Queen's Witch Interlude - Prequel - The First Goodbye

Oct 01, 2014 10:07

Title: The First Goodbye (is the hardest)
Rating: G
Pairing: Pre-Andy/Miranda, hints of Andy/Rand
Summary: This story is a prequel of sorts to Queen’s Witch (DWP AU fantasy). It takes place before Andy leaves Eliasa for the big wide world.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the rights to The Devil Wears Prada or any of its characters.
A/N: Thank you Punky96 for looking this over. Any and all mistakes are mine. Just because.

Exhausted, Andy eased down and leaned against the large maple tree. She groaned as she stretched out her legs. It had been a long day clearing stumps from the future wheat field. Andy combed her fingers through her drying hair and relaxed. Her body ached, but she smiled at the work accomplished today.

“Hey, you still awake?” Rand trudged up the slight rise to join his cousin.

“So far.” Andy tilted her head back to gaze into the bright blue eyes of her best friend. Rand’s auburn hair was wet and his shirt was damp where it clung to his expansive shoulders. She gestured to a spot next to her as she scooted over so that he could share the tree trunk backrest. “Where are the others?”

Rand sat and stretched his legs out next to Andy’s. He grinned as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “After they cleaned up in the creek they decided to head back home.”

The two relaxed as the sun dipped towards the horizon. Rand reached for Andy’s hand, entwining their fingers. “That was a nifty trick today.”

Andy smirked and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, that was fun.”


Last fall the elders decided this tract should be cleared to increase the tillable land. Between their growing numbers and increases in trade, the grains produced by this field would be welcome. Over the winter, the woodcutters harvested every tree of significant size. As soon as the weather allowed, work crews completed clearing the leftover brush and scrub. All that was left was a field full of stumps.

Andy, Rand, and their friends met in the field just after sunrise. They spent back-breaking hours chopping and hacking tree roots before using draft horses to pull the stubborn stumps from the earth. Everyone, including the horses, was taking a much needed break when Andy tossed her axe aside and jogged across the field to a distant stump. Rand started after her but stopped when she turned and yelled for him to go back.

He watched as she approached the stump, circling it a couple of times. She studied it for several minutes before backing up, still facing the low mass of wood. Andy raised her arms and started chanting. Rand couldn’t make out the words but backed up several feet when smoke started rising from the stump. Suddenly there was a tremendous explosion. A mixture of dirt and pulverized wood shot twenty feet into the air. Rand lost sight of Andy as debris rained down. Without thinking he started running before the dust cleared. He only took a few steps when Andy popped up off the ground and let out an excited whoop.

“What the hell did you do?” Rand grabbed Andy’s shoulders and glared as he franticly checked for injuries. Andy was covered in dirt and tiny pieces of wood. The only contrast to the brown-gray coating was the whites of her eyes and her gleaming smile.

Andy jumped up and hugged Rand. “That was so great.” A cloud of dirt and dust billowed off her body with every move.

Rand heaved an exasperated sigh. “Next time a little heads up?”

Andy nodded as she looked around for her next victim. “Sure, sure. That one over there.” She pointed before trotting off. “You better stay back.”

Rand threw his hands up in the air. “You stay back too!”

Andy threw a distracted wave and circled another stump. Rand relaxed when he saw that Andy wasn’t as close this time. After the eruption she stood just clear of the falling debris.

Rand reorganized the work crew to take advantage of Andy’s powers. He directed Andy to the stumps and kept the work crews out of the way. When the stump blew, workers cleared the large chunks of wood and filled in the resulting craters. Rand kept a close eye on Andy to make sure she always kept a safe distance. In her excitement she occasionally forgot to back up before the stumps exploded. They cleared a third of the field before quitting for the day.


Rand kissed Andy’s fingers before resting their hands in his lap. “What made you think of blowing up the stumps?”

“Frustration,” she sighed.

Rand raised an eyebrow as he gave Andy a questioning look.

Andy nudged his arm and smiled. “Not that kind, goof. I was sweating buckets and we only pulled two stumps. At the rate we were going, this field wouldn’t be ready to till for a hundred years.”

Unconcerned Rand shrugged. If digging took too long, they would have resorted to burning. Even then it would have taken months to clear the field. “Something for you to look forward to.”

“Not funny,” Andy frowned and tried to pull her hand away. She hated being reminded of her possible lifespan.

“Hey,” Rand tightened his hold. “I’m sorry. I was just teasing.” With his free hand he reached over to grab a wine skin. “Truce,” he said as he showed her what he held.

Andy’s expression softened and cleared. “Are you trying to get me drunk, handsome?”

Rand grinned as he passed her the skin. “Sure. Think it will work?”

“Never know.” Andy uncapped the skin and squeezed a stream of wine into her mouth. She closed her eyes, savoring the sweet warmth as it settled in her belly before handing the skin to Rand.

They passed the skin back and forth in companionable silence as the sky darkened. Rand pulled Andy over so that she was sitting between his legs and leaning back against his chest.

“Everything is changing.” Andy whispered to the star filled sky. She felt Rand nod and tighten his arms around her.

After a long silence, Rand sighed. “The elders talked to me last night.”

For years the elders had discussed appointing a king to lead their growing community. Their people originally fled a land with a bad king. But before that, it had been an acceptable form of government. One person could make decisions and react faster in times of trouble. Andy had been quietly lobbying for Rand to become their leader. He proved himself when marauders attacked the year before. He rallied the fighters to defend the settlement and afterwards organized the recovery effort.

“I know. Corliss came to me yesterday morning.” Andy set the empty skin aside.

“He wanted your blessing?” Rand shrugged. The confused guess was the best he could do.

“The old fool wanted to see if I was interested in the crown,” Andy said disgusted. She was tired of the old man’s hostility towards Rand. Whatever Rand suggested, Corliss opposed. No one knew what the old man’s problem was and most ignored his biting comments.

“What did you tell him?” Rand was resigned to the old coot’s constant harassment.

“That I would be happy to visit for generations to come and watch your descendents rule with honor and compassion.” Andy smirked as she remembered the sour look on Corliss’ face.

“Idiot,” Rand chuckled.

“He just wanted to start something.” Andy relaxed further into Rand’s embrace. The offer incensed Andy, and she launched into a tirade that gathered the attention of half the village. Corliss had been so humiliated he immediately retired to his hut for the rest of the day. Rand hadn’t yet heard about the run-in because he had been out surveying the field.

After another stretch of comfortable silence, Rand kissed the top of Andy’s head. “Pickwick will be here in a few months. He’ll escort you to Fair Tree.”

It had been Rand’s idea for Andy to leave their home and travel to Fair Tree. He convinced Andy that she needed to leave and find teachers capable of helping her hone her powers. The last time Pickwick visited with a trade mission, he extended an invitation to Andy from Queen Lillian to visit. Fair Tree had several magic users who offered training.

“I’m going to miss you,” Andy sighed as she stared down at Rand’s hands.

Rand nuzzled Andy’s ear. “I’m going to miss you too.”

Andy took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She softly patted Rand’s thigh. “You should enter a liaison with Elana. She really likes you.” Andy clenched her jaw feeling sick to her stomach.

Rand stilled at the sudden pain from Andy’s words. It was like someone punched him in the gut. “I’m not sure that would be a good idea,” he whispered.

Andy pursed her lips and blinked her eyes rapidly to keep the tears from falling. “You have to think of the future and that means an heir. Who knows maybe Elana will be the love of your life.”

Rand shook his head. “No. Elana and I may have a liaison,” he paused to swallow the lump in his throat, “but there won’t be love.”

Andy turned in Rand’s arms and buried her face in his shirt. “I wish it had been different.” There was no stopping her tears.

“Me too.” Rand felt his own tears start as he caressed Andy’s cheek. “Maybe we’ll have another chance one day.”


Several months later a crowd gathered in the village center. A member of the elder council placed a newly wrought circle of gold on Rand’s head.

Andy stood proudly at his side. She raised her voice so that all could hear. “The name Rand means leader in the old language. Also, adding Al to a name means first. I present to you Randal, first leader, king of our land.”

Andy stepped aside as the people cheered and clapped for their king. Pickwick came up beside her and watched as well wishers congratulated Randal and shook his hand. Even though he was smiling Pickwick caught a hint of sadness in the new king’s eyes. “Queen Lily will be happy that your people have an honorable leader.”

Andy nodded. “He’s a good man. He’ll build a great kingdom.”

Pickwick clasped his hands behind his back and watched the celebration. “We’ll leave tomorrow morning if that’s alright with you. We can all enjoy the party tonight.”

“That sounds great.” Andy sobered when she noticed someone standing off to the side of the crowd. “If you’ll excuse me, Pickwick.”

Pickwick waved the witch off and watched as she approached a young red-headed woman. He had been introduced to her earlier. Was it Ella? No, Elana. Andy and the young woman stepped away from the throng for a private conversation. After a little while Elana hugged Andy and moved towards the crowd around Randal. Pickwick was puzzled to see Andy slip away and disappear around one of the buildings. ‘I wonder what that was about,’ he thought.


The next morning Pickwick and his men double checked the pack horses. They had gathered shortly after sunrise to organize and load the goods they would carry to Fair Tree. Pickwick had taken particular care with the strawberries he knew were favored by his Queen. He just completed his inspection when Andy came up, leading her mount and packhorse. Rand was beside her.

“Morning, your highness,” Pickwick bowed and chuckled at the man’s embarrassment.

“Pickwick.” Rand rubbed his jaw. “That is going to take some getting used to.”

“Aye, but you’ll learn. Ready, witch?” Pickwick nodded his approval of Andy’s traveling clothes. The homespun tunic and deerskin pants tucked into sturdy leather boots were practical and comfortable for traveling.

“Yep. Ready whenever you are.” Andy patted her horse’s neck.

“It will take us a couple of days to reach the portal. Best be on our way.” Pickwick swung up onto his horse. “Good luck, King Randal.”

“Thank you, Pickwick.” Rand reached up and clasped the man’s hand. Then without a word he picked Andy up in a bear hug and buried his face in her hair. He whispered a few words in her ear. After a moment he set the witch down with a kiss to her forehead.

Andy whispered something in return before smoothly mounting her horse. She joined Pickwick at the head of the caravan. Looking over her shoulder she gave Rand a sad smile while urging her horse forward.

They had traveled about half a league when Andy wiped her eyes. The memory of Rand’s last words repeated in an unending loop. I will love you for the rest of my life.

“Will it always hurt, Pickwick?” Andy’s voice was rough and broken.

“Only if you do it right, lass.” Pickwick sidestepped his horse closer to the witch. “The first goodbye is always the hardest. You get used to it somewhat. But if doesn’t hurt? Then you should worry.”


Five hundred and thirty years later

Andy and Miranda stood off to the side watching as Amira said goodbye to her family. They had already made their tearful goodbyes. Cassidy was crying as she embraced her oldest child. Amira’s brother Terrell wiped the tears from his eyes as he hugged their sobbing sister, Kira. Queen Caroline had an arm around each of her girls, Kellen and Tonya. The three of them were making no attempt to disguise their silent weeping. Finally, Amira kissed her mother’s cheek and joined her grandmother and Andy. The three mounted and waved to the family before turning their horses and trotting off. Andy and Miranda flanked the distressed young witch offering silent comfort.

Amira swallowed the lump in her throat. “Will it always hurt, Gran?” Her voice was rough from her crying.

Miranda gave her a sad smile and sidestepped her horse closer. “Someone told me that the first goodbye is always the hardest, dear heart. You grow accustomed to it somewhat. But the day it no longer hurts is the day you should worry.”

Amira wiped her eyes as she glanced at Andy. “Who told you?”

Andy shrugged and stared ahead, remembering a day so long ago. “It was something Pickwick told me when I first left Eliasa. And he was right, it always hurts.” Andy moved her horse closer and patted Amira’s thigh. “I’m sorry, Amira.”

Amira slowed her horse allowing Andy and Miranda to ride ahead. She turned to take one last look at the distant castle walls. With a final wave she urged her horse after Andy and Miranda.


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