Fic: The Next Day (PG13)

Feb 04, 2010 12:32

Title: The Next Day
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Ianto/James (OC), Ten/James
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Ten, James (OC)
Summary: It's the morning after.
Rating: PG13
A/N: Follows on from "" Scratch 'n Sniff" and " A Little Bit Foxy" and finally my OC makes an appearance.
Spoilers: AU After Exit Wounds

"I'm sorry," James said quietly, leaning on the door frame, watching Ianto prepare the first coffee of the day. The red head was wearing a brown and orange splotchy dressing gown with furry wolf slippers on his feet and his hair looked very disheveled as if he had a rough night. Ianto guessed that's how someone would feel after being stunned and possibly tranquilized to prevent the person in question from trying to bite someone else. And was that guilt that he could see in the red head's brown eyes?

"It's quite all right, James," Ianto said, holding out the red head's coffee to him. "I shouldn't have threatened to withhold the coffee from you. Even in wolf form you're a raving coffee fiend. Don't blame yourself for it."

"A rabid coffee bean?" James asked, raising an eyebrow as he took the coffee from the younger man and trying not to wince as he moved his shoulder. "Been called a lot of things but never that before."

"A raving..," Ianto began before seeing the mischievous twinkle in James' eyes and knew the older man was teasing him. "What are you wearing?" he asked, taking in the red head's attire for the first time.

James looked down at his current outfit with a confused look. "Um, dressing gown and slippers, why? What's wrong with it?"

"The slippers are fitting but that dressing gown should be taken out and shot."

"It's comfy and it doesn't matter if it gets a little frayed around the edges," James stated defensively.

"All right, no need for you to get your boxers in a bunch," Ianto said, holding his hands up in surrender. He had forgotten how cranky James could get in the morning before he had had his coffee.

"I'm not wearing any at the moment," James pointed out between sips of his coffee. "Not wearing anything under this robe."

"Oh? Don't let Jack hear you say that."

"Did I bite you?"

"No. Just scratched me."

"Oh. Are you sure?"


"Well, Jack said, when he finally woke me up, that you commented on how nice he and Martha smelt."

"He woke you up? And he's still in one piece?"

"He did stun me. Presumably to stop me turning you into an Ianto flavoured chew toy. And I'm not that bad in the mornings."

"Don't you remember anything of last night then?"

"Well, not at first but it's slowly coming back to me. It's like getting drunk and waking up naked in bed with your equally naked friend," James said with a raised eyebrow.

Ianto flushed, surprised that James mentioned that. "I see. Does it also include the terrible hangover and everything else?"

"Well, I tend to get a bit stiff... Um, my muscles and joints do," James said, quickly correcting himself. "Then, I'm in need of a good massage."

"And would that be an all over massage?"

"Are you offering?"

"I may not be as good with my hands as the Doctor, but I have picked up a few tricks to relax you."

"I bet you have." James looked around. "Where is the Doctor anyway? He's usually bouncing around like he's got springs on his feet. I thought I saw him briefly when I woke up."

"After Jack woke you up and sent you to me, Jack dragged him into his office so they can talk about us."

"Oh, typical."

"The Doctor, he sat with you all night, stroking your fur. He wanted to make sure you were all right."

"So what was the verdict? Did I infect you or not?"

"Martha reckons that I may have some animal tendencies due to the scratch but I won't change fully. She said that you have extended my life for however long." He paused. "I know you infected her..."

James blushed. "Yeah, to save her life. It's a bit of a sore spot between the Doctor and myself. We've made up now though."

"I see."

"Don't tell me, you thought the relationship between the Doctor and myself was all flowers and chocolates..." James sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and winced as his fingers caught in the tangles. "I need a haircut."

"Soon, you'll be able to tie it back."

"It's a nuisance, a pain in the arse. The Doctor loves it though. Mainly so he can run his fingers through it," James grumbled, working the tangles out with long fingers. His dressing gown opened slightly, exposing pale freckled skin. He noticed Ianto staring at him with a hungry expression on his face. "What?"

"Um, nothing. I just can't get over your dressing gown. It's very bright."

"No, it's not that. You were eyeing me up," James said, feeling shocked and guilty at the same time.

"Well, you are very handsome," Ianto said with a smile. "I wonder if those freckles go all the way down..." He seemed to mentally smack himself in the forehead. "Of course they do. Unless you've got a few more scars to cover them."

"Ianto, please," James said, rubbing his forehead. Sure, he had thought of Ianto a few times at night, but he was willing to just leave that as a fantasy. Drunken nights notwithstanding. It wouldn't be the first time he had woken up in bed with his friend.

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me," Ianto apologised, looking down at his hands. He wondered if the red head was going to speak to him after that.

"It's okay. I think the wolf, while dormant in you, has a bit of an effect on you."

"A bit?!"

"Okay, maybe more than a bit," James conceded. "It'll be very interesting for Jack..," he added with a smirk. "You might have to mark him. Make him part of your pack, so to speak."

"What about you? Am I part of your pack?"

"Um, not exactly. Well, you are but I haven't marked you as such yet."

"Oh, right... How about when they come out, we give them a bit of a show?" Ianto suggested mischievously.

James smirked deviously. "Well, I did scratch you... I suppose I should make it up to you."

"Yes, you should."

"Okay, fair enough."

"Another coffee?"

"Please. I guess I should put some clothes on."

"I'd rather you stay out of them," Ianto muttered, not quietly enough for the red head to not hear him.

"What?! Ianto, I can't stay like this all day. For one, there is bound to be an emergency and another thing, I don't want the Doctor cracking jokes about how I hardly ever keep my clothes on during the full moon."

"Less likely they..," Ianto trailed off as both he and James became aware of footsteps coming down the metal stairs. "Ready?" he asked as he moved over to James and recieved a nod in reply. He clutched the front of the red head's dressing gown and pulled him into a kiss, feeling the red head kiss him back. It wasn't the first time he had kissed James, having been drunk on those occasions, but this kiss was different and it wasn't because he was sober. He wondered if his newly enhanced senses was attributing to this feeling.

James wrapped his long fingers around the lapels of Ianto' suit jacket and held it tightly as he deepened the kiss. He felt Ianto's fingers slide down his exposed skin and shivered under his touch.

Ianto smiled at James' reaction and wondered what the red head would do if he reached for the tie of his dressing gown and pulled it out of its knot.

Ianto never did find out what would have happened as a loud cough interrupted them and Ianto and James pulled apart to come face to face with the Doctor and Jack. "Um, hi," he said nervously.

"Mind explaining?" Jack said, crossing his arms across his chest. Ianto could tell he wasn't mad at them even though his body language said otherwise.

"Yes, please tell us what was going on," the Doctor said.

"I was just saying sorry for scratching Ianto," James stated, facing the Doctor with a challenging look as he tightened the tie on his dressing gown.

"You're making a habit of this, James," the Doctor observed, not sounding upset in the least which surprised James. "I'm beginning to think that you are trying to collect new playmates for yourself."

"I shouldn't have threatened to withhold the coffee," Ianto elaborated, licking his lips.

"This time it was an accident!" James protested.

"Have you claimed him as part of your pack?" Jack wanted to know.

"Yes... I haven't marked him as such yet but I think of him as part of it," James admitted, flushing slightly. "I think he also wants you to be part of it as well."

"Is this true, Ianto?" Jack asked, turning to look at the younger man, getting a nod in reply. "I... I don't know what to say."

"Just say you're touched," the Doctor commented, "and whether you accept or not."

"I am... If we hadn't interrupted, would you have marked Ianto?" Jack questioned James. "I'm not complaining, I would love to watch you two together, but I need to know."

"You would," Ianto muttered.

"Red hair on black hair," the Doctor said, walking over and reaching up to comb his fingers through James' hair, getting a growl in response. "A bit like a pack of playing cards. I like it when your hair is longer than normal, James..," he muttered as James leaned into his hand automatically and closed his eyes.

"Aren't you glad you didn't get to that point yet?" Jack leaned into Ianto and muttered in his ear, indicating the blissful look on James' face. "Or do you wish we hadn't interrupted until after?"

"Doctor! I'm not a puppy!" James protested, pulling away from the Doctor slightly, knowing that if the Time Lord carried on, Ianto and Jack might end up with more than they bargained for. He saw the hurt look on the Doctor's face. "I'll make it up to you," he promised, placing a hand on the Doctor's arm and smiling at the way the Doctor brightened. "Just not in public."

"You're too big to be a puppy," Jack commented, smiling at the way the Doctor and his companion interacted. "But you do like being stroked."

"And too heavy," Ianto added. "Does he pet you often?" he asked mischievously.

"Watch it, Ianto, or next time, I might bite you on the arse," James warned in a teasing tone of voice. "He doesn't usually do it in public because he knows how I react to it... So I guess you two were just lucky."

"Don't let our presence stop you two," Jack said, looking between James and the Doctor. "In fact, you can just carry right on. Pretend we're not here."

"Stop it, Jack. And you too, James. No threatening to bite Ianto in the behind," the Doctor said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Do you want a massage, James?" he blurted out, having guessed that the red head was feeling a bit sore. "I mean, uh, later, in the TARDIS... Alone."

"You bet!" James exclaimed with a grin. "Your bed or mine?"

"Well, my bed is bigger."

"You never invite me," Jack said in a mock sad voice. "Guess Ianto and I will have to make up our own fun."

"It's a date. Ianto knows I was kidding," James said, with a smirk. "Or was I? Maybe I'm just looking for an excuse to sink my teeth into Ianto's arse."

"Can I be there for that?" Jack asked, looking interested.

"You wouldn't. Will that affect me even more?" Ianto wanted to know, curious. "I mean if you bit me while in wolf form."

"I... I'm not sure," James answered. "I think it would just enhance your wolfiness a bit more but don't quote me on that. You might find yourself growling a lot and claiming Jack as yours, especially if there is a threat," he added.

"Ooh, territorial Ianto," Jack said with a shiver. "I think I like the sound of that."

"You would."

"And with you, Jack, Ianto doesn't have to worry about hurting you and vice versa," the Doctor pointed out. "Same with James, Martha and myself."

"At least not physically," James stated. "And just so you know, I reserve the right to kick the ever-living crap out of anyone who hurts any member of my pack," James added with a dangerous smile, allowing the wolf to make a brief appearence in his eyes. "The wolf protects his own."

series: a little bit wolfy, fanfiction, character: tenth doctor, character: jack harkness, character: james (oc), series: the james tales, character: ianto jones

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