update: a marriage of convenience

Jan 19, 2009 14:14

[a marriage of convenience]
Jon/Tom, NC-17. 40,000 words
Regency AU. Jon was not opposed to marrying to his advantage in principle, but he'd never thought to wed himself to the season's scandal.

Notes: This story's debt to Georgette Heyer is huge and obvious. Many thanks to wearemany, joyfulseeker, and just_katarin for their helpful comments. And an enormous thank-you to imogenics, for all of her help, input and insight with this story from the very, very start -- it never could have existed without her.

[i. the arrangement]
[ii. the wedding]
[iii. the marriage]
[iv. the country]
[v. the dog]
[vi. the return]
[vii. the prodigal]
[viii. the visitor]
[ix. the season]
[x. the race]
[xi. the escape]
[xii. the reunion]
[xiii. the end]

panicfic, marriage of convenience, bandfic, fic

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