Fic: Kissing Barty (R)

Jan 20, 2009 15:19

OK Due to a comment about a sequel to ‘Spanking Barty’, I was inspired to write this but I really don't think it's very good.... Originally posted on 20/02/2006

Title: Kissing Barty
Author: Jade
Rating: R for kissing (Just to be safe)
Pairings: Barty/Tenth Doctor
Fandoms: Harry Potter/Doctor Who crossover
Archive: Yes, please
Summary: The Doctor goes to visit Barty again but he gets more than he bargined for this time.
Spoilers: Contains spoilers for the first five Harry Potter books and the Doctor is in his Tenth regeneration. Set during GoF.
Author’s note: Written for the FUF challenge on dw_slash  and a sequel to ‘ Spanking Barty

Now on with the story...

Hot lips pressed against his and the Doctor found himself slammed against the door of the Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher’s office door, causing a loud bang which echoed around the office. This really wasn’t what the Doctor had expected when he stepped out of the TARDIS this time.

The mouth moved roughly against his, and a tongue licked the Doctor’s lips, causing the Doctor to reflexively open his mouth, granting access. The Doctor found himself kissing back before his senses reasserted themselves and he pulled back slightly and looked into a face, identical to his, which belonging to a Death Eater named Barty Crouch Junior. “What was that for?” the Doctor asked in shock, nervously running his fingers through his hair, ruffling it even more.

Barty smiled and answered, “Well, well, Doctor, I just thought I would say hello.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were pleased to see me,” the Doctor commented, smirking as Barty pressed his body against his. “I’d definitely say you’re pleased to see me.”

“Well, what can I say? You’re very… intriguing to me,” Barty commented, licking his lips.

The Doctor focused his eyes on Barty’s lips and licked his own, lost in thought. He realised that Barty had asked a question. “Hmm?”

“I asked you,” Barty said, running his hands over the Doctor’s chest and paused, as he felt the Doctor’s double heartbeat, “What the hell is that?”

The Doctor smiled. “I never said I was human.”

Barty shrugged. “Double heartbeat, I can deal with that. So how is it you look like me?” Before the Doctor could answer, Barty pressed his lips to the Doctor’s once more and roughly pushed the Doctor against the wall. The Doctor spun them both around, still kissing Barty and pinned him to the door, which shook under the force of the blow. Dust fell on both their heads, but they ignored it as they carried on exploring each other’s mouths. Their hands wandered over each other’s bodies as they kissed, matching each other in their passion.

Barty backed the Doctor towards his desk and forced him on his back, knocking the graded homework onto the floor. The Doctor rolled over until he was on top of Barty and pinned him to the desk using his body weight to hold Barty in position. The Doctor leaned forward and claimed Barty’s lips with his own.

Barty, taking advantage of the Doctor’s shift in body weight, rolled over and fell of the edge of the desk, landing on top of the Doctor with a thump, causing the Doctor to groan loudly. Barty climbed off the Doctor, stood up and helped the Doctor up. “Sorry,” Barty apologised, getting cut off when the Doctor kissed him furiously as he ran his fingers through Barty’s hair, ruffling it. Barty found himself responding, enjoying the way the Doctor’s fingers massaged his scalp. The Doctor trailed his fingers down Barty’s neck and back, causing sparks down Barty’s back in a trail following the Doctor‘s fingers. Barty moved his hands through the Doctor’s hair enjoying the feeling of the Doctor’s deceptively soft hair between his fingers.

“Don’t be sorry,” the Doctor said. “I’m tougher than I look. And so are you,” he added as he grabbed hold of Barty’s coat collar. He threw Barty against the door, pinned him by the arms against it, and kissed him again, stopping when there was a knock on the door that they were leaning against.

“Are you alright in there, Professor?” a young male voice asked on the other side of the door.

Barty coughed and, in his best ‘Moody’ voice, replied, “Of course I am Potter. Why wouldn’t I be?” he looked at the Doctor and added, in his normal voice, “You were going to spank me, weren’t you?”

“Well, it’s time for our lesson and, we heard lots of banging.” the voice answered, sounding embarrassed. “I didn’t realise you had company.”

The Doctor stepped back. “That’s my cue to leave. Remember, Barty, Harry’s a good kid. Just don’t hurt him.”

Barty’s expression darkened but wisely kept quiet. “You know, he is my master’s sworn enemy and I need to keep him alive at least until the resurrection.”

“I know,” the Doctor replied, scowling at the door as Harry’s knocks got even more impatient. “I can’t interfere with history because this is an important year.”

“So why are you here?”

“Well, I got a call saying there was an death eater in the area. I checked the list and you were right on the top.” the Doctor replied.

“Right, and what happens to me?” Barty said, trying to ignore Harry’s pounding on the door. “Oh for God’s sake, Potter. I’m coming!” he half-yelled, hoping Harry wouldn’t notice the change in his voice.

“You better go.” the Doctor commented, running a hand through his hair. He turned towards the TARDIS and walked towards it. “Oh and one more thing, make sure Cedric Diggory doesn’t touch the cup.”

“What? Why?” Barty asked, as he fished out his flask of polyjuice potion and drank it down, shuddering in disgust, as his features twisted into ‘Mad Eye‘ Moody‘s.

“Well, let’s just say… it’s… I can’t tell you. Do try and avoid meeting any dementors. I had a hell of a time restoring you last time.” the Doctor warned, as he unlocked the TARDIS and stepped inside. “I’ll be back tomorrow but tomorrow you’re getting spanked.”

“Looking forward to it, Doctor,” Barty muttered, watching as the TARDIS vanished. Unknown to Barty, the Doctor had planted a seed of doubt in his mind on whether he was following the right person or not. It lay in his mind, dormant, until the right moment came to trigger it. He opened the door to meet an embarrassed Harry. “Right, now Potter, what was all that banging for?” Barty asked. “I almost thought we were under attack.”

“Who was in your office with you, sir?” Harry asked. “I mean if you don’t mind me asking.”

“None of your concern, Potter,” Barty replied, injecting as much of Moody’s personality into his voice as he could. “Now, let’s talk about dark spells.” he said, standing in front of the class, trying, and failing, to keep his mind off a certain Doctor.

The End.

As always, comments are welcome.

Go to the next part in the series ‘ Shagging Barty’ (NC17).

character: barty jr, fanfiction, fandom: doctor who, fandom: harry potter, character: tenth doctor, series: spanking barty

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