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Jan 15, 2033 14:05

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layout by ohcodey, profile by milou_veronica. profile header can be found here. mini icons by p.yusukekamiyamane

*public, !introduction post

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Comments 89

evalant89 March 6 2010, 15:37:18 UTC
hi there =) i would love to read your posts on arashi, nowadays, it is really hard to read/find personal opinions about arashi other than spazzing about them >.< i've known all their details and i would love to read more about ppl's opinon about them, criticise, analyse, etc...
i do really hope you can add me back. thanks!
i'm over 18 btw =)


jadeswallow March 6 2010, 16:42:06 UTC
hi back! sure i'll add you!
i'm working on an arashi pimp post right now but there wont be too much critizing there because well...it's a pimp post xD
looking forward to your opinions too..for a start...i dont like troublemaker PV lol


evalant89 March 7 2010, 00:54:36 UTC
thanks! can't wait to read your arashi pimp post *excited*


veridical_dream March 7 2010, 17:38:45 UTC
I chatted to you once along time ago about nino surgery...been busy offline so didnt contact you for ages
i did enjoy the conversation we had and hope we can be friends.


jadeswallow March 7 2010, 19:10:48 UTC
i'll add you back~
but sorry i don't really remember the nino's surgery talk..it must in one of the post in ninodaily or arashi on right? is it after nino was thrown with salt because he always sit in manneguin 5?


veridical_dream March 8 2010, 13:46:06 UTC
Ah it WAS alooong while back
the question of whether NIno had cosmetic surgery done on his eyelids


cassyclim8 April 4 2010, 18:07:12 UTC
hey there! I'm most definitely over 18 lolz! erm i'm within the same age group as arashi. haha

lemme see....

I'm sandee but you may call me cassy since it's easier given my username. I'm an arashi fan too! and Sho is my ichiban


jadeswallow April 4 2010, 18:11:37 UTC
of course you're an arashi fan too xDD

adding you....


ciachan April 5 2010, 01:23:56 UTC
hi, i'm pretty sure i'm +18 yo, and i want friending you if that's okay..

i saw your post here and there and last night i saw ur pimp post on arashi_on and it's awesome so i decided to come to your lj XD

and i'd like to hear some bitching and critizing coz it'll be bored if we always kyaa-ing them..

btw i'm fellow Indonesian too :D


ciachan April 5 2010, 01:30:08 UTC
aahh forgot to say, i'm not a blog person..but i like reading my friends' lj and hope you dont mind :D


jadeswallow April 5 2010, 07:38:41 UTC
hi! i'll add you...
idk why, most indonesians are just lurkers...
but i don't speak indonesian here as i'm trying to practice my english!


ciachan April 5 2010, 14:16:05 UTC
haha because i just dont know how to blog here on lj..

oh it's okay, i dont speak bahasa too here on lj..btw i'm Tricia.. thanks for adding me back :D


lancee_ism April 5 2010, 04:45:47 UTC
me likey your posts. be adding you. hope you dont mind that. :)


jadeswallow April 8 2010, 09:21:32 UTC
added back...


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