Okie dokie.
I was flipping through my favorite links and realized that I had run out of links, hence...yet another return. *headdesk*
Therefore, as I am sitting up VERY laste on a Wednesday night and am fighting the fatigue in order to read John/Teyla fic (which is really hurting my pregnant ass as I have no lappy anymore--in BOTH senses of the
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Comments 4
HUH-UH. It's Teyla/Ronon, all the way baby. Weir/Zelenka, Rodney/Carson. John is always with the misc. space trash that seem to wander through every episode. Even the boys have taken to yelling, 'SPACE TRASH' whenever one shows up, though thank god Max and Luke have no idea what they're yelling. Where have you been that you don't keep up with current events?? LOL
Going to find my breakfast now.
Russ and I had actually only just started watching season 2, as we started collecting the buggers lately. Therefore, the only episodes I'd seen were reruns on Fox. :P
HOWEVER, :D it's not entirely just a Sheylaness going on. Needless to say, I was kinda goin with that until the epi when Ronon comes back to Atlantis. That gorgeous, brooding, I-wanna-screw-your-brains-out stance when he went to Teyla's room?
Me so confusey.
So it's a contest. They're both gorgeous, and I can't make up my mind!!!! *whimpers* I wanna find some fic with John/Teyla/Ronon angstyness, and there just doesn't seem to be one out there. If I felt comfortable enough writing their characters, I'd write one, but right now, I still find SG-1 fic easier to write.
And try as I might, I just CANNOT get into slash. Don't have a problem with it, but I just find it dull. That and my mind sees it enough considering who my friends are (:D).
Well, here's the fanfic.net link. It's been a long ass time since I wrote anything.
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