Prostitution in the Dominican Republic is legal, but a third party may not derive financial gain from prostitution (brothels or similar establishments are illegal). However, the government usually does not enforce prostitution laws.
The Dominican Republic has gained a reputation of being a major destination for international sex tourism. Sex tourism is common, especially in Las Terrenas, Cabarete, Sosua, and Boca Chica. Child prostitution is a problem, particularly in major urban areas and popular tourist destinations, but there has been a decrease in child prostitution since 2001, with the increase in policing and the decrease in corruption.
We were hounded by well-meaning folks who had gained their 'tourist guide' license and wanted to guide us for a small fee. Heaven forbid you stop long enough to take a picture. If you didn't have a guide with you already, you'd have five trying to vie for your attention, or a child begging, and yes, AgtOrange was stopped a time or two when he was on his own by a sexworker.
Comments 2
The Dominican Republic has gained a reputation of being a major destination for international sex tourism. Sex tourism is common, especially in Las Terrenas, Cabarete, Sosua, and Boca Chica. Child prostitution is a problem, particularly in major urban areas and popular tourist destinations, but there has been a decrease in child prostitution since 2001, with the increase in policing and the decrease in corruption.
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