.

The judge reviewed the documents in front of him. After a few minutes he called for Andy to stand. “Ms. Sachs, do you have anything to say to the court before I pronounce sentencing.”

Andy prayed her shaking wasn’t visible as she straightened her back and looked the judge in the eye. “Yes, your Honor. I’m sorry for what happened that night and the pain this has caused Mr. Ravitz’s family. I take full responsibility for my actions.” Andy briefly bit her lip as she waited for the judge’s response.

“Andrea Sachs, you have been found guilty of manslaughter in the second degree. In accordance with New York Penal Code Section 125-15, I hereby sentence you to three years in an institution to be determined by the Department of Corrections, with credit for time served.” The judge adjourned court and exited the courtroom.

The sentence was less than what Andy had expected, but it still felt like a punch in the gut. To keep her balance, she briefly leaned against the defense table. As she waited for the cuffs and shackles, she turned to stare into Miranda’s eyes. Andy got the impression that only Miranda’s grip on Nigel’s arm kept her standing.

When the bailiffs signaled that they were ready, Andy gave Miranda a brief smile. “I’ll be okay. Take care of her, Nigel.” She turned and shuffled out the side door with her escort. She didn’t let her tears fall until she was in the hallway and the courtroom door was closed. Her only comfort was the mantra running through her mind: they’re safe, they’re safe.

One year, ten months after the incident

Dear Serena,

Thank you for the books and magazines. I really appreciated receiving them.

I’m settling into my new space just fine. I’ve even started making friends. A couple of the girls have asked me to help them improve their reading skills. We are using copies of Runway for the lessons.

I know you said you would visit, but please don’t. The drive up from the city is too long and boring. Besides, you and Emily have little enough time away from Runway. Don’t waste it on me. I would rather have your letters to read whenever I have some down time.

I need to go. Things to do. People to see. Take care of yourself along with Emily, Nigel, and Miranda.


One year, eleven months after the incident

Dear Nigel,

Thank you for all those copies of Runway. The girls love them. I’m tutoring six girls, and Runway makes an excellent textbook.

I’m glad things are going so well in the office. Emily wrote me about her promotion. She’s so excited. I can’t wait to see her achieve her dreams.

I’m sorry you disagree with me about visiting. You would spend the entire day in the car for a thirty-minute chat. I would much rather get your letters filled with juicy gossip.

Take care of yourself, and keep an eye on Serena and Emily. Watch over Miranda and the twins. Keep them safe.


Two years after the incident


You don’t need to remind me that the mail you receive may be reviewed before you see it. I am well aware that untold numbers of people have been informed that Serena wants to get pregnant. Bloody hell, all of Runway and half of New York City are conscious of that little fact. An additional guard or two hardly matters.

Serena is investigating fertility clinics, obstetricians, and birthing plans. She is combing catalogs and internet sites, looking at baby furniture and maternity clothes. The woman is obsessed. Last week she stopped a woman with a toddler in front of the building and started an in-depth conversation on the merits of various pre-school programs. They talked for our entire lunch break. I just stood there, trying to appear interested.

Frankly, I’m scared spitless. I told Serena I did not know the first thing about children in general or babies in particular. She bought me a book. A BOOK! She said I would be just fine. She’s one to talk. She has three sisters, two brothers, and a constantly increasing number of nieces and nephews.

Bloody hell, if I didn’t love her so much. Who am I kidding? My wife wants a baby. We shall have a baby.

Serena has decided that she is waiting until you come home before we start the process. She thinks you will be able to keep me from freaking out. Her words. You can do anything, but I am almost sure that will be beyond your powers.

Anyway, we would like you to be the godmother to our child. Serena plans to ask Miranda to be the godmother, also. Nigel has accepted our request to be godfather. We believe our child will be well taken care of by the three of you. I hope you accept. If you don’t, I will throw that bloody book at you. It’s huge. It will hurt.

Take care of yourself. You have to come home safely and help me maintain my sanity during my wife’s pregnancy.


Two years, two months after the incident


I hope you are well. I’m sending a separate package with the books you have requested. If you need anything else, let me know.

Runway is fabulous as usual. The plans for Men’s Runway are progressing. Emily and I have been slaving away. I believe Miranda will be proud of our efforts (even if she does not say so).

By now, you should be reading some interesting news about Elias-Clarke. Miranda was able to force the last of the old guard off the E-C board. Between her personal shares and the proxies she was able to gather, they didn’t stand a chance.

The changes implemented by Miranda have already helped the company stock to rebound. The women identified in Irv’s files have been contacted, and the last of the settlements finalized. The company is stronger than it has been in years.

Take care of yourself. We all miss you terribly.


Two years, six months after the incident


Roger has informed me that you will be released from prison in one week. You have served a majority of your sentence, and based on your good behavior, you are entitled to an early release.

The car will pick you up at the gate.

We have much to discuss. I look forward to seeing you.



Andy stepped outside and immediately raised a hand to shade her eyes from the bright sunshine. The heavy metal door snicked closed behind her. She blinked rapidly to clear her vision as she clutched a plastic bag with her meager personal possessions and looked for a familiar black town car or silver Mercedes. Instead at the curb a deep blue metallic BMW sparkled in the sunlight. Andy took two steps toward the car when she heard the driver’s side door open. Her breath caught at the sight of Miranda stepping out. She drank in the picture of perfectly coifed white hair and brilliant blue eyes. Frozen in place, she could only stare as Miranda came around the front of the car and glided toward her.

“Miranda,” Andy whispered. She slowly raised her hand and ghosted her fingers over the woman’s cheek. “I’m dreaming,” she murmured.

“No, darling. Not a dream.” Miranda stepped closer and pulled Andy into her arms. “I’ve missed you so.” Andy felt Miranda’s arms tightened around her as she tucked her face into Miranda’s neck. She promised herself she would not cry when she was reunited with Miranda. It was going to be a hard promise to keep.

She started to relax, but it suddenly dawned on her where she was. Jumping back, she frantically looked around. “I’m so sorry, Miranda. I wasn’t thinking.”

Smirking, Miranda grabbed Andy’s hand and pulled her toward the car. “It’s fine, Andrea. Nothing Page Six publishes can hurt me.” Miranda opened the front passenger door and helped Andy into the car before plucking the plastic bag with Andy’s personal possessions from her hands. Andy heard the trunk door close before she watched Miranda slip into the driver’s seat and turn to her fully, her eyes traveling over Andy slowly. She remained still under the scrutiny, thankful that Nigel had sent her the True Religion jeans, which hugged her diminished curves, and the red wrap blouse, which accentuated her assets. She had slipped down to a size two during her time incarcerated. He had also provided low-heeled boots, a thoughtful gift since she was out of practice with wearing heels.

“Andrea,” Miranda whispered.

Andy sank back into the leather and stared at Miranda, loving how Miranda said her name. She had missed Miranda terribly. Since the last court hearing, she had only seen Miranda through a series of photographs taken at various events or provided by the twins. Although entirely photogenic, Miranda in three dimensions was enough to render her stupid. Andy finally gave in and reached across the seat to grasp Miranda’s hand.

“Are you hungry?” Miranda lifted Andy’s hand and kissed it.

“Starved,” Andy whispered.

“I’m not surprised. Didn’t they feed you in there?” Miranda squeezed Andy’s hand before releasing it and starting the car.

“I was too excited to eat breakfast, and I didn’t want to wait for lunch.” Andy reached behind her and pulled the seatbelt across her body to secure it. She loosened it enough so that she could sit sideways and continue to watch Miranda.

“What would you like to eat? I’ll stop at the first likely restaurant.” Miranda buckled her own seatbelt before smoothly steering away from the curb.

Andy took a deep breath and sighed. “A burger. I would love a really great burger.”

Miranda glanced at her passenger and smiled. “A burger it is then. Maybe, if you are amenable, we could stop later for ice cream. On the way here I saw a billboard advertising the best ice cream in western New York.” Miranda winked playfully.

“Excellent. If they have a billboard, it must be true.” Andy’s smile broadened when she caught the wink. She could hardly believe that she was finally free and with Miranda. The nightmare that started thirty months ago was finally winding down. Andy watched as Miranda drove them away from the prison grounds and pulled onto the state highway.

After a few miles thoughts of the twins interrupted her study of Miranda’s profile. “How are the girls? In fact where are the girls?”

Miranda checked her mirrors and signaled a lane change before answering. “The girls are fine. They are visiting their grandmother and will return tomorrow afternoon. They are looking forward to seeing you.”

Andy was also looking forward to seeing them. They had been faithful letter writers while she was away. “How is Jeremy? The girls told me about the last incident.”

Miranda gave a disgusted huff. “He’s checked into rehab again. Did the girls tell you they refuse to see him until he is clean?”

“Yeah,” Andy answered and reached out to rub Miranda’s shoulder. “I’m sorry they’ve had to deal with that.”

Miranda shook her head. “They are strong girls and realize their father’s problems have nothing to do with them.” Miranda briefly took her eyes off the road to glance at Andy. “Thank you,” she whispered.

Andy just dipped her head and continued to stroke Miranda’s shoulder.

The next few miles passed in comfortable silence as Miranda drove and Andy watched for any restaurants advertising burgers. “Have you thought about what you want to do now?”

Andy shrugged and stared down at the leather seat.

Miranda concentrated on the road ahead. “You don’t have to do anything you know. The girls decided that you are moving in with us. They’re looking forward to redecorating one of the guest rooms for you.”

“Miranda,” Andy said softly.

“No, Andrea.” Miranda gripped the steering wheel so tightly her knuckles turned white. “You are staying at the townhouse. I’ve missed you. You are back now, and I am not letting you go.” Miranda took a deep breath before continuing. “Unless you have changed your mind. If your feelings have changed?”

Andy’s grabbed Miranda’s arm. “No, no. I love you, Miranda. I loved you three years ago, and I love you now.” She shrugged as she struggled to explain. “I don’t want to cause you any trouble. You said earlier that Page Six couldn’t hurt you. Won’t having me in your home raise questions?”

The tension drained from Miranda’s shoulders. “Silly girl. I don’t care what others think. You saved me and my girls. I owe you so much. Besides, most of New York City believes we were having an affair before the incident.”

“What?!” Shocked, Andy straightened then winced when the seatbelt pulled against her neck. “But we didn’t, I, you, we, we,” she could only sputter in outrage.

“I know,” Miranda smirked. “We barely figured out our feelings and decided to wait. We wanted to but didn’t, and everyone thinks we did.”

“Damn it all to hell,” Andy groused.

“Andrea, will you please move in with me and my girls?” Miranda glanced at Andy and gave a sly smile. “We can pick up where we left off. I want to build a relationship with you.”

“Yes, Miranda. Thank you. I want that, too.” Andy returned her hand to Miranda’s shoulder.

Miranda cleared her throat. “Before the incident, you wanted to be a writer. If that is something you still wish to pursue, I will help you. You can take your time making a decision.”

Andy dropped her hand and ran her finger along the seam of the leather seat. She stared down at the seat before speaking. “I actually thought of doing something to help other women leaving prison.” She paused to chew her lip before returning her gaze to Miranda. “There are several programs to help former inmates, but the need outstrips the resources. I’d like to see if I can help set up more programs or at least let women know what’s available.”

Miranda patted Andy’s hand. “That is a wonderful idea. Perhaps setting up a foundation would be a starting point.”

“Thank you.” Andy glanced out the windshield when Miranda signaled another turn.

“If that billboard is to be believed, there is a restaurant ahead that serves awesome burgers and exceptional steaks.” Miranda smirked as she slowed to make her turn.

“Fantastic. First an awesome burger and then ice cream. This is turning out to be a pretty great day.” Andy shifted in her seat to face forward.

“Oh, Andrea. This is just the beginning.” Miranda smiled as she pulled into the parking lot.

“I know. I can hardly wait.” Andy smiled as she rested her hand on Miranda’s thigh.

To Part 4

miranda/andy, dwp

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