Fic: Eleven Times Two Equals Trouble

Apr 05, 2010 20:01

Title: Eleven Times Two Equals Trouble
Characters: Amy, Canon!Eleven, Eleven, James (OC)
Summary: James and his eleventh Doctor meet the canon eleventh Doctor and Amy.
Rating: PG13
A/N: I couldn't resist having my Eleven meet the Canon!Eleven.
Spoilers: The Eleventh Hour

"What the fuck?!" James exclaimed, noticing an nearly identical police box materializing next to the TARDIS that he and the eleventh Doctor had just exited. "Doctor?"

The Doctor ran a hand through his streaked blonde hair, forcibly reminding James of his predecessor, and peered at the new arrival. "It appears to be a TARDIS."

"Thanks for that, Doctor Obvious," James said sarcastically. "It's not one of your other incarnations, is it?"

"Shouldn't think so but then again, it could be a future version of me."

"Oh joy! Just as long as it's not your tenth self when you were all emo."

"I was never emo."

James snorted. "Tell that to Martha."

"Fine. A bit emo but I got better."

The door opened, cutting off James' sarcastic retort and a red headed woman, who looked to be in her twenties, stepped out and looked around. She was wearing dark blue jeans and a black top. "Where are we, Doctor?" she asked in an obvious Scottish accent.

A man, also appearing to be in his twenties, stepped out. "Well, Amy, we appear to be in... Oh, hello!" he said, spotting the other TARDIS. "I'm the Doctor." He was wearing a tweed suit and black boots. "This is my companion, Amy."

"I'm the Doctor too," James' Doctor stated, wrapping an arm around James' shoulder protectively. "My companion, James."

"James and Amy. Both red heads," the other Doctor pondered. "Which one are you?"


"Me too."

"What's going on?" Amy asked, looking confused. She started when James wriggled out of the Doctor's grip and walked over to her and sniffed her. "Hey!"

"Human," James stated, moving over to the other Doctor and sniffing him too. "Time Lord. Definitely smells like you, Doctor."

"What?!" both Doctors exclaimed, sounding like the tenth Doctor.

"What the Hell is going on, Doctor?" Amy demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Interdimensional travel!" the other Doctor said. "Simply put, we've crossed over to a different reality where my alternate self looks like a member of a boyband."

"Whereas in your reality you look like a poor man's Giles," James' Doctor retorted.

"Scarily, he looks like an old boyfriend of mine," James muttered, getting a glare from the Doctor standing next to him.

"So something has torn down the walls between realities."

"Rose!" James blurted out, causing everyone to look at him.

"You'd blame Rose for everything," James' Doctor stated although understanding the reason why he said it.

"Why would she come back? I left her with my clone," the other Doctor wondered.

"Perhaps that's the reason! You can't fob off your clones to anyone without expecting a retaliation," James growled with a roll of his eyes. "Or are you forgetting her Glenn Close turn with the dimension cannon?"

"What?! How do you know that?"

"Because I accidentally crossed the time line and got involved with our version of events. Martha, Donna and Jack pwned the Daleks."

"And you touched the jar..."

"Don't remind me."

"Remember when the planets appeared in the sky with Daleks?" the other Doctor asked Amy, who was understandably confused but nodded anyway. "Well, I was in my tenth regeneration then and... I kinda looked like James here, except for the hair. You aren't my son, are you?" he asked, having finally noticed James' looks.

"No way!" James exclaimed in horror. "I'm not any relation to your tenth self... Well, not by blood anyway."

"He's more related to my clone," James' Doctor stated, "seeing as he touched the jar with Donna."

"I got off lucky," James said simply, referring to Donna and what happened to her. He sighed. "Never mind that. Can we sort out this mess and go home?"

"Yeah," Amy spoke up, startling them all. "As cute as you are, James, I'd really like to get back to my own dimension."

"Cute? How do you know we aren't the ones in your dimension?"

"Well, I don't but if you're going to come and demand fish fingers and custard then you've got another think coming," Amy blurted.

"Fish fingers and custard? Who in their right mind wants that?" James' Doctor asked, looking slightly disgusted.

The other Doctor raised his hand. "Guilty. In my defense, it was just after my regeneration so I was a little out of sorts."

"Uh, no thanks," James muttered. "If I get hungry, I can cook something myself."

"My James is a chef," the Doctor who had come with James explained. "Among other things."

"Mostly a chef though," James added. "That's what's on my job description."

"I'm a kissogram," Amy blurted out. "I go to parties and kiss people. It's fun."

"I bet," James' Doctor said with a grin, getting an elbow in the ribs from James. "Ow!"

"Amy whacked me on the head with a cricket bat," Amy's Doctor stated.

"Was he being annoying?" James asked with a snicker.

"He broke into my house. What else was I supposed to do?"

"And handcuffed me to a radiator."

"Being really annoying then?" James amended.


"Just a bit."

"You broke into her house? Were you really that hard up for companions that you have to break into their homes now?" James questioned.

"Long story involving a shapeshifting alien and doors that can only be seen out of the corner of your eye," Amy's Doctor said, waving his hand dismissively.

James turned to his Doctor. "At least you haven't broken into my house yet... You've soniced the coffee machine at work and nearly blown up the platewash, but my home's not been broken into... yet."

"You conked the alien on the head with a large metal mixing bowl," James' Doctor reminded James.

"Two companions that like bashing things on the head..," Amy's Doctor mused with a sideways look at his other self.

"We sure can pick them," James' Doctor answered with a fond smile.

"When you've quite finished comparing stories," Amy said, "how are we going to sort this out?"

character: amy pond, fanfiction, character: eleventh doctor, character: james (oc), series: the james tales, character: canon!eleventh doctor

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