Fic: Facing The Music

May 13, 2009 16:39

Title: Facing The Music
Characters: Ten, James (OC)
Summary: James faces the music for what he did to Martha.
Rating: PG13
A/N: Set just before 'Arguments' as that's a follow on from this scene and is during the 'Teenage James' series.
Warning: James is being James. :D

"We need to talk," the Doctor said to James after a lesson as the other students had filed out. He walked over to the door after the last student had left and shut it and came and stood back behind his desk.

"What's up, Doctor?" James asked, already knowing by the look on the Time Lord's face that it was not going to be pleasant.

"We need to discuss what happened on Waywdgglbbihttgvntok."

"I did what I had to do," James answered in a tone of voice which meant there was no room for discussion. He knew this was coming and he knew he deserved it. Guilt had been eating him up on the inside since it happened.

"No, we need to talk right now," the Doctor said, smacking the table in front of him as he glared at James with a dark look on his face. James could see why he was known as the 'Oncoming Storm' in some areas of the galaxy and he involuntarily took a step backwards. "James, you infected her!"

"To save her life."

"You just blindly blundered in and didn't think of the consequences."

"I didn't have time to weigh the pros and cons of my actions," James growled. "She was dying."

"You messed up."

"I know I screwed up," James said softly. "I screwed up badly."

"Oh, you're not wrong there. I should take you home."

"Then do it!" James exclaimed. "Oh wait! You can't due to me being a teenager again."

"I will."

"Fine. You know what, Doctor? I don't need you." James paused and took a look at the Doctor's stormy expression. "I'm sorry for not being perfect and making mistakes. We can't all be perfect."

"As soon as you're back to normal, I'm taking you home."

"Good, then I can get back to my friends and life." James looked at the Doctor's annoyed expression and wondered what he was thinking.

"You've changed her."

"And quite possibly ruined her life. Don't you think I know this, Doctor? Or do you think I'm too stupid?"

"Judging by your actions, I would think so."

"Thanks a lot," James growled, hurt tingeing his voice. "Glad to know that you really appreciate me," he said sarcastically.

"Rose wouldn't have done this."

"No? So I imagined the whole conversation where she absorbed the Time Vortex and brought Jack back to life indefinitely then?"

"That's different."

"Because she's blonde?" The Doctor didn't answer James. "Nice to see that Martha and myself rate lower on the scale to some bleached blonde..."

"James..," the Doctor cut James off before the red head could start with his insults for the former companion. "Rose did it out of love."

"And I didn't?" James blurted out, too angry to realise exactly what he had just said. "Am I the only one in this room who cares whether Martha lived or died?" he asked icily as he leaned forward to fix the Doctor with a glare of his own.


"You have a funny way of showing it," James said angrily. "That was the alternative. In case you haven't noticed, Doctor, I'm a chef, not a doctor."

"I've noticed."

"So you'd rather Martha died? Hmm, I'd like to be there when you tell Francine that," James said, inwardly smirking when the Doctor flinched. "You shouldn't be angry at Martha..."

"I'm not angry at Martha, I'm angry at you. Of all the stupid things to do, James!"

series: teen wolfboy, fanfiction, character: tenth doctor, character: james (oc), series: the james tales

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