Meeting Vivian - Chapter 3 - Emily

Mar 08, 2015 19:04

See Chapter 1 for notes and disclaimers

Chapter 3 - Emily

“Hey, Em.” Andy Sachs strolled up behind her friend, Emily Charlton, Assistant Accessories Editor. “What are you doing down here?” They were currently in the Runway Museum and Emily was standing over Vivian Martine’s glass-topped desk.

“Hiding from Serena.” Emily mumbled as she absently flipped through the magazine left on top of the desk.

“Why? I thought you guys were getting along great.” Andy reached over and rubbed Emily’s shoulder.

“For now.” Emily closed the magazine and pushed it back across the desk. “Serena could have anyone in the world. One of these days she’s going to realize that.” She moved across the room to gaze unseeing at one of the oversized Runway covers hung on the wall.

“Emily,” Andy sighed. “What brought this on? Did Serena say something?”

The red head chewed her lip and shook her head.

“Then what?” Andy tilted her head and studied her friend.

“We went out the other night. No one could keep their eyes off her.” Emily’s shoulders slumped. “She’s brilliant, beautiful, and comes from a wealthy family. What can I give her?”

Andy felt a wave of sympathy at Emily’s defeated expression. “You could give her your heart.” She patted her friend on the back. “Just talk to her Em. Give Serena a chance. You’re giving up for no reason.”

“I suppose.” Emily shrugged and made an effort to throw off her bad mood. “So what are you doing here?” She asked. “Did Miranda kick you out of her office?”

Andy grinned and bumped shoulders with the red head. “No, I’m actually here to work.”

Emily turned and stared at Andy with exaggerated shock. “Please tell me you are not Miranda’s new second assistant.”

“Yes, and you are going to be the new first.” Andy tried to keep a serious expression but started giggling at Emily’s outraged look.

“Bloody fool.” Emily shoved her friend’s shoulder.

Andy smiled and returned the favor. “Nigel asked that I write an article about Vivian Martine. I came down here to get in the mood.” If she had been the only one in the museum, she had planned to interview Vivian.

“Nigel mentioned he had an idea for a story.” Emily moved back towards Vivian’s desk. “From what I read on the displays here, she was a fascinating woman.”

Andy wandered over towards the windows. “Yes, she was. I have an appointment with Vivian’s great nephew. Vivian’s sister had a few of her things and some newspaper articles that she passed down to her son. Now her grandson has them.”

Emily ran her fingers across the glass-topped desk. “I wish I could have met her.” As she raised her head to say something to Andy, Vivian popped into view.

“Boo,” Vivian whispered.

“Aieee.” Emily screamed and ran for the exit.

“Damn it, Vivian!” Andy stamped her foot.

“That never gets old.” Vivian grinned and rubbed her hands together.

“Are you twelve?” Andy glared as she put her fists on her hips.

Vivian opened her mouth to say something but thought better of it. “If you hurry, you can probably catch her at the elevator.” She smirked as she watched Andy blow out a disgusted breath and take off after Emily.

When Andy caught up to Emily the red head was leaning against the wall near the freight elevators. “Em?” She slowly approached the pale, panting woman.

“Was that?” Emily gasped and stared back down the hall.

“Yeah.” Andy shrugged and fluffed her bangs. “Vivian has a warped sense of humor.”

“You knew!” Emily pointed her finger at Andy. “You knew she was there.”

“Umm, yes?” Andy chewed her lip and took a step back.

“Why didn’t you say something?” Glaring at her friend, Emily pushed off the wall.

“It’s not something that comes up in normal conversation, Em.” Andy ran her fingers through her hair. “I met Vivian a few weeks before I left.”

“Does Miranda know?” At Andy’s slow nod Emily huffed. “Nigel?” When Andy gave her a sickly smile she rolled her eyes. “The rest of Runway?”

Andy quickly shook her head. “No, just the three, ahh, four of us.”

“Brilliant,” Emily sneered.

“Would you like to really meet Vivian?” Andy watched Emily consider the invitation. “She won’t scare you again.” Biting her lip, Andy rolled her eyes. ‘At least I hope not,’ she thought.

Emily swallowed and stood up straight. “Yes, yes I think I would.”

“Great, come on.” Andy led her friend back towards the museum. “Maybe someday you can meet the girls.”

It took several steps before Andy realized Emily wasn’t behind her. When she glanced back, Emily was frozen in place, wide-eyed and pale.

“There are more?” Emily whispered.

Andy walked back and grabbed Emily’s hand. “Don’t worry. They’re mostly harmless.”

She ignored the strange expression on Emily’s face as she dragged her friend back down the hall.

Chapter 4 - Serena

miranda/andy, dwp, mirandy

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